Effective - 28 Aug 1977
386.071. General counsel authorized, qualifications, duties. — The public service commission may appoint and fix the compensation of a general counsel to serve at the pleasure of the commission. He shall be an attorney at law and shall have resided in this state prior to his* appointment. It shall be the duty of the general counsel for the commission to represent and appear for the commission in all actions and proceedings involving any question under this or any other law, or under or in reference to any act, order, decision or proceeding of the commission, and if directed to do so by the commission, to intervene, if possible, in** any action or proceeding in which any such question is involved; to commence and prosecute in the name of the state all actions and proceedings, authorized by law and directed or authorized by the commission, and to expedite in every way possible, to final determination all such actions and proceedings; to advise the commission and each commissioner, when so requested, in regard to all matters in connection with the powers and duties of the commission and the members thereof, and generally to perform all duties and services as attorney and counsel to the commission which the commission may reasonably require of him.
(L. 1977 H.B. 42 & 157)
*Word "this" appears in original rolls.
**Word "if" appears in original rolls.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXV - Incorporation and Regulation of Certain Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 386 - Public Service Commission
Section 386.010 - Short title of law.
Section 386.020 - Definitions.
Section 386.030 - Chapter not applicable to interstate commerce.
Section 386.040 - Commission established.
Section 386.050 - Appointment of commissioners — qualifications — tenure.
Section 386.060 - Removal of commissioners.
Section 386.071 - General counsel authorized, qualifications, duties.
Section 386.090 - Secretary to the commission — duties.
Section 386.110 - Oath of office — eligibility of commissioners and officers.
Section 386.125 - Public service commission, rulemaking authority.
Section 386.130 - Organization of commission — quorum — powers of a commissioner.
Section 386.140 - Chairman — his powers.
Section 386.145 - Records destroyed, when.
Section 386.160 - Payment of salaries and expenses.
Section 386.170 - Publications commission, powers.
Section 386.180 - Duties of publications commission.
Section 386.230 - Act as arbitrators.
Section 386.240 - Powers of commission, how exercised.
Section 386.250 - Jurisdiction of commission.
Section 386.260 - Commission to fix units of service.
Section 386.270 - All orders prima facie lawful and reasonable.
Section 386.280 - Orders to be written — recording — effect — utility office, where kept.
Section 386.290 - Certified copies of papers filed to be evidence.
Section 386.300 - Fees authorized — deposited, where, how.
Section 386.320 - General supervision of telegraph and telephone corporations.
Section 386.380 - Reports of commission.
Section 386.400 - Utilities, corporations and persons may file complaint.
Section 386.430 - Burden of proof on adverse party.
Section 386.450 - Inspection of out of state records.
Section 386.460 - Refusal to attend or produce books or papers, guilty of misdemeanor — penalty.
Section 386.470 - Immunity of witnesses to prosecution.
Section 386.480 - Information not to be divulged — exception — penalty.
Section 386.490 - Service and effect of orders.
Section 386.500 - Rehearing before commission.
Section 386.510 - Review by appellate court.
Section 386.515 - Rehearing, procedure.
Section 386.520 - Appeal, pendency of, staying or suspending operation, when.
Section 386.530 - Priority over other civil cases in court actions granted.
Section 386.550 - Orders to be conclusive.
Section 386.560 - Mishandling records — false statements — penalty — order provisions.
Section 386.570 - Violation of orders — penalty — act of employee declared act of public utility.
Section 386.580 - Employee of public utility guilty of misdemeanor, when.
Section 386.590 - Penalties cumulative.
Section 386.600 - Actions to recover penalties or forfeitures.
Section 386.610 - Substantial compliance with requirements of this chapter sufficient.
Section 386.700 - Public counsel authorized — qualifications — compensation, how fixed.
Section 386.710 - Powers of public counsel.
Section 386.754 - Definitions.
Section 386.756 - Utilities prohibited from engaging in HVAC services, exceptions, penalty.
Section 386.762 - Authority of public service commission.