Effective - 28 Aug 2009, 3 histories
328.115. Barber establishments, licensure requirements — sanitary regulations, noncompliance, effect — renewal of license, fee — delinquent fee. — 1. The owner of every establishment in which the occupation of barbering is practiced shall obtain a license for such establishment issued by the board before barbering is practiced therein. A new license shall be obtained for a barber establishment within forty-five days when the establishment changes ownership or location. The state inspector shall inspect the sanitary conditions required for licensure, established under subsection 2 of this section, for an establishment that has changed ownership or location without requiring the owner to close business or deviate in any way from the establishment's regular hours of operation.
2. The board shall issue a license for a establishment upon receipt of the license fee from the applicant if the board finds that the establishment complies with the sanitary regulations adopted pursuant to section 329.025. All barber establishments shall continue to comply with the sanitary regulations. Failure of a barber establishment to comply with the sanitary regulations shall be grounds for the board to file a complaint with the administrative hearing commission to revoke, suspend, or censure the establishment's license or place the establishment's license on probation.
3. The license for a barber establishment shall be renewable. The applicant for renewal of the license shall on or before the renewal date submit the completed renewal application accompanied by the required renewal fee. If the renewal application and fee are not submitted within thirty days following the renewal date, a penalty fee plus the renewal fee shall be paid to renew the license. If a new establishment opens any time during the licensing period and does not register a license before opening, there shall be a delinquent fee in addition to the regular fee. The license shall be kept posted in plain view within the barber establishment at all times.
(L. 1981 S.B. 16, A.L. 2005 S.B. 280, A.L. 2006 S.B. 934, A.L. 2009 S.B. 296)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXII - Occupations and Professions
Section 328.010 - Definitions.
Section 328.020 - License required.
Section 328.025 - Duplicate license, issued when.
Section 328.070 - Public examinations by board.
Section 328.075 - Barber apprentices, application, fee, requirements — rulemaking authority.
Section 328.080 - Application for licensure, fee, examination, qualifications — approval of schools.
Section 328.085 - Reciprocity with other states — license without examination, when — fee.
Section 328.090 - Barber schools — examinations for teaching.
Section 328.110 - Application for renewal of license — fees.
Section 328.130 - Board to furnish license — duty of holder.
Section 328.150 - Denial, revocation, or suspension of certificate, grounds for.
Section 328.160 - Penalty for violation of provisions of chapter.