Effective - 28 Aug 2018, 4 histories
36.031. Applicability of merit system — director of personnel to notify affected agencies. — 1. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, except for the elective offices, institutions of higher learning, the department of transportation, the department of conservation, the department of higher education and workforce development, the department of elementary and secondary education, the Missouri state highway patrol, those positions in the division of finance and the division of credit unions compensated through a dedicated fund obtained from assessments and license fees under sections 361.170 and 370.107, and those positions for which the constitution specifically provides the method of selection, classification, or compensation, and the positions specified in subsection 2 of section 36.030, departments, agencies and positions of the executive branch of state government shall be subject to the provisions of sections 36.100, 36.110, 36.120, 36.130, 36.140, and 36.180, and the regulations adopted pursuant to sections 36.100, 36.110, 36.120, 36.130, 36.140, and 36.180, which relate to the preparation, adoption and maintenance of a position classification plan, the establishment and allocation of positions within the classification plan and the use of appropriate class titles in official records, vouchers, payrolls and communications.
2. Any provision of law which confers upon any official or agency subject to the provisions of this section the authority to appoint, classify or establish compensation for employees shall mean the exercise of such authority subject to the provisions of this section.
3. This section shall not extend coverage of any section of this chapter, except those specifically named in this section, to any department, agency, or employee of the executive branch of state government. In accordance with sections 36.100, 36.110, 36.120, 36.130, 36.140, and 36.180, and after consultation with appointing authorities, the director of the division of personnel shall conduct such job studies and job reviews and establish such additional new and revised job classes as the director finds necessary for appropriate classification of the positions involved. Such classifications and the allocation of positions to classes shall be maintained on a current basis by the division of personnel. The director of the division of personnel shall, at the same time, notify all affected agencies of the appropriate assignment of each job classification to one of the salary ranges within the pay plan. The affected agencies and employees in the classifications set pursuant to this section shall be subject to the pay plan and rates of compensation established and administered in accordance with the provisions of this section.
4. Any elected official, institution of higher learning, the department of transportation, the department of conservation, the general assembly, or any judge who is the chief administrative officer of the judicial branch of state government may request the division of personnel to study salaries within the requestor's office, department or branch of state government for classification purposes.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1452 § 54.320 subsec. 3, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1146, A.L. 2005 H.B. 379 merged with S.B. 318, A.L. 2007 H.B. 461, A.L. 2010 H.B. 1868, A.L. 2018 S.B. 1007)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 36 - State Personnel Law (Merit System)
Section 36.010 - Citation of law.
Section 36.025 - All state employees at-will, exceptions.
Section 36.031 - Applicability of merit system — director of personnel to notify affected agencies.
Section 36.040 - Personnel division, head, functions — administration of law, equal opportunity law.
Section 36.050 - Advisory board, members, appointment, terms, removal, compensation.
Section 36.060 - Duties of board — rules generally, promulgation, procedure.
Section 36.070 - Rules and regulations, authorized, procedure.
Section 36.080 - Director — appointment — salary — removal.
Section 36.090 - Duties of personnel director.
Section 36.100 - Director to prepare position classification plans.
Section 36.120 - Changes in or reallocation of positions.
Section 36.130 - Appointments subject to approval of director.
Section 36.140 - Director to prepare pay plan.
Section 36.155 - Political activities by state employees permitted — prohibited activities.
Section 36.157 - Prohibitions on political activities by state employees.
Section 36.159 - State employee not to be coerced into political activity — penalty.
Section 36.160 - Interference with fair examination or ratings — misdemeanor.
Section 36.170 - Examinations, how conducted — agencies may administer.
Section 36.190 - Notice of class or position openings — information to be given in notice.
Section 36.200 - Evaluation of qualifications of applicants.
Section 36.220 - Preference for veterans — exceptions.
Section 36.221 - Missouri National Guard members offered interview for merit positions, when.
Section 36.225 - Competitive examination, parental preference — eligibility, effect.
Section 36.250 - Probationary periods.
Section 36.280 - Transfer of employees — written notice to director.
Section 36.320 - Promotional register.
Section 36.330 - Director to certify employment rights of state and of employees.
Section 36.340 - Director may establish system of service reports.
Section 36.350 - Sick and annual leaves — regulations to apply to all state agencies.
Section 36.380 - Dismissal of employee — notice.
Section 36.390 - Right of appeal, procedure, regulation — dismissal appeal procedure.
Section 36.400 - Powers of commission to administer oaths and issue subpoenas.
Section 36.410 - Failure of employee to testify — penalty.
Section 36.420 - Records open for public inspection.
Section 36.430 - Use of public buildings.
Section 36.440 - Compliance with law — penalty for failure to comply.
Section 36.450 - Costs of administration, paid how.
Section 36.460 - Violation by employee — penalty.
Section 36.510 - Director's duties for all state agencies — strikes by merit system employees.