Effective - 28 Aug 1995
34.150. Violation by any department renders contract void — liability of head of department. — Whenever any department or agency of the state government shall purchase or contract for any supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services contrary to the provisions of this chapter or the rules and regulations made thereunder, such order or contract shall be void and of no effect. The head of such department or agency shall be personally liable for the costs of any order or contract the head of such department or agency knowingly authorized in violation of this chapter and, if already paid for out of state funds, the amount thereof may be recovered in the name of the state in an appropriate action instituted therefor.
(RSMo 1939 § 14598, A.L. 1945 p. 1428 § 72, A.L. 1995 H.B. 562)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 34 - State Purchasing and Printing
Section 34.043 - Competitive bidding — waiver of permitted, when.
Section 34.045 - Emergency procurement, waiver of competitive bids or proposals.
Section 34.046 - Contract directly with other governmental entities for purchase of supplies.
Section 34.048 - General Services Administration vendors, purchase of supplies authorized.
Section 34.050 - Regulations for purchase of supplies — rules generally, promulgation, procedure.
Section 34.070 - Preference to Missouri products and firms.
Section 34.071 - Commodities defined.
Section 34.073 - Missouri businesses, performance of jobs or services, preference, when.
Section 34.076 - Out-of-state contractors or products for public works, requirements, exceptions.
Section 34.090 - Laws requiring purchase from state institutions to be given effect.
Section 34.100 - Direct purchases and emergency purchases, when authorized, procedure.
Section 34.110 - Acceptance of gifts to state — purchase of surplus war materials.
Section 34.120 - Departments to report supplies on hand, records of purchase.
Section 34.125 - Departments to keep inventories of nonexpendable property.
Section 34.170 - Commissioner to purchase all state printing — exceptions.
Section 34.180 - To determine form of printed matter — exceptions.
Section 34.190 - Determine size and number of reports to be printed.
Section 34.350 - Missouri domestic product procurement act — law, how cited — definitions.
Section 34.355 - Vendor to furnish proof of compliance — misrepresentation of facts, penalty.
Section 34.359 - Treaties and law of the United States to supersede.
Section 34.376 - Citation of act — definitions.