Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 262 - Promotion of Agriculture and Horticulture
Section 262.823 - Purpose of the board, goals.

Effective - 14 Oct 2016, 2 histories
*262.823. Purpose of the board, goals. — The purpose of the board shall be to further the growth and development of the grape growing industry in the state of Missouri. The board shall have a correlate purpose of fostering the expansion of the grape market for Missouri grapes. To effectuate these goals, the board may:
(1) Participate in cooperation with state, regional, national, or international activities, groups, and organizations whose objectives are that of developing new and better grape varieties to determine their suitability for growing in Missouri;
(2) Participate in and develop research projects on improved wine-making methods utilizing the new grape varieties to be grown in Missouri;
(3) Utilize the individual and collective expertise of the board members as well as experts in the fields of enology and viticulture selected by the board, to update and improve the quality of grapes grown in Missouri and advanced methods of producing wines from these Missouri grapes;
(4) Furnish current information and associated data on research conducted by and for the board to grape growers and vintners in Missouri as well as to interested persons considering entering these fields within the state; and
(5) Participate in subsequent studies, programs, research, and information and data dissemination in the areas of sales, promotions, and effective distribution of Missouri wines, and to oversee and provide any professional or legal services to promote such marketing goals.
(L. 2005 S.B. 355, A.L. 2016 S.B. 994)
*Effective 10-14-16, see § 21.250. S.B. 994 was vetoed July 1, 2016. The veto was overridden on September 14, 2016.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XVII - Agriculture and Animals

Chapter 262 - Promotion of Agriculture and Horticulture

Section 262.001 - Agritourism defined.

Section 262.007 - Exhibition of livestock at fairs and expositions in this state, all 4-H and FFA members permitted to participate — rules and fees permitted.

Section 262.008 - Exhibition of livestock or domestic animals at fairs, expositions, and pet shows, all livestock breeders and domestic animal owners permitted to participate — rules and fees permitted.

Section 262.010 - State horticultural society created.

Section 262.020 - Members — organization — order of business.

Section 262.030 - Station established.

Section 262.040 - Purposes of experiment station.

Section 262.060 - Manager and inspector.

Section 262.080 - Procurement of buildings and grounds.

Section 262.090 - Lands — duties of manager — not to engage in fruit business.

Section 262.110 - Duties of university.

Section 262.200 - State poultry experiment station — location — functions.

Section 262.215 - State fair, definitions.

Section 262.217 - State fair commission, created — commissioners, appointment, expenses, vacancies.

Section 262.219 - Director to be appointed by commission, salary — staff may be employed, limits.

Section 262.220 - State fair — establishment — control — condemnation proceedings.

Section 262.230 - Fair held, when — how — reverter clause.

Section 262.240 - Printing and distribution of catalogues.

Section 262.250 - Entry fees — classification.

Section 262.255 - Exhibiting livestock, all qualified 4-H and FFA members permitted to participate — rules and fees permitted.

Section 262.260 - Admission fees, revenues from sale of privileges and pari-mutuel wagering — disposition — state fair fee fund created — gifts and grants authorized, transfer to general revenue prohibited — purpose of fund — investment.

Section 262.261 - State fair escrow fund created, use of moneys.

Section 262.262 - State fair trust fund for prizes — disbursement — investment.

Section 262.265 - Distribution of pari-mutuel wagering pool if state agency is the licensee.

Section 262.270 - Director, powers — gambling prohibited, exception for pari-mutuel wagering — serving intoxicating liquor prohibited, exception — cooperation from other agencies, reimbursement.

Section 262.280 - County exhibits.

Section 262.290 - Incorporation, procedure — powers — buildings and improvements — exception.

Section 262.300 - Organization of society — procedure.

Section 262.310 - Election of officers — removal — duties.

Section 262.320 - Duties of officers.

Section 262.330 - Constitution and bylaws, enforcement of — quorum.

Section 262.340 - Moneys of societies, how expended.

Section 262.350 - Appropriation of money by county commission.

Section 262.360 - Board's report.

Section 262.370 - Director's report to general assembly.

Section 262.380 - Holding of property, when.

Section 262.390 - Membership — fees — failure to pay annual fee, effect.

Section 262.400 - Recording of incorporation order.

Section 262.410 - Dissolution of society — disposition of property.

Section 262.430 - Societies may unite and form circuit.

Section 262.440 - Appropriations, how disbursed.

Section 262.450 - State aid for county fairs — certain counties.

