Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 251 - Community Affairs, Planning and Development
Section 251.510 - Powers of board.

Effective - 28 Aug 1988
251.510. Powers of board. — The ordinances or mutual agreement which established the district shall specify the powers of the board which may include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(1) Adoption of bylaws, rules and regulations for the conduct of its business;
(2) Maintenance of a principal office;
(3) The ability to sue and be sued;
(4) The making and executing of leases, contracts and other instruments necessary to exercise its powers;
(5) Contracting with the cities and counties for services, and with firms, corporations, persons, and governmental agencies in the necessary performance of its duties;
(6) The employment of personnel;
(7) Application for and acceptance of local and federal grants and appropriations;
(8) Performance of site improvements within the district.
(L. 1988 H.B. 1201 § 3)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XVI - Conservation, Resources and Development

Chapter 251 - Community Affairs, Planning and Development

Section 251.010 - Department created.

Section 251.020 - Definitions.

Section 251.030 - Functions of department.

Section 251.032 - Payments to regional planning commissions, how made — limitation.

Section 251.034 - Matching funds required — limitation on state funds.

Section 251.036 - Application for funds, how made — approval of governor required.

Section 251.038 - Regional planning commission to include certain state senators and representatives — expenses, how paid.

Section 251.040 - Department may require reimbursement from political subdivisions.

Section 251.050 - Director, appointment, compensation.

Section 251.060 - Duties of director.

Section 251.080 - Director may delegate his duties, structure department, appoint committees.

Section 251.090 - Powers of department.

Section 251.100 - Office of department to be in Jefferson City.

Section 251.110 - Biennial report to be submitted.

Section 251.120 - Interference with other state agencies or local governments not intended.

Section 251.140 - Transfer of duties and funds of office of state and regional planning.

Section 251.150 - Short title.

Section 251.160 - Definitions — creation, procedure — change in boundaries, certain commission, consent of governor required.

Section 251.170 - Department official state planning agency — powers and duties.

Section 251.180 - Projects covered.

Section 251.190 - State office, functions and powers.

Section 251.200 - Governor may assign state office additional duties.

Section 251.210 - State office annual report.

Section 251.220 - Source of matching funds.

Section 251.230 - State office to assume certain functions formerly performed by division of commerce and industrial development.

Section 251.240 - State office in Jefferson City.

Section 251.250 - Regional commissions — membership — terms — qualifications.

Section 251.255 - Regional planning commission deemed political subdivision — retirement system eligibility.

Section 251.260 - Expenses of regional commission members.

Section 251.270 - Regional commission officers — meetings — records.

Section 251.280 - Regional commission may employ executive secretary, employees, consultants.

Section 251.290 - Regional commission may appoint advisory group — expenses of advisory members.

Section 251.300 - Regional commission, powers and duties — functions advisory only.

Section 251.310 - Regional commission annual report, to whom made.

Section 251.320 - Regional plan, contents.

Section 251.330 - Plan to be filed — hearing — notice.

Section 251.340 - Adoption of plan.

Section 251.350 - Certification of plan to local governmental units.

Section 251.360 - Selection of sites for facilities included in regional plan.

Section 251.370 - Adoption of plan by local governmental units — hearing — notice.

Section 251.380 - Authorized planning units may contract with federal, state, or local governments.

Section 251.390 - Regional commission may accept funds.

Section 251.400 - Regional commission budget — apportionment of costs to local units.

Section 251.410 - Regional commission may be compensated for unique services.

Section 251.420 - Regional commission may accept payment in kind from local units.

Section 251.430 - Local units may withdraw from jurisdiction of regional commission — hearing — notice.

Section 251.440 - Dissolution of regional commission, procedure.

Section 251.470 - Citation of law.

Section 251.473 - Definitions.

Section 251.476 - Missouri main street program, established — purposes.

Section 251.479 - Techniques to be employed by program.

Section 251.481 - Plan, development of, contents of — pilot cities.

Section 251.483 - Duties of department of economic development.

Section 251.485 - Missouri main street program fund, created — uses of fund — fund not to lapse.

Section 251.500 - Definitions.

Section 251.505 - Economic development district, established, how, purpose — board established, how.

Section 251.510 - Powers of board.

Section 251.600 - Citation of law.

Section 251.603 - Definitions.

Section 251.605 - District may be established — board, members, how appointed.

Section 251.610 - Powers of the board.

Section 251.615 - Sales tax authorized, ballot language — deposit of tax revenue, use of moneys — abolishment of tax, effect of — annual report, contents — severability clause.

Section 251.618 - Incremental tax financing permitted, when — county assessor duties — tax rates, determination of.

Section 251.621 - Plan required, contents — findings required.

Section 251.624 - Termination of incremental tax financing, when, procedure.

Section 251.627 - County clerk to annually ascertain amount of value of taxable property in the district.

Section 251.630 - Issuance of bonds, purpose — refunding — interest exempt from state taxation.

Section 251.650 - Securing of grants, departments to collaborate — consultation with private entities permitted — report to general assembly.