Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 379 - Insurance Other Than Life
Section 379.1818 - Notice of termination, contents — conversion to individual policy, when — inapplicability.

Effective - 01 Jan 2022
379.1818. Notice of termination, contents — conversion to individual policy, when — inapplicability. — 1. Each employee or member covered under the master policy whose coverage thereunder terminates for any reason other than the failure to make required contributions toward premiums or at the request of the employee or member, shall receive from the insurer thirty days' prior written notice of termination or ineligibility. The notice shall state the reasons for discontinuance of coverage under the master policy, and shall explain the employee's or member's options for conversion to an individual policy.
2. If, within thirty days after receipt of notice of termination or ineligibility, application is made and the first premium is paid to the insurer, the employee or member shall be entitled to have issued to him or her by the insurer, or an affiliate within the same group of insurers, an individual policy, effective upon termination or ineligibility, with coverages and limits at least equal to the minimum coverages and limits of insurance as required by the applicable state law.
3. No individual notice of termination as provided in subsection 1 of this section and no conversion privilege as provided in subsection 2 of this section shall be required if the master policy is replaced by another master policy within thirty days. Coverage under the prior master policy shall terminate when the replacement master policy becomes effective.
(L. 2021 H.B. 604 merged with S.B. 6)
Effective 1-01-22

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions

Chapter 379 - Insurance Other Than Life

Section 379.005 - Definitions.

Section 379.125 - Reinsurance.

Section 379.130 - Insurance claims, percentage of fault not to be assigned based solely on operation of a motorcycle.

Section 379.140 - Total loss of real property — full amount of policy less any deductible to be paid — inapplicability, when — multiple policies, effect on recovery — commercial buildings, policy covering two or more, recovery amount.

Section 379.150 - Partial loss by fire — standard fire insurance policy language, option for settlement of loss.

Section 379.155 - Coinsurance provisions declared void — exception.

Section 379.160 - Form of policy to be filed — coinsurance clause.

Section 379.165 - Construction of warranties of fact made in application.

Section 379.170 - Construction of warranties of fact incorporated in policy.

Section 379.175 - Evasion of sections prohibited.

Section 379.180 - Adjustments and examination of books to be made at place of loss.

Section 379.185 - After notice of loss, company to furnish blanks.

Section 379.190 - Failure to furnish blank forms deemed waiver.

Section 379.195 - Accident insurance liability fixed, when — cancellation prohibited.

Section 379.200 - Judgment creditor may collect insurance, when.

Section 379.201 - Motor vehicle policies to include coverage of owner and vehicle loaned for demonstration or during repairs.

Section 379.203 - Automobile liability policy, required provisions — uninsured motorist coverage required — recovery against tort-feasor, how limited.

Section 379.204 - Underinsured motor vehicle coverage, construction of policy.

Section 379.010 - Number of incorporators required — classes of insurance — capital and surplus requirements, phase-in.

Section 379.011 - Documents required for insurance transactions or proof of coverage by electronic means permitted, when, requirements — inapplicability — withdrawal of consent, no additional fees for paper records — discounts.

Section 379.012 - Insurance forms and endorsements may be available on insurer's website, when, requirements — rulemaking authority.

Section 379.017 - Combined risk policies authorized — single premium may be lower than aggregate coverage rates.

Section 379.025 - Plans for formation of companies — name — prohibitions.

Section 379.030 - Declaration preliminary to organizing.

Section 379.035 - Articles of incorporation for stock companies.

Section 379.040 - Declaration, approval, filing — certificate of incorporation — subscription of stock.

Section 379.050 - Examination and certification of stocks, by whom.

Section 379.055 - Director to give certificate — to be filed — evidence.

Section 379.060 - Charter of mutual companies.

Section 379.065 - Organization of corporation — procedure — fee.

Section 379.070 - Director to examine subscriptions, policyholders' surplus.

Section 379.075 - Authority to commence business, when, how issued.

Section 379.080 - Capital and surplus of stock or mutual company, investments authorized — violation, penalty.

Section 379.082 - Property and liability companies, assets — requirements, standards.

