Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 47 - Townships, Removal of County Seats and Division of Counties
Section 47.330 - Actions — where and how prosecuted in case of division of county.

Effective - 28 Aug 1949
47.330. Actions — where and how prosecuted in case of division of county. — When a new county shall be established, or any county line altered, all suits, actions, process, prosecutions and proceedings, civil and criminal, commenced before any court before the time of separation or alteration, shall be proceeded to final judgment and execution; and all writs and process before that time issued out of any court shall be executed and returned in all respects as if such division, separation or alteration had not taken place; and all judgments then rendered or which may be rendered, in any proceedings, civil or criminal, then commenced, all fees, fines, penalties and forfeitures which have been accrued or become due or which accrued in pursuance of any suit, process or proceeding then commenced, all taxes then due or assessed, and all balances and arrearages shall be collected, and the collection thereof be enforced, in the same manner as if such new county had not been established, or such alteration had not been made; and the sheriffs, coroners, constables and collectors, respectively, shall have full power and authority to execute all writs and process, original and judicial, and to collect all moneys, fines, penalties and forfeitures, fees, taxes, balances and arrearages which may be due or become due, and to enforce the payment thereof from any person within their county, as it stood before such division or alteration, in the same manner that they might have done respectively, if such new county had not been established, or such alteration had not been made.
(RSMo 1939 § 13693, A. 1949 H.B. 2005)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 12034; 1919 § 9436; 1909 § 3653

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government

Chapter 47 - Townships, Removal of County Seats and Division of Counties

Section 47.010 - County may be subdivided into townships — changes.

Section 47.020 - Description of townships to be recorded — where.

Section 47.030 - Removal of county seat — vote of people.

Section 47.040 - County seat commissioners to be appointed if proposition adopted.

Section 47.050 - County seat commissioners — appointment — notice of meetings.

Section 47.060 - Meeting of commissioners to find new county seat.

Section 47.070 - Oath of county seat commissioners.

Section 47.080 - County seat commissioners to select new county seat, where.

Section 47.090 - May purchase land.

Section 47.100 - Donation of money or buildings may be accepted.

Section 47.110 - Deed to be executed.

Section 47.120 - Report of county seat commissioners to circuit court — proceedings thereon.

Section 47.130 - Purchase money, how paid.

Section 47.140 - Proceedings where title is not approved.

Section 47.150 - Vacancy in county seat commission, how filled.

Section 47.160 - Compensation of county seat commissioner.

Section 47.170 - On removal of county seat, commissioner to be appointed.

Section 47.180 - Bond, where deposited, recorded.

Section 47.190 - Town may be laid off into lots.

Section 47.200 - Sales and reservations of lots.

Section 47.210 - Purchase money of lots, how secured.

Section 47.220 - Commissioner for removal of the county seat to make deed, when.

Section 47.230 - Proceedings on default of payment for lots.

Section 47.240 - Prosecuting attorney to prosecute actions.

Section 47.250 - Forfeited lots, how redeemed.

Section 47.260 - Accounts to be kept by commissioner for removal of the county seat — settlements.

Section 47.270 - Purchase money from sales of lots, how applied.

Section 47.280 - County commission to supervise commissioner for removal of the county seat.

Section 47.290 - Compensation of commissioner to find new county seat.

Section 47.300 - Notice of the holding of courts at new county seat.

Section 47.310 - Proceedings for dividing counties.

Section 47.320 - Upon division — payment of indebtedness.

Section 47.330 - Actions — where and how prosecuted in case of division of county.

Section 47.340 - Personal representatives of estate — conservators, settlements, where made.

Section 47.350 - Transfer of unsettled accounts of personal representatives or conservators, when — procedure.