Effective - 28 Aug 2002
253.092. Arrow Rock state historic site endowment fund created, expenditure of moneys in fund — state treasurer to be custodian. — 1. There is hereby created in the state treasury the "Arrow Rock State Historic Site Endowment Fund". The fund shall be administered by the Missouri department of natural resources. All moneys, funds, or other assets acquired for purposes of this section shall be deposited with the state treasurer to the credit of the fund. All income, interest, rights, or rent earned through the operation of the fund shall also be credited to the fund. All other property, real and personal, acquired through any grant, gift, donation, devise, or bequest specified for the Arrow Rock state historic site endowment fund for purposes stated in this section shall also be deposited in the fund. The original bequest of Bill and Cora Lee Miller made in the amount of twenty-one thousand nine hundred sixty-five dollars and ninety-two cents to the state park earnings fund is hereby transferred into the Arrow Rock state historic site endowment fund.
2. The Arrow Rock state historic site endowment fund shall be used for the enhancement of Arrow Rock state historic site's public interpretive programs, and may be used by the Missouri department of natural resources for the preparation of museum exhibits, acquisition of artifacts, publication of information, payment of fees for exhibits or lectures, or other similar interpretive needs at Arrow Rock state historic site and for no other purpose.
3. The state treasurer shall be the custodian of all moneys, bonds, securities, or interests and rights therein deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the Arrow Rock state historic site endowment fund and shall invest the moneys in the fund in a manner as provided by law.
4. Until January 1, 2100, the Missouri department of natural resources may annually expend an amount equal to one-half of the interest earned by the Arrow Rock state historic site endowment fund in the immediately preceding fiscal year for the purposes stated in this section. Beginning January 1, 2100, and thereafter the Missouri department of natural resources may annually expend an amount equal to the interest earned by the Arrow Rock state historic site endowment fund in the immediately preceding fiscal year, for the purposes stated in this section.
5. Funds from the Arrow Rock state historic site endowment fund shall be expended only upon appropriation by the general assembly. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary, funds appropriated, but not expended by the end of the fiscal year, shall revert to the Arrow Rock state historic site endowment fund.
(L. 2002 S.B. 1015)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVI - Conservation, Resources and Development
Chapter 253 - State Parks and Historic Preservation
Section 253.010 - Definitions.
Section 253.035 - Rules and regulations, procedure.
Section 253.040 - Acquisition of land — eminent domain.
Section 253.048 - Flags authorized for display in state parks.
Section 253.050 - Obligations incurred only as authorized by appropriation.
Section 253.060 - Director's and staff's qualifications — compensation.
Section 253.065 - Park rangers, appointment, powers as peace officers.
Section 253.070 - Expenditures, how made.
Section 253.090 - State park earnings fund created, how used.
Section 253.100 - Removal of timber only on order of record.
Section 253.110 - The Confederate Memorial Park as state park.
Section 253.120 - Confederate Memorial Park endowment fund.
Section 253.130 - Portrait to be located in Mark Twain state park.
Section 253.147 - Maintenance, repair, and construction report to general assembly, contents.
Section 253.150 - Definitions.
Section 253.155 - Motor vehicles may operate, where, exception.
Section 253.160 - Speed limits in park.
Section 253.165 - Vehicles in parks subject to general law regulating such vehicles.
Section 253.180 - Domestic animals prohibited from running at large.
Section 253.190 - Exempted domestic animals.
Section 253.195 - Fireworks prohibited, exception.
Section 253.200 - Taking of wildlife prohibited, exception.
Section 253.210 - Definitions.
Section 253.220 - Erection of structure in park to accommodate visitors — may acquire land.
Section 253.240 - Bonds issued on resolution of board, when.
Section 253.250 - Revenue bonds not obligations of state.
Section 253.280 - Bonds refunded, when — refunding bonds may include interest — how paid.
Section 253.290 - Leases for development and operation of resort facilities — rentals.
Section 253.300 - Leases to be let on competitive bids.
Section 253.310 - Lessees to give bond.
Section 253.320 - Conditions required in leases — effect of encumbrances of lessee.
Section 253.350 - Babler memorial state park — powers of department of natural resources.
Section 253.360 - Fund created, use of income and corpus, investments.
Section 253.370 - Thomas Hart Benton homestead memorial.
Section 253.380 - Pansy Johnson-Travis memorial state gardens and trust fund.
Section 253.385 - Acquisition of Rice-Tremonti Home by department of natural resources — duties.
Section 253.395 - Historic preservation revolving fund authorized — definitions — use of fund.
Section 253.400 - Short title.
Section 253.401 - Definitions.
Section 253.402 - Purpose of fund — administration.
Section 253.404 - Property, interest limited to estate, or term necessary to preserve and protect.
Section 253.405 - Sale or lease of acquired property subject to restrictions — reversion clause.
Section 253.407 - Unexpended balance not to be transferred to general revenue.
Section 253.421 - Abandoned materials belong to the state — definitions — rulemaking.
Section 253.530 - State treasurer to be custodian of fund, duties, powers.
Section 253.545 - Definitions.
Section 253.557 - Credits exceeding tax liability — distribution — assignment.