Section 379.083 - Insurer investment in investment pools permitted, when — limitations — custodial and pooling agreements.

Section 379.085 - Mutual companies doing fire and marine business, agreements and securities — violation, penalty.

Section 379.090 - Premium notes, how payable.

Section 379.095 - Assessment of premium notes.

Section 379.098 - Securities to be deposited by all companies, kind and amount.

Section 379.100 - Director to receive deposits.

Section 379.102 - Unearned premium and loss reserves, maintained as liabilities.

Section 379.105 - Annual reports — contents.

Section 379.108 - Form of certificate to be filed with director — definitions — contents — standard forms — false or misleading information prohibited — applicability — fee — violations, effect of — rulemaking authority.

Section 379.110 - Definitions.

Section 379.112 - Provisions of policy covered.

Section 379.114 - Reasons for cancellation.

Section 379.116 - Refusal to insure or exclusion of named persons, when.

Section 379.118 - Notice of cancellation and renewals, due when — reinstatement, when — exemption, when.

Section 379.120 - Explanation of refusal to write a policy, how given, contents — exemption, when.

Section 379.121 - Definitions.

Section 379.122 - Refusal to issue policy based on the lack of prior motor vehicle coverage prohibited, when — military member protections, notification required.

Section 379.123 - Violation deemed unfair trade practice.

Section 379.205 - Mutual companies other than life and fire insurance.

Section 379.210 - Articles of incorporation shall specify what.

Section 379.215 - Name must contain the word "mutual".

Section 379.220 - Submitted to director — proof of publication — certificate may be issued — amendment of articles.

Section 379.225 - Company to have legal existence from date of certificate — insurance in force, when.

Section 379.230 - Contracts of insurance and reinsurance.

Section 379.235 - License required — conditions to be complied with.

Section 379.240 - Who may hold policies.

Section 379.245 - Voting power of members.

Section 379.250 - Premiums.

Section 379.255 - Assets, how invested.

Section 379.257 - Deposit of securities required of mutual companies other than life and fire.

Section 379.260 - Reserves.

Section 379.263 - Mutual companies other than life and fire to file statement of affairs, when.

Section 379.265 - Assessments to meet reserve deficiencies.

Section 379.270 - Director may advance money.

Section 379.275 - Policies need not be countersigned — conditions.

Section 379.290 - Tax to be paid upon premiums.

Section 379.295 - Returns and assessment to be made by director — collection and disposition of tax by the director of revenue.

Section 379.300 - Failure to make return — director to proceed.

Section 379.316 - Scope of act (section 379.017 and sections 379.316 to 379.361).

Section 379.318 - Rates, how made.

Section 379.321 - Rating plans to be filed with director, when — informational filings.

Section 379.323 - Rating organization defined — license, application for, contents — subscribers, how treated.

Section 379.326 - Deviation, how filed, effective when — open to public inspection.

Section 379.328 - Advisory organization defined — required filings — hearings on activities, discontinuance orders.

Section 379.331 - Joint underwriting regulated — hearings, discontinuance order, when.

Section 379.333 - Insurers may act in concert to make rates.

Section 379.336 - Insurers with common management may act in concert to make rates.

Section 379.338 - Agreement to adhere prohibited, exception.

Section 379.341 - Exchange of information approved.

Section 379.343 - Examinations by director, when, how conducted, cost how paid.

Section 379.346 - Examination, purpose of — hearing — order.

Section 379.348 - Review of rate, rating plan or system, how obtained.

Section 379.351 - Approval by director of rules and plans, when — exchange of information with director — director may make rules and regulations.

Section 379.353 - Withholding of information or giving false or misleading information prohibited, penalty.

Section 379.356 - Excessive premiums and rebates prohibited.

Section 379.359 - Commissions paid to brokers or agents not affected.

Section 379.361 - Violations, penalties.

Section 379.402 - Property and casualty insurance, free or discounted products or services permitted, when — rulemaking authority.

Section 379.404 - Commercial property and casualty insurance — rebates, discounts, gifts prohibitions not applicable, exception to exclusion.

Section 379.420 - Citation of law.

Section 379.425 - Law applicable to certain classes of insurance — exceptions.

