Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 377 - Assessment Plan and Stipulated Premium Plan Life Insurance
Section 377.020 - Incorporation of companies, procedure.

Effective - 28 Aug 1953
377.020. Incorporation of companies, procedure. — 1. Any number of persons, not less than seven, being citizens of the state of Missouri, may upon application to the circuit court of the county or city in which it is proposed to locate the chief offices or place of business, become a body politic or corporate under the name and style designated in the application, for the purpose of doing a life or casualty, or life and casualty insurance business on the assessment plan; said application shall in all cases be accompanied by the articles of association, or agreements, setting forth specifically the objects and purposes of the proposed corporation, as well as the methods and plans by which its business shall be conducted, and upon a hearing of the same, the court may grant or reject the application as it may deem best.
2. If the application is granted it shall be the duty of the applicant to cause a copy of said articles, with a copy of the decree of the court duly certified by the clerk thereof, and by him endorsed on or attached thereto, to be recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds in the county in which said corporation is located and then filed in the office of the secretary of state.
3. The secretary of state shall thereupon issue to the applicants aforesaid a certified copy of the said articles, with the several certificates thereon, as filed in his office, which certified copy shall be the charter of incorporation, and thereupon said applicants, their associates and successors, shall be created and be a body politic and corporate by the corporate name as aforesaid, and such charter, together with sections 377.010 to 377.190, shall be received in all courts and places as legal evidence of the incorporation of the said association, society or company; provided, that no decree shall be made, and no certificate of incorporation issued as aforesaid until the director of the department of commerce and insurance shall certify that the proposed name of the corporation is not the same and does not resemble the name of any other corporations authorized to do business in this state, to the extent of misleading the public, and further that the society, association or company seeking to be incorporated has secured applications for not less than one hundred thousand dollars insurance by not less than one hundred persons, and that thirty thousand dollars in cash or securities, approved by the director of the department of commerce and insurance has been deposited with the department of commerce and insurance, which fund shall be held in trust as a beneficiary fund by the said director of the department of commerce and insurance. The term "casualty insurance" as used in sections 377.010 to 377.190, inclusive, shall be construed to mean only accident, health and hospitalization insurance.
4. After September 1, 1953, no insurance company as described herein may be incorporated to do business on the assessment plan under the provisions of sections 377.010 to 377.190. This provision, however, shall not be construed as restricting or abridging in any manner the right to do business under the provisions of sections 377.010 to 377.190 of any insurance company now incorporated and licensed to do business in this state under the assessment plan.
(RSMo 1939 § 5857, A.L. 1951 p. 268, A.L. 1953 p. 243)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 5746; 1919 § 6156; 1909 § 6951

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions

Chapter 377 - Assessment Plan and Stipulated Premium Plan Life Insurance

Section 377.005 - Definitions.

Section 377.010 - Assessment plan insurance defined.

Section 377.020 - Incorporation of companies, procedure.

Section 377.030 - Release of beneficiary fund — replacement — exemptions.

Section 377.040 - Qualifications to do business.

Section 377.050 - Emergency fund — accumulation — purpose — replacement.

Section 377.060 - Policy to specify amount to be paid, when payable.

Section 377.070 - Effect of refusal to pay — duty of director.

Section 377.080 - Limitations on the issuance of policies — charitable, benevolent, educational and religious organizations have insurable interest — fraud or coercion, exception.

Section 377.090 - Proceeds not liable for debts.

Section 377.100 - Statement of affairs.

Section 377.120 - Two-thirds majority to reinsure or transfer risks.

Section 377.150 - Retaliatory section.

Section 377.160 - Deposit for costs and expenses.

Section 377.170 - Acceptance of regular life insurance law by assessment companies — past contracts not affected.

Section 377.180 - Not applicable to fraternal societies.

Section 377.190 - Penalty for false statement.

Section 377.199 - No companies formed under sections 377.200 to 377.460 after August 29, 1959.

Section 377.200 - Stipulated premium companies defined — penalty for unlawful use of term.

Section 377.210 - Organization — powers.

Section 377.220 - Articles of agreement — approval — filing — issuance of certificate.

Section 377.230 - Completion of organization.

Section 377.240 - Withdrawals of securities upon relinquishment of business.

Section 377.250 - Minimum premiums.

Section 377.260 - Emergency fund — extra premium — commutation of policies.

Section 377.270 - Limited payment policies — reserve — deposit.

Section 377.280 - Surrender values.

Section 377.290 - Distribution of surplus.

Section 377.300 - Policy to specify amount to be paid — effect of refusal to pay.

Section 377.310 - Examinations — beneficiary — change in beneficiary — charitable, benevolent, educational and religious organizations have insurable interest — fraud or coercion, exception.

Section 377.320 - Policy incontestable after one year.

Section 377.330 - Proceeds not liable for debts.

Section 377.340 - Misrepresentations.

Section 377.350 - Copy of application.

Section 377.360 - Discriminations prohibited — duty of director and attorney general.

Section 377.370 - Personal liability.

Section 377.380 - Annual report.

Section 377.400 - Reinsurance and reinstatement.

Section 377.420 - Retaliatory section.

Section 377.430 - Requirements for foreign corporations — tax on premiums.

Section 377.450 - Acceptance of provisions of regular life law — not to affect past contracts.

Section 377.460 - Penalty for false statements.