Effective - 28 Aug 1965
51.150. County clerk to keep accounts and issue warrants — file salary and fee lists — penalty for failure. — 1. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the county commission:
(1) To keep regular accounts between the treasurer and the county, charging him therein with all moneys paid into the treasury, and crediting him with the amount he may have disbursed between the periods of his respective settlements with the commission;
(2) To keep just accounts between the county and all persons, bodies politic and corporate, chargeable with moneys payable into the county treasury, or that may become entitled to receive moneys therefrom;
(3) To file and preserve in his office all accounts, vouchers and other papers pertaining to the settlement of any account to which the county shall be a party, copies whereof, certified under the hand and seal of the clerk, shall be admitted in evidence in all courts of law and elsewhere;
(4) To issue warrants on the treasury for all moneys ordered to be paid by the commission, keep an abstract thereof, present it to the county commission at every regular term, balance and exhibit the accounts kept by him as often as required by the commission, and keep his books and papers at all times ready for the inspection of the commission, or any commissioner thereof;
(5) To compile and keep a list of all salaries and nonaccountable fees received by each elected county official by virtue of his office for each calendar year. The source of each fee shall be itemized, the amount of mileage allowance received shall be reported, and the total fees less expenses shall be shown. Each elected official shall certify and give all of the aforesaid information under oath by affidavit on his office to the clerk of the county commission on or before February fifteenth of each year for the preceding calendar year and any official who fails to do so shall not receive any remuneration for his services until he complies with this provision; the county commission shall not order and the county clerk shall not issue a warrant for disbursement of any money to any elected county official who has not filed his report as provided in this section;
(6) To file a certified list of all salaries and nonaccountable fees received by each elected county official by virtue of his office for the preceding calendar year before March first with the secretary of state and any county clerk who fails to do so shall not receive any remuneration for his services until he complies with this subdivision.
2. The secretary of state shall prepare and distribute to each county clerk of the state not later than January fifteenth of each year a standardized form, with instructions, on which each county official shall file his report. Failure to receive such forms shall not excuse any county official from filing the information as required by this section.
(RSMo 1939 § 13823, A.L. 1963 p. 109, A.L. 1965 p. 162)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 12161; 1919 § 9559; 1909 § 3780
County clerk ex officio budget officer, when, 50.530
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government
Section 51.010 - Office of county clerk created.
Section 51.020 - Election — term of office — commissioned by governor.
Section 51.030 - Certificate of election recorded.
Section 51.040 - Certificate of election to be deposited with secretary of state.
Section 51.050 - Qualifications.
Section 51.060 - Oath of office.
Section 51.080 - Commission may require new bond — penalty for failure to give such bond.
Section 51.090 - Vacancy filled by governor.
Section 51.100 - Location of office.
Section 51.110 - Branch clerk's office, where.
Section 51.121 - County clerk to inspect precincts, report required, when required.
Section 51.130 - To keep official commission reports.
Section 51.135 - County clerk to provide list of local option laws in effect in county.
Section 51.140 - May administer oaths and affirmations.
Section 51.153 - County clerk to assist assessor (second class counties).
Section 51.163 - Report of county clerk to state board of education.
Section 51.165 - Social Security contributions and records — duties.
Section 51.280 - County clerks, duties, compensation (certain first class counties).
Section 51.286 - Deputies and assistants, compensation (third class counties).
Section 51.390 - County clerk to collect fees (third and fourth class counties).
Section 51.410 - Additional fees.
Section 51.430 - Deputies, number, compensation (certain first class counties).
Section 51.440 - Deputies — compensation (second class counties).
Section 51.460 - Deputies, assistants — compensation (fourth class counties).