Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 362 - Banks and Trust Companies
Section 362.470 - Joint deposits.

Effective - 28 Aug 1977
362.470. Joint deposits. — 1. When a deposit is made by any person in the name of the depositor and any one or more other persons, whether minor or adult, as joint tenants or in form to be paid to any one or more of them, or the survivor or survivors of them and whether or not the names are stated in the conjunctive or the disjunctive or otherwise, the deposit thereupon and any additions thereto made by any of these persons, upon the making thereof, shall become the property of these persons as joint tenants, and the same, together with all interest thereon, shall be held for the exclusive use of the persons so named, and may be paid to any one of such persons during his lifetime, or to any one of the survivors of them after the death of any one or more of them. The making of a deposit in such form, and the making of additions thereto, in the absence of fraud or undue influence, shall be conclusive evidence in any action or proceeding to which either the bank or trust company or any survivor is a party of the intention of all the parties to the account to vest title to the account and the additions thereto and all interest thereon in the survivor. By written instructions of all joint tenants given to the bank or trust company they may require the signatures of more than one of such persons during their lifetimes or of more than one of the survivors after the death of any one of them on any order for payment, withdrawal, check endorsement or receipt, in which case the bank shall honor orders to pay or withdrawals and make payments of interest only in accordance with such instructions, but no such instructions shall limit the right of the sole survivor or of all of the survivors to all or any part of any such deposit or interest thereon. The payment and the receipt or acquittance of the one to whom the payment is made as provided in this section shall be a valid and sufficient release and discharge to the bank or trust company, whether any one or more of the persons named is dead or alive, for all payments made on account of such deposit prior to the receipt by the bank or trust company of notice in writing signed by any one of the joint tenants not to pay the deposit in accordance with the terms thereof. After receipt of such notice a bank or trust company may refuse without liability to honor any check or other order to pay, withdrawal, receipt, or to pay out any interest thereon pending determination of the rights of the parties. No bank or trust company paying any survivor in accordance with the provisions of this section shall thereby be liable for any estate, inheritance or succession taxes which may be due this state. As to any minor who is a joint tenant as provided in this section, all of the provisions of section 362.465 shall apply.
2. If more than two persons are named as such depositors and one of them dies, the deposit becomes the property of the survivors as joint tenants.
3. The pledge or assignment to the bank or trust company of all or part of a joint tenancy deposit or the interest thereon, signed by any joint tenant or tenants, whether minor or adult, upon whose signature or signatures withdrawals may be made from the account shall be a valid pledge or transfer to the bank or trust company of that part of the deposit pledged or assigned, and shall not operate to sever or terminate the joint tenancy of or any part of the account, subject to the effect of the pledge or assignment.
4. The adjudication of incompetency of any one or more joint tenants shall not operate to sever or terminate the joint tenancy of any part of the deposit and the deposit may be withdrawn, paid out or pledged by any one or more of the joint tenants in the same manner as though the adjudication of incompetency had not been made except that any payment, withdrawal or pledge on behalf of the incompetent joint tenant shall be by his guardian.
5. Any deposit made in the name of two persons or the survivor thereof who are husband and wife shall be considered a tenancy by the entirety unless otherwise specified.
(RSMo 1939 § 7996, A.L. 1967 p. 445, A.L. 1977 S.B. 420)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 5400; 1919 § 11779
(1967) A deposit made by deceased depositor and in the name of deceased depositor "or" his brother was not in form to be paid to either, or the survivor of them, and did not comply with this section. Ison v. Ison (Mo.), 410 S.W.2d 65.
(1967) The use of the words "as tenants by the entirety" in relation to two persons who are not husband and wife creates no presumption of a joint tenancy. Horton v. Estate of Elmore (A.), 420 S.W.2d 48.
(1967) Certificates of deposit issued to the order of deceased or defendant were not within purview of statute and created no presumption of joint tenancy with the incident of survivorship, but account which is accompanied and commemorated by an integrated, unambiguous joint tenancy deposit contract of the parties constitutes the single and final memorial of the parties which may not be varied or changed by parol evidence. Melton v. Ensley (A.), 421 S.W.2d 44.
(1974) Overrules Jenkins v. Meyer and Wantuck v. United Savings and Loan Association. Held, this section creates a statutory joint tenancy and the strict common law requirements do not apply. Dietz v. Humphreys (Mo.), 507 S.W.2d 389.
(1975) Held that facts did not meet requirements for statutory joint tenancy. Smith v. Thomas (A.), 520 S.W.2d 132.
(1976) Where deposits and withdrawals were all made by person originally opening account and that person acting alone changed title of the account to read A or B and signature cards for a joint account were never signed, the account did not become a joint account and A's estate was entitled to proceeds. Matter of Estate of Bonacker (A.), 532 S.W.2d 898.
(1980) Before statutory joint tenancy can be created in bank account, there must be deposit made in name of depositor and any one or more other persons, and it must be made in form to be paid to any one or more of them. Thummel v. Thummel (A.), 609 S.W.2d 175.
(1980) Where statute creating joint account is not complied with, but bank deposit is payable to husband and wife, but account is not in their names as husband and wife, account is presumed to be held in estate by entirety whether husband or wife or both furnished monies that went into account. Thummel v. Thummel (A.), 609 S.W.2d 175.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions

