Effective - 28 Aug 1999
340.300. Veterinary technician, registration of, application, contents — qualifications. — 1. Any person desiring to be registered as a veterinary technician in the state of Missouri shall submit a written application to the board. Such application shall be on forms furnished by the board without charge.
2. Each application shall contain a statement that is made under oath or affirmation that representations made therein are true, correct and contain no material omissions of fact to the best knowledge and belief of the person making the application and whose signature shall be subscribed thereto. Any person who knowingly submits false information, information intended to mislead the board, or omits a material fact on the application shall be subject to penalties provided for by the laws of this state for giving a false statement under oath or affirmation; such penalty is in addition to and not in lieu of any action which the board takes pursuant to the provisions of sections 340.200 to 340.330.
3. To qualify to be registered as a veterinary technician pursuant to this section, the application must show that the applicant:
(1) Is at* least eighteen years of age;
(2) Is of good moral character;
(3) Has successfully completed a college level course of study in veterinary technology in a school having a curriculum approved by the board or a college level course in the care and treatment of animals which is accredited by the AVMA; and
(4) Has passed an examination or examinations as prescribed by board rule. The examination or examinations shall be designed to test the examinee's knowledge of, proficiency in, subjects and techniques commonly taught in schools providing a curriculum in veterinary technology, familiarity with the requirements of sections 340.200 to 340.330, related statutes and board rules, and other material as determined by the board. An examinee must demonstrate scientific, practical and legal knowledge sufficient to establish to the board that the applicant is competent to practice as a veterinary technician. Applications for examination shall be in writing, on a form furnished by the board and shall include evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant possesses the qualifications set forth in subdivisions (1), (2) and (3) of this subsection.
4. The board may require additional information and proof of a person's fitness and qualifications by board rule.
(L. 1992 H.B. 878 § 50, A.L. 1999 S.B. 424)
*Word "at" does not appear in original rolls.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXII - Occupations and Professions
Section 340.200 - Definitions.
Section 340.204 - Termination of membership, when.
Section 340.206 - Duties of board — special meetings by telephone conference — open to public.
Section 340.208 - Compensation, expenses.
Section 340.210 - Seal — powers of board — rulemaking procedure.
Section 340.216 - Practice without license prohibited, prohibited acts — exceptions.
Section 340.218 - Evidence of intent to engage in practice.
Section 340.220 - Transplant of embryo considered veterinary practice, when.
Section 340.222 - Supervisor responsible and liable, when.
Section 340.224 - Board's authority not limited, when.
Section 340.234 - Examination — licensure without examination.
Section 340.236 - Failure to qualify for examination, notice, contents, appeal.
Section 340.246 - Provisional licensure, requirements — term.
Section 340.250 - Temporary or provisional license, board's exclusive authority.
Section 340.252 - Display of license, certificate, permit.
Section 340.254 - Existing certificate recognized, requirements.
Section 340.255 - Inactive license status, procedure.
Section 340.256 - Retirement, affidavit required — effect.
Section 340.260 - Practice after declaration of noncurrency, penalty.
Section 340.262 - Renewal of expired license, requirements — waiver of fees, when.
Section 340.266 - Application for reinstatement of license — period.
Section 340.268 - Continuing education course, examination may be required.
Section 340.270 - Records of patients, discoverable.
Section 340.278 - Relicensing and reinstatement — conditions.
Section 340.280 - Chairman may administer oaths, issue subpoena — enforcement of subpoenas, where.
Section 340.282 - Immunity of persons cooperating with the board.
Section 340.284 - Medical records to be maintained.
Section 340.286 - Disclosure of information, when required — immunity — waiver of privilege.
Section 340.287 - Veterinary emergency care, no civil liability, exceptions (Good Samaritan law).
Section 340.292 - Severability.
Section 340.294 - Penalty — separate offenses.
Section 340.296 - Veterinary technician, board to register.
Section 340.298 - Provisions applicable to technicians.
Section 340.300 - Veterinary technician, registration of, application, contents — qualifications.
Section 340.302 - Registration fee, technician — examination fee — consequences of failure.
Section 340.304 - Technician, admittance to examination — failure to qualify, notice.
Section 340.306 - Waiver of examination, when — grade score transfer permitted, when.
Section 340.308 - Examination for technicians — application fee — rules — notification of results.
Section 340.310 - Notice to successful examinees.
Section 340.316 - Application, contents — false statements, penalty.
Section 340.318 - Declaration of noncurrency for failure to renew certificate, notice.
Section 340.320 - Practice as technician after revocation, penalty — application for renewal.
Section 340.322 - Renewal, inactive status.
Section 340.324 - Continuing education, requirement.
Section 340.326 - Supervision of veterinarian required — level of supervision.
Section 340.328 - Emergency treatment authorized — immunity.
Section 340.330 - Disciplinary action against technician authorized, when.
Section 340.335 - Loan repayment program for veterinary graduates — fund created.
Section 340.337 - Definitions.
Section 340.339 - Certain areas designated as areas of defined need by department by rule.
Section 340.341 - Eligibility standards for loan repayment program — rulemaking authority.
Section 340.343 - Contract for loan repayment, contents — specific practice sites may be stipulated.
Section 340.345 - Loan repayment to include principal, interest and related expenses — annual limit.
Section 340.350 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 340.381 - Program and fund created, use of moneys.
Section 340.384 - Application procedure — amount of award — number of applicants to be awarded.
Section 340.387 - Contracts for assistance — repayment — forgiveness of loan, when.