Effective - 28 Aug 1945
28.110. Registration of land. — The secretary of state shall perform all the duties required by law to be performed on behalf of the state with respect to registration of lands, issuance of patents and other authentication of title to saline or swamplands.
(RSMo 1939 § 12999, A.L. 1945 p. 1724)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 11374; 1919 § 11615; 1909 § 11186
Patents, when issued, authentication, 446.180
Right-of-way through state lands, 388.380
Swampland--duty to act as agent, 241.030
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 28 - Secretary of State
Section 28.005 - Secretary of state, term of office, term begins, when.
Section 28.010 - Salary of secretary of state.
Section 28.020 - Oath of office and bond.
Section 28.025 - Day care centers for employees' children, procedure to establish, licensing, costs.
Section 28.030 - Appointment of clerks, employees — compensation.
Section 28.040 - Custodian of state seal, records and documents — appointment of state librarian.
Section 28.050 - Seal to be affixed, when — exceptions.
Section 28.060 - Records of commissions and appointments.
Section 28.070 - Public inspection of records.
Section 28.080 - No original document to be taken from office.
Section 28.090 - To make copies of official acts.
Section 28.095 - Facsimile signature authorized.
Section 28.110 - Registration of land.
Section 28.120 - Letters and documents, retention and destruction.
Section 28.163 - One-time increase, amounts.
Section 28.170 - Fees to be paid to director of revenue.
Section 28.190 - Vacancy — governor's duties.
Section 28.200 - Penalty for neglect of duty.
Section 28.300 - Transition funds for secretary of state, when.
Section 28.305 - Secretary of state's transition period defined.
Section 28.310 - Transition facilities to be provided for secretary of state.
Section 28.960 - Registered voter lists, audit of — authorized — requirements.