Effective - 28 Aug 1973
325.045. Limit on expenditure by state — fees raised, when. — No more general revenues of the state of Missouri shall be used to carry out the provisions of sections 325.010 to 325.055 than* the amount collected in fees. The director may from time to time raise the amount of such fees as are provided in sections 325.010 to 325.055 in order to make said act self-sustaining.
(L. 1973 S.B. 28 § 8)
*Word "that" appears here in original rolls.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXII - Occupations and Professions
Chapter 325 - Public Adjusters and Adjuster Solicitors
Section 325.010 - Definitions.
Section 325.015 - License required.
Section 325.020 - Application for license, contents of — bond.
Section 325.030 - License issued, when — titles — license refused, when.
Section 325.035 - Refusal to license, revocation or suspension, grounds for.
Section 325.045 - Limit on expenditure by state — fees raised, when.
Section 325.050 - Cancellation of agreement, when, how.
Section 325.055 - Contracts to repair or replace prohibited, when.