Chapter 362 - Banks and Trust Companies

Section 362.010 - Definitions.

Section 362.011 - Trust business not engaged in, when — prohibition on use of words "trust company", when.

Section 362.015 - No private banks shall be established — who may incorporate — when.

Section 362.020 - Articles of agreement — contents.

Section 362.023 - Trust company may refuse demand deposits by its articles of incorporation, effect of.

Section 362.025 - Articles of agreement to be filed.

Section 362.030 - Director to examine as to character and capital.

Section 362.035 - Certificate of incorporation — issuance — to be filed.

Section 362.040 - Notice of refusal of certificate — appeal.

Section 362.042 - Restated articles of incorporation may be amended at time of restatement, manner.

Section 362.044 - Stockholders' meetings — notice — business by proxy, cancellation of meetings.

Section 362.046 - Bylaws, who may make, amend or repeal.

Section 362.048 - Emergency bylaws — when.

Section 362.050 - Cash capital required.

Section 362.055 - Capital stock — par value.

Section 362.060 - Change of par value — notice of meeting — when change effective.

Section 362.063 - Power to close transfer books.

Section 362.067 - Stock option plan for officers and employees — increase in shares — consideration.

Section 362.070 - Compensation for organizing bank or trust company prohibited — penalty.

Section 362.073 - Certain stock transfers or voting control changes must be reported to director of finance.

Section 362.075 - Issuance and sale of preferred stock shares — subject to director's approval.

Section 362.077 - Certain bank holding companies may not charter de novo bank or national bank, exceptions — purpose of law — severability clause.

Section 362.078 - Industrial loan companies and banks prohibited from maintaining facilities for banking purposes, definitions.

Section 362.080 - Stockholders may authorize issuance and sale, when — manner.

Section 362.085 - Banks or trust companies may provide for issuance and sale in articles of incorporation.

Section 362.090 - Par value of preferred stock issued and offered for sale.

Section 362.095 - Charter shall set forth terms and conditions governing call, redemption and retirement of shares.

Section 362.100 - Penalty.

Section 362.105 - Powers and authority of banks and trust companies.

Section 362.106 - Additional powers.

Section 362.107 - Branch banking allowed, requirements — director of finance to approve, appeals.

Section 362.109 - Restrictions on orders and ordinances of political subdivisions.

Section 362.110 - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation subrogated to depositors' rights in closed state banks or trust companies.

Section 362.111 - Fees and service charges permitted, when, conditions.

Section 362.112 - Bank or trust company may act as custodian, when.

Section 362.115 - Bank may exercise powers of trust companies — application — examination — certificate — trust department.

Section 362.116 - Trust accounts, originated by one bank or trust company, administration by another — requirements.

Section 362.117 - State bank may become trust company — procedure.

Section 362.118 - Trust company may become state bank — procedure.

