Effective - 28 Aug 1992
273.333. Investigations conducted, when — violations, administrative procedure — order for remedial action by circuit courts — administrative penalties, amount — penalties, deposit in general revenue — appeals, procedure. — The state veterinarian or an animal welfare official, upon his own information or upon the complaint of any person, may institute an investigation including the inspection during normal business hours of any premises or vehicle upon which any animal is or may be found, and may determine if any violation of sections 273.325 to 273.357 or of any rule promulgated pursuant to sections 273.325 to 273.357 is deemed to exist. The director, or his designee, may issue an order to the person responsible for the violation to appear at an administrative hearing. The director, or his designee, upon a finding that such a violation occurred after a hearing thereon, shall issue remedial orders enforceable in the circuit courts of this state to correct such violations, and in addition may assess an administrative penalty in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars for each violation. In assessing the amount of penalty under sections 273.327 to 273.342, the director shall take into account the seriousness of the violation and the extent of damage to third parties and the state. All penalties collected shall be deposited to the state general revenue fund. In addition, the director may assess the reasonable costs of remedying a violation in the event that the person responsible is unwilling or unable to correct the violation within a reasonable period of time. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the director may appeal as provided in sections 536.100 to 536.140.
(L. 1992 S.B. 636 § 2 subsec. 5)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVII - Agriculture and Animals
Section 273.010 - Dog defined.
Section 273.020 - Recovery of damages for sheep killed — disposition of dog, penalty.
Section 273.030 - Dogs may be killed, when.
Section 273.036 - Owner liable, when — fine, amount.
Section 273.040 - Dog defined.
Section 273.050 - Dog tax, when due.
Section 273.060 - Amount of tax.
Section 273.080 - License fastened to dog's collar.
Section 273.090 - License tags and certificates, how furnished.
Section 273.100 - Impounding of dogs — redemption — fees — penalty.
Section 273.110 - Application to recover damages from fund.
Section 273.120 - Examination of applications, pass judgment.
Section 273.130 - Records to be kept — warrants — funds prorated, when.
Section 273.150 - Failure to pay tax — penalty — exceptions.
Section 273.160 - Assessor to list all dogs — notify owner of tax.
Section 273.170 - Applicability of law — petition — election.
Section 273.180 - Repeal of license tax on dogs — procedure.
Section 273.325 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 273.340 - Dealers to purchase only from licensed or exempt persons — violation, penalties.
Section 273.347 - Court action for enforcement, when — crime of canine cruelty, penalty.
Section 273.359 - Stacked cages without impervious barrier prohibited, penalty.