Section 379.430 - Insurers may act in concert with respect to rates.

Section 379.435 - Rating organization defined.

Section 379.440 - Rating organization must be licensed — who may apply — content of application.

Section 379.445 - Requirements to obtain and retain license.

Section 379.450 - Director to grant or deny license.

Section 379.455 - Advisory organizations.

Section 379.460 - Joint underwriting groups.

Section 379.465 - Exchange of information — agreement to rates.

Section 379.470 - Provisions governing rates.

Section 379.475 - Director to examine — powers — cost — director may accept examination by other state.

Section 379.480 - Purpose of examination — hearing — orders.

Section 379.485 - Penalties for failure to comply — powers of director.

Section 379.490 - May use rating plans or systems.

Section 379.495 - Payment of dividends not regulated.

Section 379.500 - Freedom of contract for fees not restricted.

Section 379.505 - Hearings on orders — notice — rules of pleading and evidence — review — effective date of order.

Section 379.510 - Penalty for violation of orders.

Section 379.515 - May reorganize and extend corporate existence.

Section 379.520 - Content of articles of association.

Section 379.525 - Additional requirements for articles of association.

Section 379.530 - Special meeting to be called — notice.

Section 379.535 - Propositions for reorganization and extension of corporate existence to be voted on.

Section 379.540 - Articles to be acknowledged and declaration of proceeding to be made.

Section 379.545 - Duty of director.

Section 379.550 - Board to accept certificate — file with secretary of state — fee — new board — notify director.

Section 379.555 - Examination of company and certificate to do business.

Section 379.560 - Value of equitable interests of nonassenting stockholders or policyholders to be paid to them.

Section 379.565 - Suit in circuit court to determine value.

Section 379.570 - Publication of notice — proceedings.

Section 379.575 - Who may appear — proceedings, how governed.

Section 379.580 - Costs — by whom paid.

Section 379.585 - Company having special charter may accept general insurance laws.

Section 379.590 - Content of articles of association.

Section 379.595 - Additional requirements of articles of association.

Section 379.600 - Special meeting to be called — notice.

Section 379.605 - Proposition to surrender to be voted on.

Section 379.610 - Acknowledgment and declaration to be made.

Section 379.615 - Duty of director.

Section 379.620 - Acceptance by resolution of directors.

Section 379.625 - Certificate to do business.

Section 379.650 - Exchange of reciprocal or interinsurance contracts authorized — classes of insurance allowed.

Section 379.660 - Contracts to be executed through attorney in fact.

Section 379.670 - Application for license, contents — requirements.

Section 379.680 - Service of process on director — method.

Section 379.690 - Statement of condition and affairs may be required by director — restriction on liability of members.

Section 379.700 - Reserves required.

Section 379.710 - Surplus required — claim reserve fund — phase-in of requirements.

Section 379.720 - Deficiency how made up — net premium and deposit defined.

Section 379.730 - Annual statement of financial condition required.

Section 379.740 - Corporations generally empowered to become subscribers.

Section 379.750 - Certificate of authority from director required — license may be revoked or suspended — renewal.

Section 379.770 - Mergers or consolidation of reciprocal exchanges or interinsurers.

Section 379.780 - Exemption from other insurance laws except retaliatory law, and certain enumerated sections.

Section 379.790 - Penalty for acting without legal authority.

Section 379.800 - Sections 374.030 to 379.790 intended as a continuation of existing law.

Section 379.808 - Insurance policies on certain real property — beneficiary deemed insured, duration, others covered not affected, when.

Section 379.810 - Program established.

Section 379.815 - Definitions.

Section 379.820 - Inspections and reports.

Section 379.825 - Issuance of policy, when — appointment of liability assumed — expenses — limits on liability.

Section 379.827 - Sinkhole loss policies authorized.

Section 379.830 - Procedure after inspection and submission.

Section 379.835 - Joint reinsurance association.

Section 379.840 - Standard policy coverage and rating procedure.

Section 379.845 - Cancellation or nonrenewal.

Section 379.850 - Right of appeal.

Section 379.855 - Commissions.

Section 379.860 - Administration of program — governing committee, members, vacancies — immunity from liability, when.