Section 362.119 - Investment in trust companies by bank, limitations — definitions.

Section 362.120 - Capital notes may be issued and sold by banks and trust companies.

Section 362.125 - Capital notes — denominations — rate of interest — maturity — impairment of capital — certain obligations to be prior claim.

Section 362.130 - Extension of time for retirement of capital notes.

Section 362.135 - Liquidation of assets — funds held in trust.

Section 362.140 - Branch offices in foreign countries — how established — amount to be invested.

Section 362.145 - Content of application — director may approve or reject — examination of branches.

Section 362.150 - Director may investigate branches — require banks to dispose of holdings.

Section 362.155 - Accounts of branches to be kept separately.

Section 362.160 - May purchase stock in corporations to develop and maintain market for foreign and domestic exchange.

Section 362.165 - Restrictions on taking and holding real estate.

Section 362.169 - Population defined for legal loan limit.

Section 362.170 - Unimpaired capital, defined — restrictions on loans, and total liability to any one person.

Section 362.171 - Bank officer making excessive loan — penalty.

Section 362.172 - Investment in stock of banks or bank holding companies — limitations.

Section 362.173 - Investments in small business investment companies.

Section 362.175 - Obligations issued pursuant to the Farm Credit Act or United States Housing Act authorized as legal investments and as security for public deposits.

Section 362.180 - Who may make Federal Housing Act loans.

Section 362.185 - Financial institutions may invest securities under Federal Housing Act.

Section 362.190 - May be used as security.

Section 362.191 - State employee compensation deductions authorized for investment by office of administration.

Section 362.195 - Applicability of sections 362.180 to 362.195.

Section 362.197 - Capital contributions and investments in obligations of Federal National Mortgage Association.

Section 362.200 - Money not to be employed in trade or commerce.

Section 362.205 - Account books, requirements — property, how carried.

Section 362.207 - Securities held in name of nominee.

Section 362.220 - Agreements to pay time deposit before maturity prohibited — penalty.

Section 362.222 - Checks to be paid at par — exceptions — penalty.

Section 362.225 - Reserve depositaries.

Section 362.230 - No new loans until depleted reserves are restored.

Section 362.231 - Reserve requirements, federal regulation to take precedence, when.

Section 362.235 - National bank may become state bank or trust company — procedure, effect.

Section 362.240 - Change from state to national bank.

Section 362.245 - Board of directors, qualifications — cumulative voting in electing director permitted when.

Section 362.247 - Board, quorum — directors not physically present, counted when — rulemaking authority.

Section 362.250 - Oath of directors to be subscribed and certified — retained by board — penalty.

Section 362.253 - Two or more directors to constitute an executive committee — when.

Section 362.255 - Tenure of office of directors.

Section 362.260 - Vacancies in board of directors.

Section 362.265 - Change of number of directors.

Section 362.270 - Organizational meeting of directors.

Section 362.275 - Monthly meeting of board — review of certain transactions — unanimous consent agreements permitted, when.

Section 362.290 - Communications from director shall be submitted to directors and noted in minutes.

Section 362.295 - Reports to director — publication — penalty.

Section 362.310 - Surplus fund — composition — purposes.

Section 362.315 - Net income or loss for dividend period to be determined — income to be credited to surplus fund — undivided profits available for dividends.

Section 362.325 - Charter amended — procedure — notice — duty of director — appeal.

Section 362.330 - Bank may sell whole or any part of its assets or business — procedure.

Section 362.331 - Transfer of certain fiduciary capacities between affiliated banks and trust companies, procedure, liabilities — objection, procedure.

Section 362.332 - Fiduciary obligations and liabilities, bank or trust company may transfer to another bank or trust company, procedure — definitions.

Section 362.333 - Irrevocable life insurance trusts, banks and trust companies may transfer fiduciary obligations to bank or company with authorized trust authority.

Section 362.335 - Officers and employees — limitation on powers — appointment of president not required — chief executive officer not required to be member of board, when.

Section 362.336 - Fraudulent checks and drafts issued by bank or agent — penalty.

