Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 347 - Limited Liability Companies — Merger and Consolidation of Business Organizations
Section 347.163 - Failure to comply with registration requirements, penalty — no maintenance of action — validity of contracts — liability for debts — causes of action — activities not constituting transaction of business — foreign corporations and p...

Effective - 28 Aug 1998
347.163. Failure to comply with registration requirements, penalty — no maintenance of action — validity of contracts — liability for debts — causes of action — activities not constituting transaction of business — foreign corporations and partnerships — construction. — 1. Every foreign limited liability company now transacting business in or which may hereafter transact business in this state which shall neglect or fail to comply with the provisions of section 347.153 shall be subject to a fine of not less than one thousand dollars. If the secretary is advised that a foreign limited liability company is transacting business within this state in contravention of sections 347.010 to 347.187, the secretary shall report the fact to the prosecuting attorney of any county in which the limited liability company is transacting business, and the prosecuting attorney shall, as soon thereafter as is practical, institute proceedings to recover the fine prescribed in this section. In addition to such penalty, no foreign limited liability company failing to comply with sections 347.010 to 347.187 may maintain any suit or action, either legal or equitable, in any of the courts of this state, upon any demand, whether arising out of contract or tort, while the requirements of sections 347.010 to 347.187 have not been met.
2. The failure of a foreign limited liability company to register in this state does not impair the validity of any contract or act of the foreign limited liability company or prevent the foreign limited liability company from defending any action, suit or proceeding in any court of this state.
3. A member of a foreign limited liability company is not liable for any debts, obligations or liabilities of the foreign limited liability company solely by reason of having transacted business in this state without registration.
4. A foreign limited liability company, by transacting business in this state without registration, shall be subject to the provisions of sections 506.500 to 506.520 with respect to causes of actions arising out of the transaction of business in this state.
5. Without excluding other activities which may not constitute transacting business in this state, a foreign limited liability company shall not be considered to be transacting business in this state, for purposes of sections 347.010 to 347.187, by reason of carrying on in this state any one or more of the following activities:
(1) Maintaining or defending any action or suit or any administrative or arbitration proceeding, or effecting the settlement thereof or the settlement of claims or disputes;
(2) Holding meetings of its members or carrying on other activities concerning its internal affairs;
(3) Maintaining bank accounts;
(4) Borrowing money or creating evidence of debt, mortgage or lien on or other security interest in real or personal property;
(5) Securing or collecting debts or enforcing any rights in properties securing the same;
(6) Transacting any business in interstate commerce; or
(7) Conducting an isolated transaction completed within a period of thirty days and not in the course of a number of repeated transactions of a like nature.
6. A foreign corporation, as defined in section 351.015 or section 355.066, shall not be deemed to be transacting business in this state for the purposes of section 351.572 solely for the reason that it is a member of a limited liability company.
7. A foreign limited partnership or foreign registered limited liability limited partnership, as defined in section 359.011, shall not be deemed to be transacting business in this state for the purposes of section 359.551 solely for the reason that it is a member of a limited liability company.
8. A foreign limited liability company as defined in sections 347.010 to 347.187 shall not be deemed to be transacting business in this state for the purposes of this section, solely for the reason that it is a member of a limited liability company.
9. A foreign registered limited liability partnership, as defined in section 358.020, shall not be deemed to be transacting business in this state for the purposes of section 351.572 solely for the reason that it is a member of a limited liability company.
10. The provisions of this section do not apply in determining the context or activities which may subject a foreign limited liability company to service of process, suit, taxation or regulation under any other statute of this state.
(L. 1993 S.B. 66 & 20 § 359.810, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1228 merged with S.B. 680 merged with S.B. 844)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIII - Corporations, Associations and Partnerships

Chapter 347 - Limited Liability Companies — Merger and Consolidation of Business Organizations

Section 347.010 - Name of law.

Section 347.015 - Definitions.

Section 347.017 - Single member companies, compliance with this chapter.

Section 347.020 - Name of company regulated.

Section 347.025 - Name may be reserved, how, time period.

Section 347.030 - Maintenance of office and agent for service of process — change of office or agent, filing, contents — effective, when — change upon filing by agent, contents — agent may resign, filing, contents.

Section 347.033 - Service upon agent deemed service on company — service upon organizer — secretary of state deemed agent of company, when.

Section 347.035 - Organization authorized, purpose.

Section 347.037 - Formation, articles of organization — when effective — filing, effect — company may not incur debt before filing — actions before filing, effect.

Section 347.039 - Articles, contents.

Section 347.041 - Articles of amendment, contents — amendments required, when.

Section 347.043 - Restated articles of organization — contents.

Section 347.045 - Articles of termination — contents.

Section 347.047 - Execution of documents, manner — affirmation.

Section 347.048 - Affidavit filing required for certain limited liability companies — fees prohibited — failure to file, remedy.

Section 347.049 - Failure to execute documents, action to direct execution.

Section 347.051 - Delivery of documents to secretary of state, format, duties.

Section 347.053 - False statements in documents, action for damages — failure to timely file, civil penalty, waiver — effect.

Section 347.055 - Statement of correction, filed when — contents — execution, effective, when — fee — statement signed.

Section 347.057 - Limitation of liability of member or manager.

Section 347.059 - Actions without authority, liability.

Section 347.061 - Property of company — title.

Section 347.063 - Transfer of property — instrument of transfer — claims, effect.

Section 347.065 - Members deemed to be agents, acts bind company — one or more managers, effect — act in contravention of restriction on authority.

Section 347.067 - Binding act after dissolution, manner — unauthorized acts.

