Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 430 - Statutory Liens Against Personalty — Preferred Claims
Section 430.160 - Enforcement of liens.

Effective - 02 Jan 1979
430.160. Enforcement of liens. — The lien provided for in section 430.150 shall be enforced as follows: The person claiming the lien shall file in circuit court, before a circuit or associate circuit judge, in the county in which he resides, a statement duly verified by himself, his agent or attorney, setting forth his account and a description of the property on which the lien is claimed, and thereupon the court shall issue a summons, as in ordinary civil actions, returnable forthwith; and upon a return of the summons, duly served, shall set the cause for hearing at any time after the lapse of one day. If summons be returned "defendant not found", and if it be proved to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant is not a resident of the county, the court shall order a notice of the proceedings to be published for three successive days, in a daily newspaper, if one be published in the county, and if there be none, then once in a weekly, if such be published in the county; and if no paper be published in the county, then by six handbills put up in six public places in the county, notifying the defendant of the filing and the particulars of the account, the description of the property on which the lien is claimed, its whereabouts, and the day and place set for the hearing of the cause, which shall be at least ten days from the day of the last publication of the notice or the posting thereof; and the proof of such publication or of the posting of such notice shall be filed in the court on or before the day of trial. When the defendant shall have been summoned or notified as aforesaid, the cause shall, on the day fixed for trial, be tried as any ordinary case before an associate circuit judge or a circuit judge, as the case may be. If the judgment be for the plaintiff, the court shall order the property upon which the lien shall have been found to exist to be sold to satisfy the same. If the lien be not established, and the defendant shall not have been summoned, or shall not have voluntarily appeared to the action, the cause shall be dismissed at the cost of the plaintiff. If the defendant shall have been summoned, or shall have appeared to the action, and the plaintiff shall have established an indebtedness on the account sued on, but shall have failed to establish the lien claimed, the judgment shall be for the plaintiff for such indebtedness, but the cost of suit, or any part thereof, may be taxed against him.
(RSMo 1939 § 3581, A.L. 1945 p. 1140, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 3191; 1919 § 7251; 1909 § 8239
Effective 1-02-79

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXVII - Debtor-Creditor Relations

Chapter 430 - Statutory Liens Against Personalty — Preferred Claims

Section 430.010 - Definition of vehicle.

Section 430.020 - Liens for storage, materials and labor on vehicles or aircraft — nonpossessory liens on aircraft for labor and material, procedure — failure to file with aircraft registry, purchaser prevails.

Section 430.030 - Lien, for labor or material furnished, on horse, mule or other animal.

Section 430.040 - Vehicle or aircraft, part or equipment — horse, mule or other animal to remain in custody of person having lien.

Section 430.050 - Lien, how enforced.

Section 430.060 - Proceedings governed by laws concerning replevin where not specifically provided.

Section 430.080 - Lien on chattels for labor and materials.

Section 430.082 - Motor vehicles, trailers, vessels, outboard motors, aircraft liens for labor, material or storage, when — nonpossessory lien on aircraft, procedure — lien title obtained, when, procedure — sale of chattel, when — distribution of pro...

Section 430.090 - Sale of unredeemed chattels.

Section 430.100 - Sale — notice — liens combined.

Section 430.110 - Sale of articles — disposition of proceeds — excess to general revenue subject to reclamation by owner.

Section 430.120 - Failure to deliver excess proceeds — penalty.

Section 430.130 - Actions against lienors barred.

Section 430.135 - Chattels worth less than one hundred dollars deemed abandoned after year.

Section 430.140 - Member of armed services — exemption.

Section 430.150 - Lien for keeping or training horses and other animals.

Section 430.160 - Enforcement of liens.

Section 430.165 - Lien for the care of animals lawfully impounded, who entitled to.

Section 430.170 - Owner to advertise terms — publication imparts notice.

Section 430.180 - Publication or posting terms of service sufficient notice of lien on offspring.

Section 430.200 - Giving false pedigree forfeits claim.

Section 430.210 - Lienor may proceed by replevin.

Section 430.220 - Judgment, amount, how enforced.

Section 430.225 - Definitions — distribution of insurance proceeds — limitation on liability.

Section 430.230 - Hospitals to have liens — when, against whom.

Section 430.235 - Hospital liens to be valid against medical benefits paid to public assistance recipients.

Section 430.240 - Notice to be given.

Section 430.250 - Liability for failure to pay hospital.

Section 430.330 - State's claim paramount — exceptions.

Section 430.340 - Liability of executors and administrators.

Section 430.350 - Rights of sureties who pay bonds of insolvent or deceased principals.

Section 430.360 - Wages — payable when — priority of claim for.

Section 430.400 - Definitions.

Section 430.403 - Plastic fabricator's lien on die, mold, form, pattern — fabricator to retain possession, when — priority of lien.

Section 430.405 - Suit to enforce lien, customer's alternatives — counterclaim, effect.

Section 430.407 - Sale proceeds — excess — insufficiency — violation of patent or copyright prohibited — release of mold, when.