Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 263 - Insect Pests and Weeds
Section 263.470 - Prohibition, Johnson grass extermination area.

Effective - 28 Aug 1992
263.470. Prohibition, Johnson grass extermination area. — No county may elect to declare itself a Johnson grass extermination area pursuant to sections 263.255 to 263.267, after August 28, 1992.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1199 § 11)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XVII - Agriculture and Animals

Chapter 263 - Insect Pests and Weeds

Section 263.010 - Title of law.

Section 263.020 - Definitions.

Section 263.030 - Appointment of state entomologist — qualifications — employees.

Section 263.040 - Rules and regulations.

Section 263.050 - Inspection, enforce quarantine regulations — power to call meetings — rulemaking, procedure.

Section 263.060 - Right of entry.

Section 263.070 - Inspection fees — nurseries and nursery dealers registration inspection certificates, requirements, expire when — disposition of fees.

Section 263.080 - Plant pests, control, noncomplying owner, action by inspectors — lien for expenses.

Section 263.100 - Shipping tag to show what.

Section 263.110 - Inspection of plants before sale or shipment — fees — exceptions.

Section 263.130 - Establishment of quarantine — rules and regulations.

Section 263.140 - Restrictive and control measures — adoption and enforcement.

Section 263.145 - Plant disease and insect inspection — confiscation and destruction — highway patrol or other law enforcement officers to assist in enforcement.

Section 263.150 - Review of order granted, when — rules, procedure.

Section 263.180 - Penalty.

Section 263.190 - Owners to control noxious weeds — notice procedure — penalty — sale of noxious weeds prohibited.

Section 263.200 - County commission duties to control noxious weeds, official immunity, landowner duty of care — special tax for cost, collection — provisions applicable to certain political subdivisions.

Section 263.220 - Duty of prosecuting attorney.

Section 263.240 - Penalty for violation.

Section 263.243 - State agency purchasing seed from nondomestic source containing noxious weeds, liability.

Section 263.245 - Brush adjacent to county roads, to be removed subject to voter approval, certain counties — county commission may remove brush, when, procedures, certain counties — county right-of-way or maintenance easement, distance.

Section 263.247 - Brush control, county option, certain counties — election to discontinue enforcement of weed control program.

Section 263.250 - Marijuana plant to be destroyed — county commission to destroy, when.

Section 263.255 - County election on enforcement of Johnson grass control law, notice, ballot, effect.

Section 263.257 - Director of agriculture to exterminate Johnson grass, when — county weed control board, appointment, expenses.

Section 263.259 - Duties of state director of agriculture — inspection by county weed control board.

Section 263.261 - Duties of public utilities and government agencies as to Johnson grass.

Section 263.262 - Johnson grass declared nuisance, where — abatement.

Section 263.265 - Tax for control of Johnson grass — state transportation department to pay costs.

Section 263.266 - Approved eradication methods to be followed.

Section 263.267 - County's classification as Johnson grass extermination area terminated, how.

Section 263.452 - Declaration of commission, when — election, procedure.

Section 263.454 - Declaration as noxious weed control area, notice, duties of property owners — county weed control board, appointment, members, duties, compensation, terms.

Section 263.456 - Duties of county weed control board — director of agriculture to cooperate with governmental agencies — inspection of lands, notice, immunity, liability, indemnification, landowner duty of care — expenses of control, special tax, li...

Section 263.458 - Public utilities, department of transportation, department of natural resources, department of conservation, United States government, and railroads duties in noxious weed control areas.

Section 263.460 - Noxious weeds as public nuisance — action to enjoin nuisance, venue, parties, notice.

Section 263.462 - Tax may be assessed by county commission, township board and special road district — transportation department property, costs — county commission may share costs with landowners.

Section 263.464 - Chemicals and biological agents, approval of required.

Section 263.466 - Termination of classification as noxious weed control area.

Section 263.468 - County noxious weed fund may be established — program required — funding — orders.

Section 263.470 - Prohibition, Johnson grass extermination area.

Section 263.472 - Conversion of Johnson grass extermination area to noxious weed control program — election, procedure.

Section 263.474 - Public and private standards of control.

Section 263.500 - Law, how cited.

Section 263.503 - Definitions.

Section 263.505 - Rules, authority for — procedure to adopt, suspend and revoke.

Section 263.507 - Department of agriculture — powers and duties.

Section 263.509 - Director's right to enter premises to eradicate and inspect, requirements — court may issue a warrant for right of entry, when.

Section 263.512 - Cotton growers to furnish department with size and location of all cotton fields and patches.

Section 263.515 - Quarantined areas, authority from regulations by department — articles from other states regulated.

Section 263.517 - Eradication zones established, authority for — regulations — publication of notice in affected areas — violations, authority to destroy cotton.

Section 263.520 - Eradication zones, authority of department to treat with pesticides or destroy — cotton planted after notice, no payment for losses — payment if cotton planted before notice.

Section 263.523 - Cotton growers' organization, certification by department, requirements — board of directors, appointment, qualifications, terms — audit by department.

Section 263.525 - Certification of organization — purpose — revocation, when.

Section 263.527 - Regional referendum on assessment for costs of eradication — assessment basis — voting procedure — deposit of funds collected — annual audit.

Section 263.529 - Referendum under direction of organization — expenses, how paid.

Section 263.531 - Referendum defeated — organization may call other referendums — assessment retention to be subject to vote every ten years.

Section 263.534 - Failure to pay assessment, penalties and interest — lien also authorized on cotton crop subject to assessment, priority of lien.

Section 263.537 - Boll weevil suppression and eradication fund established, purpose — department may retain amount to cover costs of administration — reversion to general revenue prohibited.