Effective - 28 Aug 2011, 2 histories
469.411. Determination of unitrust amount — definitions — exclusions to average net fair market value of assets — applicability of section to certain trusts — net income of trust to be unitrust amount, when. — 1. (1) If the provisions of this section apply to a trust, the unitrust amount determined for each accounting year of the trust shall be a percentage between three and five percent of the average net fair market value of the trust, as of the first day of the trust's current accounting year. The percentage applicable to a trust shall be that percentage specified by the terms of the governing instrument or by the election made in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection 5 of this section.
(2) The unitrust amount for the current accounting year computed pursuant to this section shall be proportionately reduced for any distributions, in whole or in part, other than distributions of the unitrust amount, and for any payments of expenses, including debts, disbursements and taxes, from the trust within a current accounting year that the trustee determines to be material and substantial, and shall be proportionately increased for the receipt, other than a receipt that represents a return on investment, of any additional property into the trust within a current accounting year.
(3) For purposes of this section, the net fair market values of the assets held in the trust on the first business day of a prior accounting quarter shall be adjusted to reflect any reduction, in the case of a distribution or payment, or increase, in the case of a receipt, for the prior accounting year pursuant to subdivision (1) of this subsection, as if the distribution, payment or receipt had occurred on the first day of the prior accounting year.
(4) In the case of a short accounting period, the trustee shall prorate the unitrust amount on a daily basis.
(5) In the case where the net fair market value of an asset held in the trust has been incorrectly determined in any quarter, the unitrust amount shall be increased in the case of an undervaluation, or be decreased in the case of an overvaluation, by an amount equal to the difference between the unitrust amount determined based on the correct valuation of the asset and the unitrust amount originally determined.
2. As used in this section, the following terms mean:
(1) "Average net fair market value", a rolling average of the fair market value of the assets held in the trust on the first business day of the lessor of the number of accounting quarters of the trust from the date of inception of the trust to the determination of the trust's average net fair market value, or twelve accounting quarters of the trust, regardless of whether this section applied to the ascertainment of net income for all valuation quarters;
(2) "Current accounting year", the accounting period of the trust for which the unitrust amount is being determined.
3. In determining the average net fair market value of the assets held in the trust, there shall not be included the value of:
(1) Any residential property or any tangible personal property that, as of the first business day of the current valuation year, one or more income beneficiaries of the trust have or had the right to occupy, or have or had the right to possess or control, other than in a capacity as trustee, and instead the right of occupancy or the right to possession or control shall be deemed to be the unitrust amount with respect to the residential property or the tangible personal property; or
(2) Any asset specifically given to a beneficiary under the terms of the trust and the return on investment on that asset, which return on investment shall be distributable to the beneficiary.
4. In determining the average net fair market value of the assets held in the trust pursuant to subsection 1 of this section, the trustee shall, not less often than annually, determine the fair market value of each asset of the trust that consists primarily of real property or other property that is not traded on a regular basis in an active market by appraisal or other reasonable method or estimate, and that determination, if made reasonably and in good faith, shall be conclusive as to all persons interested in the trust. Any claim based on a determination made pursuant to this subsection shall be barred if not asserted in a judicial proceeding brought by any beneficiary with any interest whatsoever in the trust within two years after the trustee has sent a report to all qualified beneficiaries that adequately discloses the facts constituting the claim. The rules set forth in subsection 2 of section 469.409 shall apply to the barring of claims pursuant to this subsection.
5. This section shall apply to the following trusts:
(1) Any trust created after August 28, 2001, with respect to which the terms of the trust clearly manifest an intent that this section apply;
(2) Any trust created under an instrument that became irrevocable on, before, or after August 28, 2001, if the trustee, in the trustee's discretion, elects to have this section apply unless the instrument creating the trust specifically prohibits an election under this subdivision. The trustee shall deliver notice to all qualified beneficiaries and the settlor of the trust, if he or she is then living, of the trustee's intent to make such an election at least sixty days before making that election. The trustee shall have sole authority to make the election. Section 469.402 shall apply for all purposes of this subdivision. An action or order by any court shall not be required. The election shall be made by a signed writing delivered to the settlor of the trust, if he or she is then living, and to all qualified beneficiaries. The election is irrevocable, unless revoked by order of the court having jurisdiction of the trust. The election may specify the percentage used to determine the unitrust amount pursuant to this section, provided that such percentage is between three and five percent, or if no percentage is specified, then that percentage shall be three percent. In making an election pursuant to this subsection, the trustee shall be subject to the same limitations and conditions as apply to an adjustment between income and principal pursuant to subsections 3 and 4 of section 469.405; and
(3) No action of any kind based on an election made by a trustee pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection shall be brought against the trustee by any beneficiary of that trust three years from the effective date of that election.