Section 362.337 - Bank officer concealing loans, misdemeanor — penalty.

Section 362.340 - Employees to give bond — insurance — publication of minimum levels of coverages.

Section 362.345 - Penalties for receiving deposits when insolvent.

Section 362.350 - Officers, how sued — evidence of knowledge.

Section 362.355 - Administrators of deceased officers liable.

Section 362.360 - Interpleader in certain actions — funds may remain in bank — costs.

Section 362.375 - Adverse claim to deposit — not effectual, when — contract presented by third party, powers of bank or trust company.

Section 362.385 - Rate of interest.

Section 362.405 - Assessments by director of finance paid to director of revenue.

Section 362.410 - Preservation of books and records.

Section 362.413 - Reproduction of records — admissible in evidence — affidavit in lieu of appearance.

Section 362.415 - Prohibitions against encroachments upon certain powers of banks.

Section 362.420 - Prohibition of banking business.

Section 362.421 - Advertising as bankers, prohibited, when — penalty.

Section 362.422 - Disclosure of nonpublic personal information by financial institutions prohibited, rules, notice.

Section 362.423 - Foreign banks or foreign or federally chartered loan associations may acquire and enforce indebtedness secured by property in this state.

Section 362.425 - Use of sign or words indicating bank by unauthorized persons prohibited.

Section 362.430 - Conditions to be complied with by foreign banking corporations applying for license.

Section 362.435 - Foreign banking corporation may transact business in this state, when.

Section 362.440 - Licenses to foreign corporations — renewal.

Section 362.445 - Process defined — director of finance to accept service of process, when — fee.

Section 362.450 - Revocation of authorization certificate or license in certain cases.

Section 362.455 - Rights and privileges of foreign banking corporation under license — effect of revocation.

Section 362.460 - Reports of foreign banking corporations — penalties.

Section 362.462 - Relocation of main banking house in another state.

Section 362.463 - Out-of-state bank may relocate to this state.

Section 362.464 - Requirements for foreign bank to relocate in Missouri — application, contents — approval, effect — certificate, filing required — relocation of domestic bank, conversion of charter.

Section 362.465 - Deposits of minors.

Section 362.466 - Applicability of law — rights, powers, protections.

Section 362.470 - Joint deposits.

Section 362.471 - Pay-on-death accounts — form — effect — payments from.

Section 362.475 - Deposits of deceased trustee shall be paid to beneficiary.

Section 362.480 - Deposits of trustee, how paid out.

Section 362.483 - Safe deposit corporation may be granted a certificate of incorporation by director, when — purposes of corporation.

Section 362.485 - Special remedies available to banks doing a safe deposit business.

Section 362.487 - Joint renters of safe deposit boxes authorized — surviving joint renter opens box, lessor's option not required to be present.

Section 362.488 - Death of lessee, duties of lessor — additional duties by contract.

Section 362.490 - Banks exempt from furnishing security for insured deposits.

Section 362.495 - When payment and withdrawals may be suspended.

Section 362.500 - Shall notify finance director of suspension — duties of commissioner.

Section 362.505 - Audit of bank by director — approval of reopening plans.

Section 362.510 - When director shall liquidate.

Section 362.515 - Special deposits — nature — use.

Section 362.520 - Banks may close, when — bank holiday, effect of.

Section 362.530 - Contributions to charitable agencies.

Section 362.550 - Appointment as fiduciary — investments — handling of trust property — effect of merger or consolidation.

Section 362.560 - Trust guaranty fund.

Section 362.570 - Application of trust guaranty fund.

Section 362.575 - Personal representatives and other persons not liable as stockholders.

Section 362.580 - Common trust fund authorized.

Section 362.590 - Bond not required of banks and trust companies, when acting as fiduciaries.

Section 362.600 - Reciprocal corporate fiduciary powers — certificates of reciprocity.

Section 362.610 - Banks and trust companies may merge or consolidate.

Section 362.620 - Agreement for consolidation.

Section 362.630 - Agreement for merger.

Section 362.640 - Agreement for merger or consolidation.

Section 362.650 - Certified copies evidence.

