Effective - 28 Aug 2001
32.085. Local sales taxes, collection of — definitions. — The following words or phrases as used in this section and section 32.087 shall have the following meaning unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:
(1) "Boat" shall only include motorboats and vessels as the terms "motorboat" and "vessel" are defined in section 306.010;
(2) "Farm machinery" means new or used farm tractors, cultivating and harvesting equipment which ordinarily is attached thereto, combines, cornpickers, cottonpickers, farm trailers, and such other new or used farm equipment or machinery which are used exclusively for agricultural purposes as the director of revenue may exempt by rule or regulation of the department of revenue;
(3) "Local sales tax" shall mean any tax levied, assessed, or payable under the local sales tax law;
(4) "Local sales tax law" shall refer specifically to sections 66.600 to 66.630, *67.391 to 67.395, *67.500 to 67.545, *67.547, *67.548, *67.550 to 67.570, *67.581, *67.582, *67.583, *67.590 to 67.594, *67.700 to 67.727, *67.729, *67.730 to 67.739, *67.782, *67.1712 to 67.1715, *92.400 to 92.421, *94.500 to 94.550, *94.577, *94.600 to 94.655, and *94.700 to 94.755, and any provision of law hereafter enacted authorizing the imposition of a sales tax by a political subdivision of this state; provided that such sales tax applies to all transactions which are subject to the taxes imposed under the provisions of sections 144.010 to 144.525;
(5) "Taxing entity" shall refer specifically to any political subdivision of this state which is authorized by the local sales tax law to impose one or more local sales taxes.
(L. 1991 H.B. 29 § 1, A.L. 2001 S.B. 203)
*Word "section" or "sections" appear in original rolls.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 32 - Department of Revenue
Section 32.010 - Director appointed, how.
Section 32.028 - Department created — powers, duties.
Section 32.030 - Oath of office and bond of director.
Section 32.040 - Headquarters in Jefferson City — branch offices.
Section 32.042 - Director of revenue may be served, how — proof of service.
Section 32.050 - Powers and duties of director.
Section 32.059 - Contracts prohibiting agents from employing lobbyists not binding and prohibited.
Section 32.060 - Annual report, contents.
Section 32.067 - Department of revenue information fund created — purpose — deposit.
Section 32.068 - Annual rate of interest to be calculated, director of revenue to apply rate, when.
Section 32.085 - Local sales taxes, collection of — definitions.
Section 32.095 - Motor vehicle dealer to act as agent of department, purpose — rulemaking authority.
Section 32.096 - Electronic release of liens filed electronically — rulemaking authority.
Section 32.110 - Firms providing neighborhood assistance to receive tax credits.
Section 32.120 - Director's decisions to be in writing — director to determine amount of credit.
Section 32.125 - Rules and regulations, promulgation, procedures.
Section 32.200 - Multistate tax compact.
Section 32.205 - Article VIII adopted in this state.
Section 32.210 - Compact to apply to all state and local taxes.
Section 32.220 - Governor to appoint member to commission.
Section 32.230 - Alternate may represent member on commission — how selected.
Section 32.315 - Sales and use tax levies, department to issue annual report — contents.
Section 32.381 - Detrimental reliance by taxpayer, effect of.