6. (1) Once the provisions of this section become applicable to a trust, the net income of the trust shall be the unitrust amount.
(2) Unless otherwise provided by the governing instrument, the unitrust amount distributed each year shall be paid from the following sources for that year up to the full value of the unitrust amount in the following order:
(a) Net income as determined if the trust were not a unitrust;
(b) Other ordinary income as determined for federal income tax purposes;
(c) Assets of the trust principal for which there is a readily available market value; and
(d) Other trust principal.
(3) Additionally, the trustee may allocate to trust income for each taxable year of the trust, or portion thereof:
(a) Net short-term capital gain described in the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. Section 1222(5), for such year, or portion thereof, but only to the extent that the amount so allocated together with all other amounts to trust income, as determined under the provisions of this chapter without regard to this section, for such year, or portion thereof, does not exceed the unitrust amount for such year, or portion thereof;
(b) Net long-term capital gain described in the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. Section 1222(7), for such year, or portion thereof, but only to the extent that the amount so allocated together with all other amounts, including amounts described in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, allocated to trust income for such year, or portion thereof, does not exceed the unitrust amount for such year, or portion thereof.
7. A trust with respect to which this section applies on August 28, 2011, may calculate the unitrust amount in accordance with the provisions of this section, as it existed either before or after such date, as the trustee of such trust shall determine in a writing kept with the records of the trust in the trustee's discretion.
(L. 2001 H.B. 241, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1151 merged with S.B. 742, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1511, A.L. 2009 H.B. 239, A.L. 2011 S.B. 59)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXXI - Trusts and Estates of Decedents and Persons Under Disability
Chapter 469 - Disclaimers of Property
Section 469.010 - General rule, effect of disclaimer.
Section 469.020 - Disclaimer, how and when made — delivery — right to disclaim.
Section 469.040 - Revocable transfers.
Section 469.050 - Separate interests, disclaimers or acceptance.
Section 469.070 - Contingent interests.
Section 469.080 - Per stirpes transfers.
Section 469.090 - Special rules for interests under old transfers.
Section 469.100 - Special rule for persons attaining majority — transfers after 1976.
Section 469.110 - Chapter not exclusive.
Section 469.120 - Retroactive effect.
Section 469.240 - Definitions.
Section 469.260 - Transfer of negotiable instrument by fiduciary.
Section 469.270 - Check drawn by fiduciary payable to third person.
Section 469.280 - Check drawn by and payable to fiduciary.
Section 469.290 - Deposit in name of fiduciary as such.
Section 469.300 - Deposit in name of principal.
Section 469.310 - Deposit in fiduciary's personal account.
Section 469.320 - Deposit in name of two or more trustees.
Section 469.330 - Cases not provided for in law.
Section 469.340 - Uniformity of interpretation.
Section 469.350 - Short title.
Section 469.401 - Definitions.
Section 469.402 - Applicability.
Section 469.403 - Disbursements to or between principal and income, fiduciary's responsibilities.
Section 469.409 - Bar on claim of breach of fiduciary duty, when — applicable rules.
Section 469.413 - Death of decedent or end of income interest, applicable rules.
Section 469.415 - Rights of beneficiaries to net income.
Section 469.419 - Trustee to allocate income receipt or disbursement, when.
Section 469.421 - Mandatory income interest, undistributed income, paid when.
Section 469.423 - Allocations by trustee — entity defined.
Section 469.425 - Allocations to income or principal.
Section 469.427 - Separate accounting records maintained, when, procedure.
Section 469.429 - Allocations to principal.
Section 469.431 - Rental property, allocation to income.
Section 469.433 - Life insurance proceeds allocated to principal — dividends allocated to income.
Section 469.443 - Sale of timber and related products, allocation of net receipts.
Section 469.445 - Marital deduction, insufficient income, allowable actions.
Section 469.449 - Allocation of collateral financial assets and asset-backed securities.
Section 469.451 - Required disbursements from income.
Section 469.453 - Required disbursements from principal.
Section 469.455 - Depreciation not to be transferred.
Section 469.457 - Principal disbursement, permitted transfers.
Section 469.459 - Taxes to be paid from income or principal, when.
Section 469.463 - Uniformity considered in application and construction.
Section 469.465 - Severability clause.
Section 469.467 - Applicability of sections.
Section 469.900 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 469.901 - Trustee duties, settlor may restrict or expand.
Section 469.902 - Trustee duties and powers — decisions to be evaluated in context of trust.
Section 469.903 - Diversification required, exception.
Section 469.904 - Trust assets, retention and disposition.
Section 469.905 - To whom duty owed.
Section 469.906 - Multiple beneficiaries, duty owed to whom.
Section 469.907 - Restriction on costs.
Section 469.908 - Prudent investor rule, standard.
Section 469.910 - Trust terms and phrases, definition.
Section 469.911 - Applicability of certain sections.