Section 362.660 - Verified copies of agreement and proceedings shall be submitted to finance director.

Section 362.670 - Finance director shall certify finding within thirty days.

Section 362.680 - Agreement to be submitted to stockholders, when — exceptions, procedures.

Section 362.690 - Agreement binding, when.

Section 362.700 - Agreement for merger becomes effective, when.

Section 362.710 - Agreement for consolidation becomes effective, when.

Section 362.720 - Receiving or consolidated company shall issue new certificates for old, when.

Section 362.730 - Dissenting stockholder may receive reasonable value of his or her stock — limitation, petition, hearing, appointment of appraisers.

Section 362.740 - Finding and report of appraisers — compensation — notice to be given by clerk of court — minority discount.

Section 362.750 - Exceptions to appraisal, review, new appraisal, final judgment — stock to be surrendered.

Section 362.760 - Cost of proceedings, how taxed.

Section 362.765 - Definitions — state-chartered bank merger with nonbank subsidiaries or nonbank affiliates — procedure.

Section 362.770 - Corporate existence of old merged into new company — title to property.

Section 362.780 - New company succeeds to fiduciary relations of old.

Section 362.790 - New company liable for obligations of old.

Section 362.800 - Pending actions not to abate — substitution.

Section 362.810 - Trust and fiduciary relations of old companies continue in new.

Section 362.820 - Notice to director of division of finance prior to acquisition of trust company — disapproval of acquisition — exceptions — disapproval, grounds.

Section 362.900 - Declaration of intent.

Section 362.910 - Definitions.

Section 362.915 - Limitation on bank holding company — total deposits, how computed.

Section 362.920 - Procedure to obtain order allowing acquisition — duty of director.

Section 362.923 - Bank holding companies, examination of, when — considered new business entity, when.

Section 362.930 - Injunctive relief, when.

Section 362.935 - Director of finance to administer — rules and orders authorized.

Section 362.940 - Disclaimer as to implied repeal of other law.

Section 362.945 - Definitions — examinations, cooperative and reciprocal agreements to make examinations, when.

Section 362.950 - Affiliated entity of holding companies, transactions authorized — out-of-state transactions.

Section 362.1010 - Citation of law.

Section 362.1015 - Definitions.

Section 362.1020 - Inapplicability of certain sections, when.

Section 362.1030 - Family trust company fund established — requirements for domestic and foreign companies to conduct business — application, contents.

Section 362.1035 - Capital account, minimum required — company's duty to maintain, requirements.

Section 362.1037 - Management authority, exclusively vested.

Section 362.1040 - Organizational instruments, requirements.

Section 362.1045 - Fidelity bonds, errors and omissions insurance policies, other insurance policies, company may procure and maintain.

Section 362.1050 - Fiduciary books and records, how maintained — assets not subject to debts or obligations of the company.

Section 362.1055 - Annual registration report, contents, filing fee.

Section 362.1060 - Permissible acts — foreign companies, exercise of trust powers.

Section 362.1065 - Commercial banking, engagement in prohibited.

Section 362.1070 - Capital account, minimum assets — rental of real or personal property — investment of funds — bonds and securities, purchase of — permissible acts of fiduciary — duty of loyalty.

Section 362.1075 - Fiduciary capacity — oath, affirmation, affidavit, or acknowledgment.

Section 362.1080 - Advertising prohibited.

Section 362.1085 - Examination and investigation of company, procedure.

Section 362.1090 - Cease and desist order — notice of charges, when, procedure.

Section 362.1095 - Failure to submit annual registration report, fine — termination of registration, when — reinstatement, when.

Section 362.1100 - Order of removal — notice of charges, when, procedure.

Section 362.1105 - Books and records of company, confidentiality — inspection, when — violation, penalty.

Section 362.1110 - Principal place of business — retention of records — in camera inspection, when.

Section 362.1115 - Information exempt from sunshine law — disclosure, when — violation, penalty.

Section 362.1116 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 362.1117 - Hearing for aggrieved interested persons — judicial review for cease and desist orders and rules.

Section 362.1118 - Severability clause.