Effective - 28 Aug 1981
332.201. Dentist, temporary certificate or license issued, when, length of time valid. — The board may not issue any temporary certificates of registration or licenses to practice dentistry in Missouri; except, upon the request and recommendation of the department of health and senior services, the department of mental health, or the department of corrections and human resources, the board shall issue a letter authorizing an uncertificated and unlicensed graduate of an accredited dental school to practice dentistry if the board determines that the recommended person is qualified to take the dental examination and if this person is employed by an institution operated by one of the aforenamed agencies the letter shall be effective for such period of time as may be authorized by the board, but any such authorization issued by the board shall in no event extend beyond the date that the results of the board's dental examination or examinations next following the date of the authorization are announced.
(L. 1969 S.B. 97, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXII - Occupations and Professions
Section 332.011 - Definitions.
Section 332.031 - Board, powers and duties — rulemaking, procedure.
Section 332.041 - Board, meetings, officers — records — compensation.
Section 332.051 - Office, where — investigators, duties.
Section 332.071 - Practice of dentistry defined.
Section 332.073 - Death or incapacity, continuation of dental practice, when.
Section 332.091 - Practice as a dental hygienist defined.
Section 332.093 - Practice as a dental assistant defined.
Section 332.098 - Expanded-function duties, delegation of — requirements — rulemaking authority.
Section 332.101 - Practice as dental hygienist without certificate, prohibited, exceptions.
Section 332.111 - Unregistered or unlicensed practice, penalty.
Section 332.121 - Board may ask court to enjoin illegal practice — venue.
Section 332.122 - Reimbursement by health benefit or dental plans, criteria.
Section 332.131 - Applicant for registration as a dentist, qualifications of.
Section 332.141 - Application form, contents — fee.
Section 332.161 - Failed applicant, new examination — fee.
Section 332.181 - License to practice dentistry, application, fee, renewal, requirements.
Section 332.191 - Dentist, license, contents.
Section 332.201 - Dentist, temporary certificate or license issued, when, length of time valid.
Section 332.211 - Registration and licensing without examination, requirements, fee.
Section 332.221 - Dentist, certificate of practice, who eligible for, fee.
Section 332.231 - Applicant as dental hygienist, qualifications.
Section 332.241 - Application, contents, fee.
Section 332.271 - Dental hygienist license, contents.
Section 332.281 - Dental hygienist, license without examination, when — fee.
Section 332.291 - Dental hygienist, certificate of practice, who eligible, fee.
Section 332.301 - Dental hygienist, temporary license prohibited.
Section 332.302 - Definitions.
Section 332.303 - Dental hygienist distance learning committee established, members.
Section 332.304 - Duties of the dental hygienist distance learning committee.
Section 332.305 - Dissolution of the dental hygienist distance learning committee.
Section 332.316 - Complaint by prisoners — disposition of certain records.
Section 332.366 - Teeth-whitening services deemed practice of dentistry.
Section 332.425 - Instructor in accredited school, issuance of teaching license, when.