Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 541 - Jurisdiction in Criminal Cases
Section 541.191 - State has jurisdiction over offenses if element of offense or result occurs in state — body of homicide victim found in state, presumption death occurred in state.

Effective - 28 Aug 1987
541.191. State has jurisdiction over offenses if element of offense or result occurs in state — body of homicide victim found in state, presumption death occurred in state. — 1. This state has jurisdiction over an offense that a person commits by his own conduct or the conduct of another for which such person is legally accountable if:
(1) Conduct constituting any element of the offense or a result of such conduct occurs within this state; or
(2) The conduct outside this state constitutes an attempt or conspiracy to commit an offense within this state and an act in furtherance of the attempt or conspiracy occurs within this state; or
(3) The conduct within this state constitutes an attempt, solicitation, conspiracy or facilitation to commit or establishes criminal accountability for the commission of an offense in another jurisdiction that is also an offense under the law of this state; or
(4) The offense consists of an omission to perform a duty imposed by the law of this state regardless of the location of the defendant at the time of the offense; and
(5) The offense is a violation of a statute of this state that prohibits conduct outside the state.
2. When the offense involves a homicide, either the death of the victim or the bodily impact causing death constitutes a result within the meaning of subdivision (1) of subsection 1 of this section. If the body of a homicide victim is found in this state it is presumed that the result occurred in this state.
3. This state includes the land and water and the air space above the land and water.
(L. 1987 H.B. 341 § 1)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXVII - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 541 - Jurisdiction in Criminal Cases

Section 541.010 - Code applicable, when and where.

Section 541.015 - Jurisdiction of associate circuit judges.

Section 541.020 - Jurisdiction of circuit courts.

Section 541.033 - Offenses, where prosecuted.

Section 541.035 - Failure to file reports required by law, where prosecuted.

Section 541.040 - Property stolen in another state, prosecution here, jurisdiction.

Section 541.050 - Stealing — prior trial in other state a bar.

Section 541.060 - Receipt of stolen or embezzled property — trial, where held.

Section 541.070 - Property stolen in one county taken to another, jurisdiction — wrongfully taken, defined.

Section 541.080 - Party wounded in one county and dying in another.

Section 541.090 - Party wounded in this state and dying in another.

Section 541.100 - Wounded in another state and dying in this.

Section 541.110 - Accessory to felony, where indicted.

Section 541.120 - Prosecution in wrong county — duty of court.

Section 541.130 - Jury discharged without prejudice, when.

Section 541.140 - Prisoner to be removed to proper county.

Section 541.150 - Change in venue law applicable.

Section 541.155 - Fraudulent use of a credit device, where prosecuted.

Section 541.160 - Concurrent jurisdiction in certain territories (Missouri).

Section 541.170 - Concurrent jurisdiction in certain territories (Arkansas).

Section 541.180 - Missouri and Arkansas to have concurrent jurisdiction.

Section 541.191 - State has jurisdiction over offenses if element of offense or result occurs in state — body of homicide victim found in state, presumption death occurred in state.