Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 37 - Office of Administration
Section 37.013 - Definitions.

Effective - 28 Aug 2014
37.013. Definitions. — As used in this section and section 37.014:
(1) "Commission" refers to the Missouri minority business advocacy commission established under section 37.014;
(2) "Contract" means any contract awarded by a state agency for construction projects or the procurement of goods or services, including professional services;
(3) "Minority business enterprise" or "minority business" means an individual, partnership, corporation, or joint venture of any kind that is owned and controlled by one or more persons who are:
(a) United States citizens; and
(b) Members of a racial minority group;
(4) "Owned and controlled" means having:
(a) Ownership of at least fifty-one percent of the enterprise, including corporate stock of a corporation;
(b) Control over the management and day-to-day operations of the business; and
(c) An interest in the capital, assets, and profits and losses of the business proportionate to the percentage of ownership;
(5) "Racial minority group" means:
(a) Blacks;
(b) American Indians;
(c) Hispanics;
(d) Asian Americans; and
(e) Other similar racial minority groups;
(6) "State agency" refers to an authority, board, branch, commission, committee, department, division, or other instrumentality of the executive branch of state government.
(L. 1984 S.B. 468 § 1, A.L. 1993 H.B. 566, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1299 Revision)
Transferred 2014; formerly 33.750

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title IV - Executive Branch

Chapter 37 - Office of Administration

Section 37.005 - Powers and duties, generally.

Section 37.007 - Credit card, debit card, and other electronic payments, statewide system for all state agencies and departments.

Section 37.010 - Commissioner of administration, compensation, oath of office, duties — vacancy, governor to serve.

Section 37.012 - Commissioner may provide cooperative purchasing services — when.

Section 37.013 - Definitions.

Section 37.014 - Minority business advocacy commission established — members — qualifications — terms — vacancy — per diem and expenses — meetings — duties — staff.

Section 37.016 - Minority business advocacy commission to confer with division of tourism on rules.

Section 37.020 - Definitions — socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns — plan to increase and maintain participation — study — oversight review committee, members — nonprofit designated as minority or women's business enterpri...

Section 37.023 - Women's and minority business enterprises certifications, rules authorized.

Section 37.070 - Transparency policy — public availability of data — broad interpretation of sunshine law requests — breach of the public trust, when.

Section 37.075 - Federal surplus property — office of administration as agency for distribution.

Section 37.076 - Federal surplus property fund established, purpose — investment — not to lapse into general revenue.

Section 37.078 - Recycling of waste, agency to promote, annual report.

Section 37.079 - Report by commissioner on surplus property agency, content.

Section 37.080 - Fees for expenses of distributing surplus property — use — commissioner to give bond.

Section 37.090 - Deposit of funds received from sale of surplus property — administration and use of funds.

Section 37.100 - Duties of office.

Section 37.110 - Information technology services division established.

Section 37.120 - Central mail handling unit.

Section 37.130 - Demographic and statistical unit, duties of.

Section 37.135 - Federal census on precinct-to-precinct basis, when, cost.

Section 37.350 - Copying machines or printing equipment, purchase, lease or rental, approval by commissioner required, exception.

Section 37.410 - Fund created, purpose, payments authorized, when.

Section 37.413 - Moneys appropriated from fund deemed to satisfy state's property insurance requirements for state buildings.

Section 37.450 - State vehicle fleet manager position created, appointment, duties — definitions — fee paid by each state agency.

Section 37.452 - Sale of surplus vehicles, proceeds to go to owning state agency, exceptions — moneys to be used for purchase of vehicles only.

Section 37.455 - Ethanol-blended fuel, requirements for state vehicle fleet.

Section 37.503 - National accreditation recognized as equivalent to state licensure.

Section 37.650 - Office of taxpayer advocate established — appointment, term, duties — annual report.

Section 37.700 - Definitions.

Section 37.705 - Office established — appointment of child advocate.

Section 37.710 - Access to information — authority of office — confidentiality of information.

Section 37.715 - Complaint procedures — annual report, contents.

Section 37.719 - Independent review, when, procedures — recommendations, findings submitted.

Section 37.725 - Files may be disclosed at discretion of child advocate, exceptions — privileged information — penalty for disclosure of confidential material.

Section 37.730 - Immunity from liability, when.

Section 37.735 - Council assigned to office of administration, members, chairperson — executive director, funding — appointment of members, terms, qualifications — meetings.

Section 37.740 - Duties of the council.

Section 37.745 - Funding sources.

Section 37.800 - Automated telephone answering systems, caller to be given option of speaking to a live operator, when.

Section 37.850 - Portal to be maintained — database, contents, updating.

Section 37.900 - Statewide elected officials may request determination of lowest and best bidder, procedure.

Section 37.920 - Trust fund created for information technology expenses, use of moneys.

Section 37.940 - Program established, executive director — definitions — areas of critical state concern — grant teams, duties — demonstration projects — rulemaking authority — sunset provision.

Section 37.960 - Capital improvements and construction projects, report, contents.

Section 37.1090 - Definitions.

Section 37.1091 - Database created, availability on accountability portal and department website.

Section 37.1092 - Contents of database.

Section 37.1093 - Record of expenditures — downloadable information.

Section 37.1094 - Local governments may participate in database, procedure — electronic transmission of data — financial reimbursement, when.

Section 37.1095 - Public comment.

Section 37.1096 - Confidential information not to be included in database — state immunity from liability, when.

Section 37.1097 - Database internet link on local government websites.

Section 37.1098 - Rulemaking authority.