Effective - 28 Aug 1969
389.795. Walkways and handrails on bridges and trestles. — In cases in which the motor carrier and railroad safety division of the department of economic development finds the same to be practical and necessary for safety of railroad employees, bridges and trestles, over and upon which railroad trains are operated, shall include as a part thereof, safe and suitable walkway and handrail on one side only of such bridge or trestle, and such handrail shall be located at the outer edge of said walkway and shall provide a clearance of not less than eight feet, six inches, from the center line of the nearest track, measured at right angles thereto.
(L. 1959 H.B. 301 § 1, A.L. 1969 H.B. 409)
Division of motor carrier and railroad safety abolished, duties and functions transferred to highways and transportation commission and department of transportation, 226.008
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXV - Incorporation and Regulation of Certain Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 389 - Regulation of Railroad Corporations
Section 389.005 - Division, transferred to department of transportation.
Section 389.007 - Official Missouri railroad, when designated.
Section 389.060 - Ejection of passengers, when lawful.
Section 389.320 - Pooling prohibited.
Section 389.540 - Shipments of grain in bulk.
Section 389.550 - Consignments to elevators declared temporary.
Section 389.560 - Time allowed for removing grain from cars.
Section 389.620 - Railroads required to pave right-of-way at street crossings.
Section 389.630 - Railroad failing to pave, city to proceed, how.
Section 389.645 - Crossing in city, town or village, division may regulate, when.
Section 389.650 - Lawful fences, gates, who may build — trespassers.
Section 389.653 - Trespass to railroad property, penalties.
Section 389.670 - Storm sewers along railroad right-of-way in cities or towns under 30,000.
Section 389.680 - Railroad storm sewers — intersection with city sewer system.
Section 389.690 - Railroad storm sewers — liability for damages — penalties.
Section 389.700 - Application of sections 389.700 to 389.730 — term railroad defined.
Section 389.710 - Lights to be placed on certain switches, when, by whom.
Section 389.730 - Liability for noncompliance — action for damages.
Section 389.790 - Safety switch appliances and guard rails to be maintained — penalty.
Section 389.795 - Walkways and handrails on bridges and trestles.
Section 389.797 - Employee walkways to be kept clear, enforcement.
Section 389.800 - Contributory negligence not to relieve from liability.
Section 389.810 - Engines to be equipped with power drive wheel brakes.
Section 389.820 - Safety appliances — automatic couplers.
Section 389.830 - Standard drawbars to be used — height of same.
Section 389.840 - Cars to be equipped with air or power brakes.
Section 389.850 - Application of provisions of sections 389.810 to 389.870.
Section 389.860 - Penalty for violation of sections 389.810 to 389.870 — suit, where brought.
Section 389.870 - Employee not guilty of contributory negligence, when.
Section 389.900 - Locomotives to be equipped with electric headlights — power of same — exceptions.
Section 389.920 - First aid kits, duty of railroad to provide — rules regulating.
Section 389.990 - Bell and whistle at crossings — penalty.
Section 389.991 - Definitions.
Section 389.992 - Division of motor carrier and railroad safety regulations.
Section 389.996 - Investigation of accidents, notice of an accident.
Section 389.999 - Causes of action existing prior to August 13, 1988.