Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 248 - Sanitary Drainage Districts — Cities Over 300,000 Inhabitants and Adjoining Counties
Section 248.010 - Establishment of sanitary drainage districts — petition, by whom made — petition contents.

Effective - 28 Aug 1939
248.010. Establishment of sanitary drainage districts — petition, by whom made — petition contents. — 1. Whenever the construction and maintenance of a common outlet or channel or of a system of drains or sewers for the drainage of any area in the state of Missouri shall become necessary to secure proper sanitary conditions for the preservation of the public health, if such area shall lie in part within and in part without the corporate limits of any city having a population of three hundred thousand or more, said area may be established and incorporated as a sanitary district under this chapter in the manner following, to wit: The mayor and assembly of the city or the county commission of the county within whose limits any part of such area may lie, or in case the area is situated in part in a city authorized to perform all the functions of a county and part in a county, both the mayor and assembly and the county commission may petition the circuit court or courts having jurisdiction for the appointment of commissioners as herein provided, and to take such further action as may be necessary to the submission to the legal voters resident in such area, of the question whether such area shall be organized and incorporated as a sanitary district under this chapter.
2. Such petition or petitions, which may be in the form of an ordinance of the city or order of the county commission, shall set forth a description in general terms of the territory to be embraced in, and suggest a name for, the proposed sanitary district.
(RSMo 1939 § 12476)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 10886; 1919 § 4581; 1909 § 5687

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XV - Lands, Levees, Drainage, Sewers and Public Water Supply

Chapter 248 - Sanitary Drainage Districts — Cities Over 300,000 Inhabitants and Adjoining Counties

Section 248.010 - Establishment of sanitary drainage districts — petition, by whom made — petition contents.

Section 248.020 - Sanitary district — commission to determine boundaries, general provisions.

Section 248.030 - Report of commissioners.

Section 248.040 - Election on organization of sanitary district.

Section 248.050 - General powers of district — judicial notice — costs of proceedings.

Section 248.060 - Procedure where drainage area is in two counties — what court has jurisdiction.

Section 248.070 - Trustees — appointment — removal — employees.

Section 248.080 - Powers of board.

Section 248.090 - Surveys and plans — adoption thereof.

Section 248.100 - Right-of-way through private property — proceedings.

Section 248.110 - Bids for work contracts.

Section 248.120 - Special drainage tax — drainage fund.

Section 248.130 - Issuance of bonds — sinking fund — appeal.

Section 248.140 - Issuance of vouchers, for what purposes.

Section 248.150 - Who may construct sewers and drains — plans approved by trustees.

Section 248.160 - Sanitary drainage of subdistrict — special tax bills.

Section 248.170 - Trustees may accept sewers or drains constructed by private persons.

Section 248.180 - Board of trustees to cease to exist, when.

Section 248.190 - Duties of certain public officers.

Section 248.200 - Construction of chapter.