Section 262.462 - Application for funds, contents of — report on completion of a project, contents of.

Section 262.465 - Duties of director before releasing funds.

Section 262.470 - Rules and regulations, promulgation.

Section 262.480 - Claims for benefits — procedure.

Section 262.490 - Payment of claims.

Section 262.500 - Election to levy special tax in certain counties — purposes — distribution of funds.

Section 262.510 - Apportionment of levy proceeds.

Section 262.520 - Payment of premiums — procedure.

Section 262.530 - Special election — how called and conducted.

Section 262.550 - Definitions.

Section 262.553 - University may receive and disburse federal grants for extension work.

Section 262.557 - Formulation and administration of extension program.

Section 262.560 - University to hire employees — salaries and expenses paid, how.

Section 262.563 - Missouri extension council established in county, when.

Section 262.567 - Council, how composed — terms of members — vacancies — duties begin, when — limit on tenure.

Section 262.570 - Description of district boundaries filed with county commission — numbering of districts — publication.

Section 262.573 - Annual election for membership on council.

Section 262.577 - Notice of nominees and statement of right to nominate to be published — ballot.

Section 262.580 - Establishment of first county council.

Section 262.583 - Powers and duties of council — organization — meetings — duties of officers.

Section 262.587 - Where council established, university to hire employees and consult with council on programs.

Section 262.590 - Recommendations by council — administration of county's share of costs — council to receive property.

Section 262.593 - Council official for purposes of federal law — activities forbidden — collection of fees — acceptance of contributions and assistance.

Section 262.597 - Financial budget for extension programs — appropriations from counties.

Section 262.598 - Extension districts authorized — powers and duties — tax authorized, ballot language — withdrawal, ballot language — increase in tax, ballot language.

Section 262.600 - Monthly requisitions on county commission, how issued, amount of — reversion of funds.

Section 262.603 - Names of council members and officers given university and county commission, when.

Section 262.607 - Bond of treasurer — action for breach, by whom brought.

Section 262.610 - Deposits of funds — how disbursed — records — report and settlement of treasurer.

Section 262.613 - Secretary, duties, report — records open.

Section 262.617 - Annual report to county commission.

Section 262.620 - Notices required, given how.

Section 262.630 - Purpose of law — powers.

Section 262.640 - Warrants, how drawn.

Section 262.650 - Organization — officers — membership.

Section 262.660 - Certain persons not to be beneficiaries.

Section 262.700 - Southern dairy compact entered into — effective date — text of compact.

Section 262.701 - Southern dairy compact commission, Missouri delegates appointed by governor — terms, vacancies, per diem, funding.

Section 262.702 - Dairy industry information, director to obtain, for use of southern dairy compact commission.

Section 262.703 - Violations — penalty — fines.

Section 262.795 - Agriculture work, performed by children permitted, when.

Section 262.800 - Farmland protection act, purpose.

Section 262.801 - Farming purposes defined.

Section 262.802 - Abeyance of water and sewer assessments, when — applicability — charges, when paid, amount — notice provided, contents — disputes, procedure.

Section 262.805 - Notice of agricultural zoning presumed, when — uses of agricultural land — hazards contained on agricultural land.

Section 262.810 - Eminent domain, public hearing required before taking property.

Section 262.815 - Citation of law, purpose — trust created, objectives — advisory board created, members, duties, terms — fund created — rulemaking authority.

Section 262.820 - Board created.

Section 262.823 - Purpose of the board, goals.

Section 262.826 - Definitions.

Section 262.829 - Principal office location — responsibilities of board.

Section 262.832 - Membership on board, effect on employment of state officers and employees.

Section 262.835 - Board members, qualifications, terms.

Section 262.838 - Removal of board member.

Section 262.841 - Chairperson and vice chairperson to be elected.

Section 262.844 - Meetings of the board.

Section 262.847 - Reimbursement for expenses.

Section 262.850 - Executive director to be employed, duties — technical experts and other employees permitted.

Section 262.853 - Duties of the secretary.

Section 262.856 - Powers of the board.

Section 262.859 - Annual report submitted to general assembly and the governor, contents.

Section 262.900 - Definitions — application, requirements — board established, members, duties — public hearing — ordinance — property exempt from taxation — sales tax revenues, deposit of — fund created — rulemaking authority.

Section 262.960 - Citation of law — program created, purpose — agencies to make staff available — duties of department.

Section 262.962 - Definitions — task force created, mission, duties, report.