Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 335 - Nurses
Section 335.081 - Exempted practices and practitioners.

Effective - 28 Aug 2010
335.081. Exempted practices and practitioners. — So long as the person involved does not represent or hold himself or herself out as a nurse licensed to practice in this state, no provision of sections 335.011 to 335.096 shall be construed as prohibiting:
(1) The practice of any profession for which a license is required and issued pursuant to the laws of this state by a person duly licensed to practice that profession;
(2) The services rendered by technicians, nurses' aides or their equivalent trained and employed in public or private hospitals and licensed long-term care facilities except the services rendered in licensed long-term care facilities shall be limited to administering medication, excluding injectable other than insulin;
(3) The providing of nursing care by friends or members of the family of the person receiving such care;
(4) The incidental care of the sick, aged, or infirm by domestic servants or persons primarily employed as housekeepers;
(5) The furnishing of nursing assistance in the case of an emergency situation;
(6) The practice of nursing under proper supervision:
(a) As a part of the course of study by students enrolled in approved schools of professional nursing or in schools of practical nursing;
(b) By graduates of accredited nursing programs pending the results of the first licensing examination or ninety days after graduation, whichever first occurs;
(c) A graduate nurse who is prevented from attending the first licensing examination following graduation by reason of active duty in the military may practice as a graduate nurse pending the results of the first licensing examination scheduled by the board following the release of such graduate nurse from active military duty or pending the results of the first licensing examination taken by the graduate nurse while involved in active military service whichever comes first;
(7) The practice of nursing in this state by any legally qualified nurse duly licensed to practice in another state whose engagement requires such nurse to accompany and care for a patient temporarily residing in this state for a period not to exceed six months;
(8) The practice of any legally qualified nurse who is employed by the government of the United States or any bureau, division or agency thereof, while in the discharge of his or her official duties or to the practice of any legally qualified nurse serving in the Armed Forces of the United States while stationed within this state;
(9) Nonmedical nursing care of the sick with or without compensation when done in connection with the practice of the religious tenets of any church by adherents thereof, as long as they do not engage in the practice of nursing as defined in sections 335.011 to 335.096;
(10) The practice of any legally qualified and licensed nurse of another state, territory, or foreign country whose responsibilities include transporting patients into, out of, or through this state while actively engaged in patient transport that does not exceed forty-eight hours in this state.
(L. 1975 S.B. 108 § 15, A.L. 1982 S.B. 842, A.L. 1991 S.B. 358, A.L. 1995 S.B. 452, A.L. 1999 H.B. 343, A.L. 2010 H.B. 2226, et al.)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXII - Occupations and Professions

Chapter 335 - Nurses

Section 335.011 - Short title.

Section 335.016 - Definitions.

Section 335.017 - Intravenous fluids, administration requirements for practical nurses.

Section 335.019 - Certificate of controlled substance prescriptive authority, issued when.

Section 335.021 - Board of nursing — members' qualifications, appointments, how made.

Section 335.026 - Oath of office, removal from board, when — meetings, when held, quorum — compensation and expenses.

Section 335.031 - Immunity of board members performing official duties.

Section 335.036 - Duties of board — fees set, how — fund, source, use, funds transferred from, when — rulemaking.

Section 335.046 - License, application for — qualifications for, fee — hearing on denial of license.

Section 335.051 - Reciprocity — license without examination, temporary license, when.

Section 335.056 - Renewal of license, when due, fee — unlicensed practice prohibited.

Section 335.061 - Reinstatement of license, when — inactive status, board may provide for.

Section 335.066 - Denial, revocation, or suspension of license, grounds for, civil immunity for providing information — complaint procedures.

Section 335.067 - Intervention programs may be established by the board — purpose of program — screening — completion of program, effect of — disciplinary action for failure to complete — confidentiality.

Section 335.068 - Complaints to be sealed records, when.

Section 335.071 - Nursing schools, standards for approval, fees — noncompliance, effect of.

Section 335.075 - Verification of licensure prior to hiring.

Section 335.076 - Titles, R.N., L.P.N., and APRN, who may use.

Section 335.081 - Exempted practices and practitioners.

Section 335.086 - Use of fraudulent credentials prohibited.

Section 335.096 - Penalty for violation.

Section 335.097 - Board of nursing, powers, enforcement.

Section 335.099 - Licensed practical nurse, additional authorized acts.

Section 335.175 - Utilization of telehealth by nurses established — rulemaking authority.

Section 335.200 - Nurse education incentive grants — definitions.

Section 335.203 - Nursing education incentive program established — grants authorized, limit, eligibility — administration — rulemaking authority.

Section 335.212 - Definitions.

Section 335.215 - Department of health and senior services to administer programs — advisory panel — members — rules, procedure.

Section 335.218 - Nurse loan repayment fund established — administration.

Section 335.221 - Education surcharge, amount, deposit in nursing student loan and nurse loan repayment fund.

Section 335.224 - Contracts for repayment of loans.

Section 335.227 - Eligibility for loan.

Section 335.230 - Financial assistance, amount.

Section 335.233 - Schedule for repayment of loan — interest, amount.

Section 335.236 - Repayment of loan — when.

Section 335.239 - Deferral of repayment of loans — when.

Section 335.242 - Action to recover loans due.

Section 335.245 - Definitions.

Section 335.248 - Department of health and senior services to administer program — rules and regulations.

Section 335.251 - Loan repayment contract — qualified employment — recovery of amounts due.

Section 335.254 - Law not to require certain contracts.

Section 335.257 - Verification of qualified employment.

Section 335.360 - Findings and declaration of purpose.

Section 335.365 - Definitions.

Section 335.370 - General provisions and jurisdiction.

Section 335.375 - Applications for licensure in a party state.

Section 335.380 - Additional authorities invested in party state licensing boards.

Section 335.385 - Coordinated licensure information system and exchange of information.

Section 335.390 - Establishment of the interstate commission of nurse licensure compact administrators.

Section 335.395 - Rulemaking.

Section 335.400 - Oversight, dispute resolution and enforcement.

Section 335.405 - Effective date, withdrawal and amendment.

Section 335.410 - Construction and severability.

Section 335.415 - Head of the nurse licensing board defined.

Section 335.420 - Contingent effective date.