Effective - 28 Aug 1945
252.080. Arrest by commission agents for violations of conservation rules, powers. — Every authorized agent of the commission shall have the same power to serve criminal process as sheriffs and marshals, only in such cases as are violations of this law and rules and regulations of the commission, and have the same right as sheriffs and marshals to require aid in the execution of such process. Any such agent may arrest, without warrant, any person caught by him or in his view violating or who he has good reason to believe is violating, or has violated this law or any such rules and regulations, and take such person forthwith before a associate circuit judge or any court having jurisdiction, who shall proceed without delay to hear, try and determine the matter as in other criminal cases.
(RSMo 1939 § 8870, A.L. 1945 p. 664 § 6)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 8210; 1919 § 5569; 1909 § 6565
(1974) Held this section does not authorize warrantless arrest of passenger in car by conservation agent when driver allegedly made assault with vehicle on another agent. Helming v. Adams (A.), 509 S.W.2d 159.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVI - Conservation, Resources and Development
Chapter 252 - Department of Conservation
Section 252.010 - Citation of law.
Section 252.020 - Definitions.
Section 252.030 - Wildlife of Missouri — ownership and title.
Section 252.042 - Additional penalties, when — moneys transferred to state school moneys fund.
Section 252.050 - Payment of fees — treasurer's report.
Section 252.060 - License may be inspected — penalty for refusal.
Section 252.068 - Arrest powers of certain conservation department employees.
Section 252.070 - Enforcement of law.
Section 252.080 - Arrest by commission agents for violations of conservation rules, powers.
Section 252.090 - Right of inspection by commission agents — penalty.
Section 252.100 - Complaints — search warrants — penalty for resisting.
Section 252.110 - Service of warrant on corporation.
Section 252.120 - Limitation of prosecution.
Section 252.130 - Failure to pay fine and costs — procedure.
Section 252.140 - Commission notified of results of prosecution.
Section 252.160 - Fraudulently securing license, penalty.
Section 252.170 - Soliciting illegal shipments — penalty.
Section 252.180 - Consignee to notify commission — penalty.
Section 252.190 - Possession of wildlife a misdemeanor — when.
Section 252.200 - Obstructing free passage of fish — penalty.
Section 252.210 - Contamination of streams — penalty.
Section 252.220 - Explosives prohibited — penalty.
Section 252.228 - Hunting, fishing and trapping permit records, contents — records closed, when.
Section 252.230 - Penalty not otherwise provided.
Section 252.240 - Endangered species law, definitions — prohibited activities, exceptions, penalty.
Section 252.241 - Penalty for hunting or fishing when license is suspended, revoked, denied.
Section 252.245 - Volunteers, liability, expenses — use of state vehicles — definition.
Section 252.300 - Citation of law — intent of legislature.
Section 252.303 - Agroforestry program developed — who may develop plan.
Section 252.306 - Definitions.
Section 252.309 - Incentive payments — agreements with landowners — amount of payments.
Section 252.312 - Funding for payments.
Section 252.318 - Annual inspection — notification of noncompliance — administrative procedure.
Section 252.321 - Agroforestry demonstration areas established.
Section 252.324 - Rules and regulations, procedure.
Section 252.327 - Report — contents — when submitted.
Section 252.330 - Payment for planting trees.
Section 252.333 - Federal incentive payments for land enrolled in the program, duration.