Section 347.069 - Proper party to proceedings by or against company — joinder of proper parties — commencement of proceedings, where proper.

Section 347.071 - Admission or representation evidence, when.

Section 347.073 - Notice to authorized person of business matter, effect.

Section 347.075 - Company liable, when.

Section 347.077 - Misapplication of money, liability.

Section 347.079 - Management of company — managers, appointment — consent of members required for certain acts.

Section 347.081 - Operating agreement, contents — policy statement — enforceability, remedies.

Section 347.083 - Action or vote without meeting, consent required.

Section 347.085 - Waiver of required notice, effect — attendance at meeting — effect.

Section 347.088 - Standard of duty — extent of liabilities and duties — profit or benefit, duty.

Section 347.090 - Reliance by authorized person upon information — discharge of duties.

Section 347.091 - Items required to be kept at principal place of business — rights of members — failure to deliver items to secretary, penalty.

Section 347.093 - Member or manager may lend money and transact business.

Section 347.095 - Claims among managers or members.

Section 347.097 - Interest may issue upon consideration.

Section 347.099 - Promises for contribution to be in writing — performance of promise, remedy — cause of action.

Section 347.101 - Distributions required, when — manner.

Section 347.103 - Dissolution as result of withdrawal of member, distribution — withdrawal in violation of agreement.

Section 347.105 - Distribution, form of.

Section 347.107 - Remedies of member entitled to distribution.

Section 347.109 - Limitations upon distributions — date of measurement of effective distributions — wrongful distribution, liability, contribution.

Section 347.111 - Allocation of profits or losses, manner.

Section 347.113 - Members — additional members.

Section 347.115 - Interest in company is personal property, assignability, distributions, pledge of security interest, effect — rights of assignee — liability of assignor.

Section 347.117 - Effect of death or incompetence of member, assignability of interest — business organization as member, dissolution, assignability of interest.

Section 347.119 - Judgment creditor of member, charge of member's interest with payment of unsatisfied judgment.

Section 347.121 - Withdrawal of member, how effected — withdrawal in violation of operating agreement — consequences of withdrawal.

Section 347.123 - Cessation of membership, events of withdrawal.

Section 347.125 - Partnership, limited partnership, or registered limited liability partnerships may convert to limited liability company — articles of organization, contents — title to property, effect — creditors rights, effect.

Section 347.127 - Merger or consolidation of limited liability companies — merger or consolidation of partnerships, companies, trusts, corporations, and other associations.

Section 347.128 - Agreement of merger or consolidation.

Section 347.129 - Notice of merger or consolidation, filing, contents — execution — notice of abandonment, contents — effective date of merger or consolidation of foreign companies.

Section 347.131 - Effective date of merger or consolidation.

Section 347.133 - Consummation of merger or consolidation, effects — required filings.

Section 347.135 - Surviving entity of merger as natural person, statement of service of process — appointment of secretary as agent.

Section 347.137 - Dissolution of company, events — notice of winding up.

Section 347.139 - Effect of dissolution — acts required, distribution of assets — members or trustees.

Section 347.141 - Disposition of claims after dissolution — notice of dissolution, requirements — barred claims — notice of winding up, disposition of unknown claims — barred claims — enforcement of claims — fraudulent intent defined.

Section 347.143 - Involuntary dissolution, decree, action by attorney general, grounds — action upon application by member.

Section 347.145 - Action for involuntary dissolution, where commenced — service of process, publication.

Section 347.147 - Right to wind up upon dissolution — authorization.

Section 347.149 - Court may liquidate assets, when.

Section 347.151 - Foreign limited liability company, conflict of laws.

Section 347.153 - Foreign company, registration required — application, contents, fee.

Section 347.155 - Proper application for registration, duties of secretary.

Section 347.157 - Name of foreign company regulated.

Section 347.160 - Amended certificates of registration required for certain foreign companies, when — additional information required, due date — fee.

Section 347.161 - Cancellation, articles of.

Section 347.163 - Failure to comply with registration requirements, penalty — no maintenance of action — validity of contracts — liability for debts — causes of action — activities not constituting transaction of business — foreign corporations and p...

Section 347.165 - Cause of action authorized.

Section 347.167 - Service of process, venue.

Section 347.169 - Affirmation, penalties of perjury.

Section 347.171 - Action by member, conditions.

Section 347.173 - Derivative action — complaint.

Section 347.175 - Derivative action — attorney's fees.

Section 347.177 - Construction of law — estoppel — agency — equity — no impairment of obligation of contract.

Section 347.179 - Fees.

Section 347.181 - Law to apply to interstate and international commerce.

Section 347.183 - Additional duties of secretary.

Section 347.185 - Member's interest not security.

Section 347.186 - Designated series of members, managers, or limited liability interests permitted — requirements.

Section 347.187 - Classification for purposes of taxation — treatment.

Section 347.189 - Requires filing property control affidavit in certain cities, including Kansas City.

Section 347.700 - Law to apply, merger or consolidation.

Section 347.705 - Definitions.

Section 347.710 - Merger or consolidation authorized — corporations, partnerships, limited liability company.

Section 347.715 - Agreement of merger or consolidation — contents.

Section 347.720 - Agreement of merger or consolidation — authorization and approval — certification — abandonment, procedure.

Section 347.725 - Articles of merger or consolidation, contents — filing — duplicates, delivery — effective, when.

Section 347.730 - Consummation of merger or consolidation, effects — no impairment of shares or rights.

Section 347.735 - Merger or consolidation, requirements and limitations — what law to govern.

Section 347.740 - Additional fee — expiration date.