Effective - 02 Apr 1997
411.323. Nonterminal warehouseman to receive, inspect, weigh and grade grain — exceptions — may issue receipts for own grain, how. — 1. Every public warehouseman, other than a terminal warehouseman, shall receive for storage or shipment, so far as the available capacity for public storage of the warehouse shall permit, all grain in a dry and suitable condition for storage tendered him in the usual course of business, the grain to be inspected, weighed, and graded by an individual, designated by the warehouseman, competent and qualified in performing these services except that:
(1) The owner and the warehouseman may agree upon a sample taken from the lot of grain to be offered for storage as being a true and representative sample. This sample shall be sent to an official licensed inspector of the Missouri state grain warehouse division and the official licensed inspector who receives the sample shall grade it according to the official U.S.D.A. grain standards and issue a certificate of grade which shall state the name of the owner, the warehouse at which it is stored and the official grade of the grain and the official grade shall be stated on the warehouse receipt. The sample submitted to the licensed inspector shall be held by him for a period of at least ten days from its receipt and in case that either party of the transaction is dissatisfied with the grade assigned, he may have the right to reinspection and appeal upon request. The fees for the inspection of the sample shall be paid by the warehouseman and added to the storage charges of the grain;
(2) The owner and the warehouseman may agree to the grade of the grain to be offered for storage and a warehouse receipt issued on the agreed grade;
(3) The owner or warehouseman may have an official weight, official inspection, and an official grade on the grain to be offered for storage if requested of the department, the expense thereof paid by the person requesting the service.
2. Any warehouseman desiring to issue warehouse receipts for his own grain in store may do so by complying with the regulations governing the methods as prescribed by the director.
(L. 1965 p. 606, A.L. 1997 H.B. 211)
Effective 4-02-97
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXVI - Trade and Commerce
Chapter 411 - Missouri Grain Warehouse Law
Section 411.010 - Short title.
Section 411.015 - Scope of law.
Section 411.020 - Application of law — construction of laws governing warehouse receipts.
Section 411.026 - Definitions.
Section 411.050 - Bond of director.
Section 411.061 - Director not to deal in grain, exception.
Section 411.070 - Director — powers and duties — rules, procedure.
Section 411.100 - Inspectors — qualifications.
Section 411.110 - Weighmasters — powers and duties.
Section 411.135 - Warehouseman to act as registrar of receipts — records to be kept.
Section 411.140 - Personnel of branch offices — appointment — qualifications — duties.
Section 411.145 - Department may conduct grain inspection business outside state, when.
Section 411.150 - Fees, how fixed.
Section 411.160 - Grain inspected and weighed by authorized inspectors — penalty.
Section 411.170 - Certificates shall be evidence — right of revocation.
Section 411.200 - Reinspection.
Section 411.263 - Fee for license.
Section 411.266 - Renewal of license — application, contents of — penalty for late renewal.
Section 411.268 - Schedule of charges to be filed, posted by warehouseman.
Section 411.271 - Examination of warehouse — paid for by whom — discrepancy, effect of.
Section 411.276 - Liability of surety not cumulative.
Section 411.278 - Amount of bond, how computed.
Section 411.280 - Warehouseman's net worth, requirements — deficiency, how corrected.
Section 411.281 - Additional bond required, when — amount, how determined.
Section 411.290 - Insurance required, exceptions — rules and regulations.
Section 411.301 - Director may enjoin violations.
Section 411.311 - Operation without license prohibited, penalty.
Section 411.321 - Terminal warehouseman to receive, inspect, weigh and grade grain.
Section 411.327 - Grain bank grain, how treated.
Section 411.331 - Grain may be withheld from going into terminal warehouse — when — how — penalties.
Section 411.341 - Grain may be stored in special bin — receipt to indicate.
Section 411.381 - Receipts, contents — prima facie evidence of holder's claim to grain.
Section 411.383 - Warehouse receipt register, how maintained.
Section 411.391 - Warehouseman may sell or pledge receipts issued for grain owned by him.
Section 411.401 - Grain accepted for storage in other public warehouse — form of trust receipts.
Section 411.410 - Receipts to be numbered — duplicates.
Section 411.420 - Lost receipts — procedure.
Section 411.491 - Warehouseman must deliver grain, when.
Section 411.511 - Warehouseman should deliver grain, to whom.
Section 411.515 - Inventory required to be maintained — documents required to establish inventory.
Section 411.517 - Records required to be kept.
Section 411.520 - Misfeasance or malfeasance — accepting money — improper influence — penalty.
Section 411.523 - Warehouseman liable for conversion, when.
Section 411.531 - Failure to take up and cancel receipt — warehouseman liable — when.
Section 411.551 - Alteration of receipt — effect of.
Section 411.561 - Receipt marked "duplicate" — meaning of.
Section 411.571 - Transferor of receipt to endorse.
Section 411.581 - Warranties on negotiation or transfer of receipt.
Section 411.591 - Endorser not a guarantor for other parties.
Section 411.601 - Certain devices prohibited where official state weights are given.
Section 411.611 - Issuance of receipt without receiving grain — penalty.
Section 411.621 - False statement — penalty.
Section 411.631 - Issuance of receipt without indicating warehouseman's ownership — penalty.
Section 411.641 - Improper delivery — penalty.
Section 411.651 - Fraudulent deposit of grain and negotiation of receipt — penalty.
Section 411.691 - Fee for public warehouse license, how computed.
Section 411.701 - Director may contract with federal agencies.
Section 411.750 - Safe working conditions to be maintained.
Section 411.755 - Failure to pay fees, effect of.
Section 411.760 - Remedies provided are in addition to and not exclusive.
Section 411.770 - Stealing grain, penalty.
Section 411.775 - Attorney general and prosecutors may prosecute upon complaint.