Effective - 28 Aug 1941
249.430. Definitions. — For the purpose of sections 249.430 to 249.660, the following definitions will apply:
(1) "Lateral sewer district" shall mean all of the area served by a lateral area;
(2) "Main sewer district" shall include all of the area in, and including the watershed, and including the area of any submain and lateral sewer districts served by the main sewer;
(3) "Submain sewer district" shall mean all of the area served by a submain sewer district and shall include the area of any lateral sewer district served by a submain sewer.
(L. 1941 p. 557 § 2)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XV - Lands, Levees, Drainage, Sewers and Public Water Supply
Chapter 249 - Sewer Districts in Certain Counties
Section 249.010 - Sewer district organization — petition for.
Section 249.020 - Determination of population.
Section 249.030 - Location of sewer district.
Section 249.040 - Sanitary engineer — appointment, oath, duties, reports, contents.
Section 249.050 - Notice of hearing.
Section 249.070 - Election on incorporation — notice.
Section 249.080 - Form of ballot for election to incur indebtedness.
Section 249.090 - Trustees — bonds issued — tax for interest and sinking fund.
Section 249.110 - Tax levy to be authorized by voters — election expenses, how paid.
Section 249.120 - Bonds — denominations — interest — registry — deposit of funds.
Section 249.130 - Taxes levied, when and how.
Section 249.136 - Indebtedness authorized — limitations — election required.
Section 249.140 - Trustees, qualifications, election, term.
Section 249.150 - Biennial elections.
Section 249.160 - Organization of board of trustees.
Section 249.170 - Two trustees may make decision.
Section 249.180 - Vacancies, how filled.
Section 249.190 - Failure of trustee to qualify — compensation of trustees.
Section 249.200 - Trustees to furnish bonds.
Section 249.210 - Trustees shall maintain record of proceedings.
Section 249.220 - Trustees may promulgate rules and regulations.
Section 249.230 - Trustees to employ an attorney.
Section 249.240 - Trustees to provide for payment of salaries, fees.
Section 249.250 - Unpaid warrants to draw interest.
Section 249.255 - Public sewer district lien for unpaid charges — disconnection of services.
Section 249.260 - Trustees to appoint engineer — adoption of sewer plan.
Section 249.270 - Purchase of maps.
Section 249.300 - Sewage disposal plants.
Section 249.310 - Trustees charged with maintenance of system.
Section 249.320 - Appropriation of land.
Section 249.330 - Bids for improvement contracts.
Section 249.340 - Contractual procedure and work specifications.
Section 249.350 - Payments on contract — inspection of work.
Section 249.360 - Subdivision of district.
Section 249.370 - Powers of board of trustees after adoption of plans.
Section 249.380 - Detailed plans of lateral system made and filed by engineer.
Section 249.390 - Election in subdistrict for issuance of bonds.
Section 249.395 - Funding or refunding bonds authorized — how paid.
Section 249.400 - Rental charges from abutting property owners.
Section 249.410 - Delinquent rental charges to bear interest.
Section 249.420 - Additional lateral sewers in subdistrict.
Section 249.430 - Definitions.
Section 249.460 - Sewer engineer appointment — duty to advise county commission.
Section 249.480 - Resolution to be published — hearing of protest.
Section 249.485 - Sewer district to be separate entity not part of county commission, exception.
Section 249.490 - County commission may alter district boundaries.
Section 249.500 - Joint sewers may be established by county commission.
Section 249.510 - Contract bids.
Section 249.520 - Contractor's bond — apportionment of costs — assessments — tax bills.
Section 249.530 - Construction without contract.
Section 249.550 - Assistants employed by sewer engineer.
Section 249.565 - Violation of section or regulation, misdemeanor.
Section 249.570 - Connection of previously constructed sewers.
Section 249.580 - Special tax bills.
Section 249.590 - Record of special tax bills.
Section 249.600 - County not liable for errors.
Section 249.610 - Sewer tax bill record — inquiries about taxes — payments.
Section 249.620 - Collector shall pay holder of tax bill.
Section 249.630 - Procedure of recording payments.
Section 249.650 - Suits to collect taxes.
Section 249.660 - Legal aid — how secured.
Section 249.663 - Dissolution of district when obligations paid — disposition of assets.
Section 249.665 - Incorporated cities excluded from district, when.
Section 249.667 - Powers of county commission as to city property if district bonds issued.
Section 249.670 - Liquidator — appointment — oath — bond — powers and duties.
Section 249.680 - Liquidator to have full charge of district.
Section 249.690 - Court defined.
Section 249.700 - Compensation of liquidator and counsel.
Section 249.710 - Penalty for nonpayment of tax fixed — prior inconsistent laws repealed.
Section 249.720 - Abatement of accrued penalties for delinquency.
Section 249.730 - Court costs not taxed, when.
Section 249.740 - Court costs may be abated, remitted or not taxed.
Section 249.750 - Suits dismissed, when — winding up affairs, discharge of liquidator.
Section 249.761 - Definitions.
Section 249.763 - Incorporation of district — petition — bond.
Section 249.765 - Notice of proceedings.
Section 249.770 - First election of supervisors — terms.
Section 249.773 - Election of supervisors — terms — vacancies, how filled.
Section 249.774 - Board members for sewer districts, appointment, terms, vacancies.
Section 249.775 - Oath of supervisors.
Section 249.783 - Duties of officers.
Section 249.787 - Estimate of expenses — tax levy, how collected.
Section 249.790 - Debt may be incurred, procedure.
Section 249.793 - Board may issue current revenue bonds.
Section 249.795 - Refunding bonds, how issued.
Section 249.797 - Revenue bonds, issuance — effect on fees and charges.
Section 249.803 - Owner and occupant both liable for sewerage charges.
Section 249.805 - Refunding of revenue bonds.
Section 249.807 - Extension of boundaries of district, procedure.
Section 249.810 - Dissolution of district, procedure.
Section 249.925 - Definitions.
Section 249.931 - Boundaries of district, how set.
Section 249.947 - Cause of action to set aside assessment, time limitation.
Section 249.949 - Assessment to be a lien on property.
Section 249.1100 - Consolidation of sewer districts permitted, when, procedure.
Section 249.1103 - Public hearing to be held prior to election for consolidation of sewer districts.
Section 249.1109 - Combining of original districts after consolidation approved.
Section 249.1112 - Board of directors, members, terms, vacancies, expenses.
Section 249.1115 - Powers, privileges and duties of original districts retained after consolidation.