Effective - 28 Aug 1995
286.070. Cost of administering each law, how paid. — The board of public buildings shall provide suitable offices for the commission. All costs, except the salaries of the commissioners, the secretary of the commission, clerks, stenographers, statisticians and attorneys, as may be reasonably required in the performance of the commission's duties, including cost of furniture, equipment, materials, supplies, repairs, additions, travel, operations, salaries, printing, shall be paid out of the general revenue, and the general assembly shall make adequate appropriations for all such expenses. The commission shall employ and fix the compensation of such clerks, stenographers, statisticians and attorneys as may be reasonably required in the performance of the commission's duties. Said compensation shall be funded by the divisions of employment security, labor standards and workers' compensation according to the workload received by the commission from said divisions, and assigned to said personnel.
(L. 1945 p. 1101 § 7, A.L. 1947 V. II p. 278, A.L. 1995 H.B. 300 & 95)
Legal advisors to commission to serve as special consultants to the board of trustees for the Missouri state employees' retirement system, 104.332
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVIII - Labor and Industrial Relations
Chapter 286 - Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Section 286.001 - Definitions.
Section 286.040 - Commission to appoint a secretary — qualifications — duties — salary.
Section 286.050 - Oath of office.
Section 286.060 - Labor and industrial relations commission, powers and duties — rules.
Section 286.070 - Cost of administering each law, how paid.
Section 286.080 - Record of every hearing to be kept.
Section 286.090 - Written statement of findings in appealed cases.
Section 286.100 - Central offices in Jefferson City.
Section 286.110 - Divisions of department created.
Section 286.130 - Division of employment security supervised by director — powers and duties.