Section 379.865 - Annual and special meetings.

Section 379.870 - Duties of the committee.

Section 379.875 - Statistics to be kept, reports.

Section 379.880 - Public education.

Section 379.882 - Definitions for sections 379.882 to 379.886.

Section 379.883 - Policy cancellation or nonrenewal requirement of sixty days prior to notification — notice content.

Section 379.884 - Policyholder's right to history of policy, when.

Section 379.885 - Proof of mailing notice of cancellation or nonrenewal.

Section 379.886 - Cancellation or nonrenewal of entire line or class of insurance requires ninety days' prior notice to director.

Section 379.888 - Definitions for sections 379.888 to 379.893 — notice to insured, when — department to notify insurers.

Section 379.889 - Rates not to be excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory — unfair discrimination defined.

Section 379.890 - Rates, rate plan or rate system filing, when — required actuarial data.

Section 379.893 - Rules and regulations on modification of rate base, authority of director — procedure.

Section 379.895 - Annual report by commercial casualty insurance companies — form — content of report — exceptions.

Section 379.901 - Prepaid service plan defined — agent soliciting memberships, disclosures.

Section 379.930 - Small employer health insurance availability act — definitions.

Section 379.932 - Applicability of act, conditions — treatment as single carrier or separate carrier — ceding agreements prohibited, when.

Section 379.934 - Establishment of class of business, reasons — number of classes that may be established — promulgation of rules for period of transition — establishment of additional classes.

Section 379.936 - Premium rates, subject to conditions — no transfer out of class of business — disclosure required, contents — rating and renewal records required to be kept.

Section 379.938 - Renewability, exceptions — carrier not renewing prohibited from writing new business in market, when — application of section in certain geographic areas.

Section 379.940 - Carriers to offer all health plans in market — health benefit plans, requirements — exclusion of coverage for certain employees.

Section 379.946 - Board report, contents, recommendations.

Section 379.948 - Certain law not to apply to basic health benefit plan.

Section 379.950 - Director to promulgate rules, procedure.

Section 379.952 - Carriers to market plan coverage — agent or broker, prohibited activities, exception — variance in compensation prohibited, exceptions — carriers, prohibited activities — denial of application, requirements — penalty — applicability...

Section 379.975 - Insurer to provide information, when.

Section 379.978 - Written disaster plan, insurer to develop, contents.

Section 379.980 - Reorganization of domestic mutual insurance company, authority.

Section 379.982 - Formation of holding company, application — shareholder approval — issuance of shares.

Section 379.985 - Member's interest — nontransference of membership — immunity from liability — assessments, not imposed — security, membership interest.

Section 379.987 - Nonapplicability of certain provisions of insurance holding companies law — incorporation of mutual holding company, authority, approval — powers of mutual holding company, engaging in business of insurance, no authority, affiliatio...

Section 379.988 - Mutual holding company subject to supervision of director, dissolution or liquidation — demutualization.

Section 379.1300 - Definitions.

Section 379.1302 - Licensure — prohibited acts — requirements for conducting business — application requirements.

Section 379.1304 - Adoption of a name, deceptive practice.

Section 379.1306 - Capital and surplus requirements.

Section 379.1308 - Approval for payment of dividends required.

Section 379.1310 - Incorporation as a stock insurer permitted, when.

Section 379.1312 - Reports required.

Section 379.1314 - Inspections, when.

Section 379.1316 - Suspension or revocation of licensure, when.

Section 379.1318 - Investment requirements, compliance with.

Section 379.1320 - Reinsurance may be provided, when.

Section 379.1322 - Rating organizations, company not required to join.

Section 379.1324 - Prohibitions on joining or contributing to certain entities and funds.

Section 379.1326 - Premium tax imposed, amount, procedure.

Section 379.1328 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 379.1330 - Inapplicability of insurance laws to captive insurance companies.

Section 379.1332 - Promotion of captive insurance, moneys from dedicated insurance fund to be used.

Section 379.1336 - Insurance reorganization, receivership and injunctions provisions — applicability to captive insurance companies.

Section 379.1338 - Standards for risk management of controlled unaffiliated business.

