Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 515 - Referees and Receivers
Section 515.645 - Use, sale, or lease of estate property by receiver.

Effective - 28 Aug 2016
515.645. Use, sale, or lease of estate property by receiver. — 1. The receiver with the court's approval after notice and a hearing may use, sell, or lease estate property other than in the ordinary course of business.
2. The court may order that a general receiver's sale of estate property either under subsection 1 of this section, or consisting of real property that the debtor intended to sell in its ordinary course of business, be effected free and clear of liens, claims, and of all rights of redemption, whether or not the sale will generate proceeds sufficient to fully satisfy all claims secured by the property, unless either:
(1) The property to be sold is real property used principally in the production of crops, livestock, or aquaculture, or the property is a homestead, and the owner of the property has not consented to the sale following the appointment of the receiver; or
(2) A party in interest, including, but not limited to an owner of the property to be sold or a secured creditor as regards to the property to be sold serves and files a timely opposition to the receiver's sale, and the court determines that the amount likely to be realized by the receiver's sale is less than the amount that may be realized within a reasonable time in the absence of the receiver's sale.
­­Upon any sale free and clear of liens authorized by this section, all liens encumbering the property sold shall transfer and attach to the proceeds of the sale, net of reasonable expenses incurred in the disposition of the property sold, in the same order, priority, and validity as the liens had with respect to the property sold immediately before the conveyance. The court may authorize the receiver at the time of sale to satisfy, in whole or in part, any lien on the property sold out of the proceeds of its sale if the interest of any other creditor having a lien against the proceeds of the sale would not thereby be impaired.
3. At a public sale of estate property under subsection 1 of this section, a creditor with a lien against the property to be sold may credit bid at the sale of the property. A creditor with a lien against the property to be sold who purchases the property from a receiver may offset against the purchase price its secured claim against the property, provided that such secured creditor tenders cash sufficient to satisfy in full all secured claims payable out of the proceeds of sale having priority over such secured creditor's secured claim. If the lien or the claim it secures is the subject of a bona fide dispute, the court may order the holder of the lien or claim to provide the receiver with adequate security to assure full payment of the purchase price in the event the lien, the claim, or any part thereof is determined to be invalid or unenforceable.
4. If estate property includes an interest as a co-owner of property, the receiver shall have the rights and powers of a co-owner afforded by applicable state or federal law, including but not limited to, any rights of partition.
5. The reversal or modification on appeal of an authorization to sell or lease estate property under this section does not affect the validity of a sale or lease under that authorization to any person that purchased or leased the property in good faith, whether or not the person knew of the pendency of the appeal, unless the authorization and sale or lease were stayed pending the appeal.
6. The notice of a proposed use, sale, or lease of estate property required by subsection 1 of this section shall include the time and place of any public sale, the terms and conditions of any private sale and the time fixed for filing objections, and shall be mailed to all parties in interest, and to such other persons as the court in the interests of justice may require.
7. In determining whether a sale free and clear of liens, claims, encumbrances, and of all rights of redemption is in the best interest of the estate, the court may consider, among such other factors as the court deems appropriate, the following:
(1) Whether the sale shall be conducted in a commercially reasonable manner considering assets of a similar type or nature;
(2) Whether an independent appraisal supports the purchase price to be paid;
(3) Whether creditors and parties in interest received adequate notice of the sale, sale procedures, and details of the proposed sale;
(4) Any relationship between the buyer and the debtor;
(5) Whether the sale is an arm's length transaction; and
(6) Whether parties asserting a lien as to the property to be sold consent to the proposed sale.
(L. 2016 H.B. 1765 merged with S.B. 578)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXV - Civil Procedure and Limitations

Chapter 515 - Referees and Receivers

Section 515.010 - Cases referred by consent.

Section 515.020 - When referred by order of court.

Section 515.030 - Parties may agree upon referees or court shall appoint.

Section 515.040 - Referees to be disinterested parties.

Section 515.050 - Oath of referees.

Section 515.060 - Referees to hear and determine cause without delay.

Section 515.070 - Appointment in case of death or removal of referee.

Section 515.080 - Referees must all meet and conduct hearing.

Section 515.090 - Hearing — notice — adjournments.

Section 515.100 - Service of notices, how and by whom made.

Section 515.110 - Power to compel attendance of witnesses.

Section 515.120 - Service of notices and subpoenas.

Section 515.130 - May compel parties to testify and produce documents.

Section 515.140 - Punishment of parties for contempt.

Section 515.150 - Punishment for refusal to testify.

Section 515.160 - Depositions may be taken and read.

Section 515.170 - Testimony to be written — exceptions to be stated in report.

Section 515.180 - Court may compel referees to hear and report.

Section 515.190 - Report of referees.

Section 515.200 - Exceptions to report.

Section 515.210 - Proceedings on report.

Section 515.220 - Compensation of referees.

Section 515.230 - Compensation of witnesses and officers.

Section 515.500 - Citation of law.

Section 515.505 - Definitions.

Section 515.510 - Court authorized to appoint receiver, when, procedure.

Section 515.515 - General and limited receivers.

Section 515.520 - Notice of appointment, content.

Section 515.525 - Replacement of receiver, when.

Section 515.530 - Bond requirements.

Section 515.535 - Receiver to have powers and priority of creditor.

Section 515.540 - Court to have exclusive authority, when.

Section 515.545 - Powers, authority, and duties of receivers.

Section 515.550 - Estate property, turnover of upon demand — court action to compel.

Section 515.555 - Debtor duties and requirements.

Section 515.560 - Debtor to file schedules, when.

Section 515.565 - Appraisal not required without court order.

Section 515.570 - General receiver to file monthly report, contents.

Section 515.575 - Appointment of general receiver to operate as a stay, when — expiration of stay — no stay, when.

Section 515.580 - Utility service, notice required by public utility to discontinue — violations, remedies.

Section 515.585 - Contracts and leases, receiver may assume or reject — action to compel rejection — consent to assume required, when.

Section 515.590 - Unsecured credit or debt, receiver may obtain, when.

Section 515.595 - Right to sue and be sued — action adjunct to receivership action — venue — judgment not a lien on property, when.

Section 515.600 - Immunity from liability, when.

Section 515.605 - Employment of professionals.

Section 515.610 - Creditors bound by acts of receiver — right to notice and may appear in receivership — notice requirements.

Section 515.615 - Claims administration process.

Section 515.620 - Objection to a claim, procedure.

Section 515.625 - Distribution of claims.

Section 515.630 - Secured claims permitted against estate property.

Section 515.635 - Noncontingent liquidated claims, interest allowed, rate.

Section 515.640 - Burdensome property, abandonment of, when.

Section 515.645 - Use, sale, or lease of estate property by receiver.

Section 515.650 - Receiver may be appointed as a receiver by out-of-state court, when.

Section 515.655 - Removal or replacement of receiver, procedure.

Section 515.660 - Discharge of receiver.

Section 515.665 - Orders subject to appeal.