Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 477 - Supreme Court and Court of Appeals
Section 477.235 - Publications revolving fund established, funding, exemption — sale of publications to public.

Effective - 25 Jun 1981
477.235. Publications revolving fund established, funding, exemption — sale of publications to public. — 1. There is hereby created in the state treasury the "Supreme Court Publications Revolving Fund", which shall be administered by the clerk of the supreme court. All funds received by the clerk from the sale of publications including, but not limited to, an appellate court opinion summary and an appellate court pending issues digest shall be credited to the fund. The state treasurer is the custodian of the fund and shall approve disbursements from the fund at the request of the clerk of the supreme court to purchase goods or services which will ultimately be used in the production of publications.
2. Copies of, or subscriptions to, publications shall be made available to the public by the clerk of the supreme court for a reasonable charge established by him. The charge shall be an amount sufficient to defray the costs of compiling, publishing, and mailing, including all personnel costs. The clerk may waive the charge for a copy or subscription of a publication for any public officer.
3. The supreme court publications revolving fund shall be funded annually by appropriation. An unexpended balance in the fund at the end of the fiscal year not exceeding fifty thousand dollars is exempt from the provisions of section 33.080 relating to the transfer of unexpended balances to the general revenue fund.
4. The general assembly may transfer from the general revenue fund to the supreme court publications revolving fund a sum not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars to enable the clerk of the supreme court to continue publications until sufficient funds have accumulated from sales of copies or subscriptions. The clerk shall issue a warrant to the supreme court publications revolving fund at such time that he deems the balance in the fund sufficient, but not later than twenty-four months after the transfer from the general revenue fund, payable to the general revenue fund of the state to repay the money transferred to the supreme court publications revolving fund from the general revenue fund.
(L. 1981 H.B. 895 § 1)
Effective 6-25-81

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXII - Courts

Chapter 477 - Supreme Court and Court of Appeals

Section 477.004 - Supreme court may answer questions of law certified to it by certain courts, procedure — fees and costs.

Section 477.005 - Supreme court and court of appeals, employees authorized.

Section 477.010 - Supreme court to promulgate general rules for all courts of the state.

Section 477.011 - Supreme court employees to serve judicial council.

Section 477.012 - Rule on jury instruction on child under age ten as a witness in criminal trial, duty of court.

Section 477.020 - Majority decision — special judge appointed, when and by whom.

Section 477.030 - Opinion in writing — where filed — how endorsed.

Section 477.040 - Court of appeals consists of three districts.

Section 477.050 - Territorial jurisdiction of the eastern district court of appeals.

Section 477.060 - Territorial jurisdiction of the southern district court of appeals.

Section 477.070 - Territorial jurisdiction of the western district court of appeals.

Section 477.080 - Appeal to wrong court — transfer of cause.

Section 477.087 - Official station of judges — office space to be provided — travel to and from official station to be a paid expense.

Section 477.120 - Expenditures, how paid.

Section 477.130 - Compensation of supreme court and appellate judges — practice of law prohibited — practice before supreme court prohibited, when.

Section 477.140 - Office and library furnishings — expenditures, how paid.

Section 477.150 - Expenditure for books, how paid.

Section 477.160 - Judges, eastern district court of appeals, number.

Section 477.170 - Judges, western district court of appeals, number.

Section 477.180 - Judges, southern district court of appeals, number.

Section 477.220 - Sessions of southern district of court of appeals — when and where held.

Section 477.231 - Designation of private publication as official reports.

Section 477.235 - Publications revolving fund established, funding, exemption — sale of publications to public.

Section 477.241 - Old official reports, custody, sale, reprinting, disposition.

Section 477.285 - Copies of reports disposed of, when.

Section 477.390 - Supreme court to replace reports lost by fire.

Section 477.400 - Reports to belong to offices.

Section 477.405 - Judicial personnel, court to furnish guidelines for general assembly.

Section 477.600 - Judicial finance commission members, terms, vacancies, compensation — powers, duties, staff.

Section 477.650 - Basic civil legal services fund created, moneys to be used to increase funding for legal services to eligible low-income persons — allocation of moneys — record-keeping requirements — report to general assembly — expiration date.