Effective - 28 Aug 2016, 2 histories
266.311. Sale of misbranded fertilizer prohibited. — It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale or expose for sale any fertilizer for use or consumption in this state which is misbranded. Any fertilizer shall be deemed to be misbranded if it fails to carry the printed statement required under section 266.321, or if the chemical composition of such fertilizer does not meet the guarantee expressed on said statement within allowable tolerances fixed by the fertilizer control board, or if the container for such fertilizer or any statement accompanying the same carries any false or misleading statement, or if false or misleading statements concerning its agricultural value are made on any advertising matter accompanying or associated with such fertilizer.
(L. 1953 p. 9 § 266.330, A.L. 2016 S.B. 655)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVII - Agriculture and Animals
Chapter 266 - Seeds, Fertilizers and Feeds
Section 266.011 - Short title.
Section 266.021 - Definitions.
Section 266.031 - Permits required, fees, terms — penalty for late application.
Section 266.040 - Limit to number of free tests — regulations authorized — fee for excess.
Section 266.051 - Label requirements for agricultural seeds.
Section 266.061 - Contents of statement on label or tag.
Section 266.071 - Sales, offers for sale and acts prohibited.
Section 266.076 - Records required — inspection — retention.
Section 266.095 - Seed certification agency, designation.
Section 266.101 - Seed subject to seizure, when — proceedings — disposition of condemned seed.
Section 266.105 - Injunctive relief — bond required.
Section 266.152 - Title of law.
Section 266.155 - Director of agriculture to administer.
Section 266.160 - Definitions.
Section 266.170 - Commercial feed, how labeled.
Section 266.175 - Misbranding, what constitutes.
Section 266.180 - Adulterated feed, what constitutes.
Section 266.185 - Prohibited acts.
Section 266.195 - Director may make rules, may adopt definitions — rulemaking, procedure.
Section 266.200 - Inspections, how made — sampling and analysis, how conducted.
Section 266.210 - Penalties, appeals, how taken.
Section 266.215 - Cooperation authorized, when.
Section 266.220 - Annual report by director required.
Section 266.291 - Definitions.
Section 266.301 - Permit required to sell fertilizer — application.
Section 266.311 - Sale of misbranded fertilizer prohibited.
Section 266.321 - Information required on containers.
Section 266.331 - Sales to be reported — fees.
Section 266.343 - Penalties for deficiency in fertilizer.
Section 266.347 - Penalties payable to purchaser or director, collection procedure.
Section 266.351 - Violation a misdemeanor.
Section 266.361 - Definitions.
Section 266.371 - Sale of injurious or deleterious substance unlawful.
Section 266.380 - False or misleading statements unlawful.
Section 266.390 - Penalties for violations — prosecutor to enforce.
Section 266.400 - Violations may be enjoined.
Section 266.410 - Garbage defined.
Section 266.420 - Untreated garbage not to be fed, exception.
Section 266.430 - Permit required for feeding garbage — fee — issuance of permit.
Section 266.440 - Sale, transportation and purchase of garbage-fed swine prohibited.
Section 266.450 - Law may be enforced by injunction.
Section 266.460 - Violation a misdemeanor, what constitutes offense.
Section 266.500 - Short title.
Section 266.505 - Definitions.
Section 266.510 - Sale of noncomplying material prohibited — exception.
Section 266.515 - Permit required, annual expiration date.
Section 266.520 - Certification to be filed, when, contents — fee — funds collected, how used.
Section 266.525 - Quality standards for agricultural liming materials.
Section 266.530 - Samples, how taken, number required.
Section 266.535 - Samples, how analyzed, results to producer and director.
Section 266.540 - Certification of analysis — final responsibility for effectiveness with producer.
Section 266.543 - Advisory council, appointment, qualifications, terms, expenses, duties, vacancies.
Section 266.545 - Rules, procedure — director's powers.
Section 266.550 - Instrument of sale, information to be shown on.