Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 548 - Extradition
Section 548.300 - Short title.

Effective - 28 Aug 1953
548.300. Short title. — This chapter may be cited as the "Uniform Criminal Extradition Law".
(L. 1953 p. 425 § 32)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXVII - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 548 - Extradition

Section 548.011 - Definitions.

Section 548.021 - Fugitives from justice, duty of governor.

Section 548.031 - Form of demand.

Section 548.041 - Governor may require investigation.

Section 548.051 - Extradition of persons imprisoned or charged in another state or who have left demanding state under compulsion.

Section 548.061 - Extradition of persons not present in demanding state at time of commission of crime.

Section 548.071 - Issue of governor's warrant of arrest — its recitals.

Section 548.081 - Manner and place of execution.

Section 548.091 - Authority of arresting officer.

Section 548.101 - Rights of accused person — application for writ of habeas corpus.

Section 548.111 - Penalty for noncompliance with section 548.101.

Section 548.121 - Confinement in jail when necessary.

Section 548.131 - Arrest prior to requisition.

Section 548.141 - Arrest without a warrant.

Section 548.151 - Commitment to await requisition — bail.

Section 548.161 - Bail — in what cases — conditions of bond.

Section 548.171 - Extension of time of commitment — adjournment.

Section 548.181 - Forfeiture of bail.

Section 548.191 - Persons under criminal prosecution in this state at time of requisition.

Section 548.201 - Guilt or innocence of accused when inquired into.

Section 548.211 - Governor may recall warrant or issue alias.

Section 548.221 - Fugitives from this state — duty of governor.

Section 548.231 - Application for issuance of requisition — by whom made — contents.

Section 548.241 - Costs and expenses.

Section 548.243 - Waiver of extradition — costs, how paid — return of person, by whom.

Section 548.251 - Immunity from service of process in certain civil actions.

Section 548.260 - Written waiver of extradition proceedings.

Section 548.270 - Nonwaiver by this state.

Section 548.280 - No right of asylum — no immunity from other criminal prosecution while in this state.

Section 548.290 - Interpretation.

Section 548.300 - Short title.