Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 349 - Industrial Development Corporations
Section 349.045 - Board of directors, qualifications — exceptions for industrial development corporations (second, third, fourth class counties, St. Francois County) — appointment, terms — requirements for Lewis County.

Effective - 28 Aug 2015, 2 histories
349.045. Board of directors, qualifications — exceptions for industrial development corporations (second, third, fourth class counties, St. Francois County) — appointment, terms — requirements for Lewis County. — 1. Except as provided in subsection 2 of this section, the corporation shall have a board of directors in which all the powers of the corporation shall be vested and which shall consist of any number of directors, not less than five, all of whom shall be duly qualified electors of and taxpayers in the county or municipality; except that, for any industrial development corporation formed by any municipality located wholly within any county of the second, third, or fourth classification or any county of the first classification with more than sixty-five thousand but fewer than seventy-five thousand inhabitants, directors may be qualified taxpayers in and registered voters of such county. The directors shall serve as such without compensation except that they shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred in and about the performance of their duties hereunder. The directors shall be resident taxpayers for at least one year immediately prior to their appointment. No director shall be an officer or employee of the county or municipality. All directors shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the county or municipality with the advice and consent of a majority of the governing body of the county or municipality, and in all counties, other than a city not within a county and counties with a charter form of government, the appointments shall be made by the county commission and they shall be so appointed that they shall hold office for staggered terms. At the time of the appointment of the first board of directors the governing body of the municipality or county shall divide the directors into three groups containing as nearly equal whole numbers as may be possible. The first term of the directors included in the first group shall be two years, the first term of the directors included in the second group shall be four years, the first term of the directors in the third group shall be six years; provided, that if at the expiration of any term of office of any director a successor thereto shall not have been appointed, then the director whose term of office shall have expired shall continue to hold office until a successor shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the county or municipality with the advice and consent of a majority of the governing body of the county or municipality. The successors shall be resident taxpayers for at least one year immediately prior to their appointment.
2. A corporation in a county of the third classification without a township form of government and with more than ten thousand four hundred but fewer than ten thousand five hundred inhabitants shall have a board of directors in which all the powers of the corporation shall be vested and which shall consist of a number of directors not less than the number of townships in such county. All directors shall be duly qualified electors of and taxpayers in the county. Each township within the county shall elect one director to the board. Additional directors may be elected to the board to succeed directors appointed to the board as of the effective date of this section* if the number of directors on the effective date of this section* exceeds the number of townships in the county. The directors shall serve as such without compensation except that they shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The directors shall be resident taxpayers for at least one year immediately prior to their election. No director shall be an officer or employee of the county. Upon the expiration of the term of office of any director appointed to the board prior to the effective date of this section*, a director shall be elected to succeed him or her; provided that if at the expiration of any term of office of any director a successor thereto shall not have been elected, then the director whose term of office shall have expired shall continue to hold office until a successor shall be elected. The successors shall be resident taxpayers for at least one year immediately prior to their election.
(L. 1977 S.B. 267 § 8, A.L. 1980 H.B. 1582 & 1277, A.L. 2003 H.B. 351, A.L. 2005 H.B. 40 merged with H.B. 58, A.L. 2015 H.B. 125 merged with S.B. 68)
*In 2005, H.B. 40 became effective 5-13-05 and H.B. 58 became effective on 8-28-05.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIII - Corporations, Associations and Partnerships

Chapter 349 - Industrial Development Corporations

Section 349.010 - Definitions.

Section 349.012 - Promotion of commercial and industrial development, powers of governing bodies of cities and counties.

Section 349.015 - No eminent domain.

Section 349.020 - Agricultural operations not authorized.

Section 349.025 - Who may be incorporators.

Section 349.030 - Articles of incorporation, form and contents of.

Section 349.035 - Articles, where filed — secretary of state to issue certificate, when.

Section 349.040 - Articles, how amended.

Section 349.045 - Board of directors, qualifications — exceptions for industrial development corporations (second, third, fourth class counties, St. Francois County) — appointment, terms — requirements for Lewis County.

Section 349.050 - Powers of corporation.

Section 349.052 - General and business corporation law applicable — exceptions.

Section 349.055 - Revenue bonds, issuance, provisions, sale.

Section 349.060 - Notes, issuance, provisions, sale.

Section 349.065 - Renewal notes, issued when, how.

Section 349.070 - Resolutions authorizing issuance of bonds or notes, provisions authorized in.

Section 349.075 - Trust agreements authorized.

Section 349.080 - Individuals not liable on notes or bonds.

Section 349.085 - Notes and bonds declared to be approved investments for fiduciaries.

Section 349.090 - Projects not tax exempt, exceptions — bond and note interest is exempt, exception.

Section 349.095 - Dissolution of corporation, effect of.

Section 349.100 - Disclaimer as to impairment of other powers of political subdivisions.

Section 349.105 - Annual report, contents.