Effective - 28 Aug 1945
254.260. Enforcement of provisions, by whom — duties. — 1. It shall be the duty of every authorized agent of the commission to assist in the enforcement of this chapter and any such rules and regulations of the commission; and it shall be the duty of all sheriffs, marshals, constables and their deputies and of all other police officers and of all prosecuting attorneys and their assistants, within their respective counties, to aid diligently in the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter and all such rules and regulations.
2. Any such officer and any such agent may arrest without warrant any person caught by him or in his view violating or who he has good reason to believe is violating or has violated this chapter or any such rules and regulations, and take such person forthwith before an associate circuit judge or any court having jurisdiction, who shall proceed without delay to hear, try and determine the matter as in other criminal cases.
(L. 1945 p. 672 § 28)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVI - Conservation, Resources and Development
Chapter 254 - State Forestry Law
Section 254.010 - Citation of law.
Section 254.020 - Definitions.
Section 254.030 - Forest districts authorized — state forester authorized.
Section 254.050 - Certification of forest croplands, where filed.
Section 254.060 - Transfer of ownership.
Section 254.075 - State-owned lands, exemptions for.
Section 254.080 - Time limit on tax relief for private land — reclassification procedure.
Section 254.085 - State land may retain classification indefinitely.
Section 254.090 - Tax rate on privately owned forest cropland.
Section 254.100 - Private plan of forest management — partial tax relief — revisions.
Section 254.110 - Compensatory payments to counties.
Section 254.120 - Tax relief not to affect valuation of other property.
Section 254.130 - Compliance with forest management rules and regulations required.
Section 254.140 - Firewood and domestic use timber cutting permitted.
Section 254.190 - Separate taxation on certain products.
Section 254.200 - Forest cropland, grounds for declassification — effect of.
Section 254.210 - Owner to reimburse state upon cancellation of classification — penalty.
Section 254.220 - Removal from classification by owner, payments required.
Section 254.230 - State forester and commission employees, duties of.
Section 254.240 - Enforcement powers of state forester and commission employees.
Section 254.250 - Powers of agents of commission.
Section 254.260 - Enforcement of provisions, by whom — duties.