Effective - 28 Aug 1939
271.040. Any householder may take up stray, when. — If any horse, mule or ass, liable to be taken up, be found on any plantation, and the occupant thereof refuse to take up the same, any householder of the county may give said occupant five days' notice, in writing of his intention to take up the said stray, and at the end of five days from the time of giving notice, may take up said animal and proceed in the same manner as if it had been found on his own plantation, except that in filing the affidavit required in section 271.060, he may omit to state that the same was taken up on his plantation, but in lieu thereof shall state the name of the occupant of the plantation on which the same was found, and also that he gave said occupant five days' notice before taking up.
(RSMo 1939 § 14501)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 12827; 1919 § 4317; 1909 § 818
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVII - Agriculture and Animals
Section 271.010 - Notice and bond.
Section 271.020 - Notice — penalty.
Section 271.030 - Condition of bond.
Section 271.040 - Any householder may take up stray, when.
Section 271.050 - Notice, how given — contents.
Section 271.060 - Duty of taker-up.
Section 271.070 - Notice to be recorded — appraisers appointed.
Section 271.080 - Appraisers — oath — duty.
Section 271.090 - Record of strays taken up.
Section 271.100 - Notice published in newspaper, when.
Section 271.110 - Filing of unpublished notice and affidavit.
Section 271.120 - Nonhouseholder to file bond — failure.
Section 271.130 - Reclamation by owner.
Section 271.140 - Proof entered on docket, certification.
Section 271.150 - Amount for keeping stray.
Section 271.160 - Failure to reclaim, property vests in taker-up, when.
Section 271.170 - File certificate of proof of stray.
Section 271.180 - Charge treasurer with amount paid by owner.
Section 271.190 - Stray book and stray fund record book.
Section 271.200 - Entries in the county stray book.
Section 271.210 - Entries in stray fund record book.
Section 271.220 - Certain names to be appended to the tax books.
Section 271.230 - Responsibility of collector.
Section 271.240 - Delinquent stray list returned.
Section 271.250 - Taker-up may turn stray over to collector, when — effect of.
Section 271.260 - Taker-up not liable, when.
Section 271.270 - Taker-up may use stray, how.
Section 271.280 - Recovery of damages by owner, when.
Section 271.290 - Reclamation by owner before posting, how.
Section 271.310 - Preservation of papers in clerk's office, inspection.
Section 271.320 - Compensation for taker-up — fees of appraisers.
Section 271.330 - Fees for associate circuit judge.
Section 271.340 - Compensation of publisher for notice and affidavit.
Section 271.350 - Fees of county clerk.
Section 271.360 - Penalty for failure to perform duty.
Section 271.370 - Fines, penalties and forfeitures to go into school fund.