Section 379.1339 - Conversion to reciprocal insurer, when, procedure.

Section 379.1340 - Branch captive may be established, when.

Section 379.1342 - Trust fund required for branch captive insurance company.

Section 379.1344 - Certificate for branch captive insurance companies.

Section 379.1346 - Reports and statements of branch captive insurance companies to be filed with director.

Section 379.1348 - Examination of branch captive insurance companies, limitations.

Section 379.1350 - Applicability of tax to branch companies.

Section 379.1351 - Sponsored captive insurance companies, may be formed by whom — definitions — requirements.

Section 379.1353 - Definitions.

Section 379.1356 - Inapplicability of insurance laws.

Section 379.1359 - License application — requirements for transaction of business — licensure requirements — issuance of license, fee.

Section 379.1361 - Plan of operation to be filed, contents.

Section 379.1364 - License fee, amount.

Section 379.1367 - Approval of application, findings by director.

Section 379.1370 - Corporate status of company.

Section 379.1373 - Limitation on activities and name — number of incorporators required.

Section 379.1376 - Contract requirements.

Section 379.1379 - Swap agreements permitted.

Section 379.1382 - Issuance of securities — approved activities by director.

Section 379.1385 - Management of assets.

Section 379.1388 - Recognition of admitted assets — value of assets.

Section 379.1391 - Prohibited acts.

Section 379.1394 - Dividend-payments, limitations.

Section 379.1397 - Changes in plan of operation, directors approval required.

Section 379.1400 - Affiliated agreements to be filed with director.

Section 379.1403 - Audited financial report required, requirements.

Section 379.1406 - Examination required, when, procedure.

Section 379.1409 - Record-keeping requirements.

Section 379.1412 - Premium tax required, amount, procedure.

Section 379.1415 - Confidentiality of records, exceptions.

Section 379.1418 - Grounds for liquidation — granting of relief, management of assets.

Section 379.1421 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 379.1500 - Definitions.

Section 379.1505 - Vendor license required — application, fee — termination date.

Section 379.1510 - Authorization to sell, vendor responsibilities — eligibility and underwriting standards — supervising business entity to be appointed, purpose — training requirements — collection of charges.

Section 379.1515 - Insurance producers act, applicability of.

Section 379.1520 - Sanctioning of license, when — penalties, when.

Section 379.1525 - Vendor investigation and examination requirements.

Section 379.1530 - Premiums, received by insurer, when — proof of purchase, insurer may require.

Section 379.1535 - Violations, director's authority.

Section 379.1540 - Supervising business entity, sanctioning of license, when.

Section 379.1545 - Insurers, permissible acts.

Section 379.1550 - Rulemaking authority — effective date.

Section 379.1640 - Self-service storage--definitions--offer of insurance, requirements--prohibited acts--limitation on policy amount--rulemaking authority.

Section 379.1700 - Definitions.

Section 379.1702 - Primary automobile insurance to be maintained, requirements — lapsed coverage, effect of — proof of insurance required.

Section 379.1704 - Disclosure of insurance coverage, how made.

Section 379.1706 - Disclosure statement — display.

Section 379.1708 - Exclusions and limitations on coverage.

Section 379.1800 - Description of authorized group personal lines property and casualty insurance — requirements.

Section 379.1803 - Master policy issuance, certificates — content of master policy.

Section 379.1806 - Basic package of coverages and limits, additional coverages or limits — reduced coverage, when — coverage terminated, when — optional coverages or limits — stacking prohibited.

Section 379.1809 - Rating plan, master policy premium — rates not unfairly discriminatory, when — experience refunds or dividends, when.

Section 379.1812 - Loss and expense experience statistics — employee purchase of insurance not required — premium taxes, allocation of premiums.

Section 379.1815 - Licensure required for agent or broker of policies — exception for certain activities — countersignature requirements prohibited.

Section 379.1818 - Notice of termination, contents — conversion to individual policy, when — inapplicability.

Section 379.1821 - Licensure required for issuance of policies — inapplicability to mass marketing and certain policies — rulemaking authority.

Section 379.1824 - Effective date.