Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 247 - Public Water Supply Districts
Section 247.215 - District which purchases water may convey property to water company — procedure — election — liquidation of district.

Effective - 28 Aug 1978
247.215. District which purchases water may convey property to water company — procedure — election — liquidation of district. — 1. The board of directors of any public water supply district which is dependent upon purchases of water to supply its needs may sell and convey part or all of its water mains, plant, real estate, or equipment to any water corporation as defined in section 386.020 if all bonds of the district, whether general obligation bonds constituting a lien on the property within the district or special obligation or revenue bonds constituting a lien on the income and revenues arising from the operation of the water system:
(1) Are to be paid in full, or
(2) A sum sufficient to pay all of such bonds together with interest accrued or to accrue thereon, together with all other items of expense incident to the payment of such bonds, shall be set aside from the proceeds of said sale and deposited with the fiscal agent named in the bonds for the purpose of full payment.
2. After the board of directors of any public water supply district has entered into a contract to sell part or all of its water mains, plant, real estate or equipment, pursuant to this section, an application shall be made by said board of directors to the circuit court which originally incorporated the district, which application shall set forth a copy of the contract entered into by the parties, and the facts concerning the bondholders and their rights, and requesting an order of the court approving or disapproving the contract.
3. Upon the filing of the application, the court shall set a time for the hearing thereof and shall order a public notice setting forth the nature of the application, a description of the property to be sold, and the time and place for the hearing, to be published for three weeks consecutively, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the application is pending, the last publication to be not more than five days before the date set for the hearing.
4. If the court finds that the contract provides for the sale of all of the mains, plants, real estate and equipment of the district and protects the bondholders' rights, and also provides for the rendering of the necessary water service in the territory embracing the district, and is in the best interest of the residents and property owners of the district, it shall, by its decree, approve the contract and order dissolution of the district, provided that such dissolution is assented to by a two-thirds majority of the voters of the district, voting on the question and provided further, that the dissolution of the district shall not become final until after all its debts have been paid and the disposition of funds of the district has been fully carried out as hereinafter provided to the satisfaction of the court, after which a final decree may be entered.
5. Such water supply district shall not be finally dissolved, upon the sale of all of its assets, until final liquidation thereof and until the trustees of the district have first paid to the collector of the county, or counties, in which the district is located all of its remaining funds which shall be applied pro rata toward the payment and satisfaction of the taxes of the residents and property owners of the district on their respective personal and real property tax bills for the next ensuing year or years. In the event that the sum of money so paid to the collector would amount to less than the equivalent of one cent reduction in the tax rate and thus impose upon the collector a cost burden in excess of the money so paid, then and in that event said funds shall be paid over to the treasurer of the various school districts having real estate within the said water supply district in the ratio that the assessed valuation of such school district bears to the whole assessed valuation of the water supply district.
(L. 1957 p. 583, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XV - Lands, Levees, Drainage, Sewers and Public Water Supply

Chapter 247 - Public Water Supply Districts

Section 247.010 - Formation of public corporations.

Section 247.020 - Districts to be political corporations, numbered.

Section 247.030 - Territory included in district, contiguous — boundaries of districts, how changed — extension or enlargement of district, how.

Section 247.031 - Detachment from district, when — procedure — costs — petition form.

Section 247.035 - Sewer treatment facilities, construction and operation, when — procedure.

Section 247.040 - Formation of public water supply district — procedure.

Section 247.050 - Powers of public water supply districts.

Section 247.060 - Board of directors — powers, qualifications, appointment, terms, vacancies, how filled — elections held, when, procedure — attendance fee — suspension of members, when.

Section 247.070 - Organization of board, when.

Section 247.080 - Board — further powers.

Section 247.085 - Board may contract for water supply with city, when — publication of notice — sale of property, use of funds.

Section 247.090 - Board — quorum.

Section 247.100 - Duties of officers of board.

Section 247.110 - Board to fix rates and charges — delinquencies to create lien, when — procedure.

Section 247.120 - Board — estimation of tax levy — county commission to levy tax.

Section 247.130 - Power of districts — bond elections.

Section 247.140 - Issuance of current revenue bonds, when.

Section 247.150 - Bonded indebtedness, how refunded — refunding bonds, conditions imposed.

Section 247.160 - Mains and equipment conveyed to city, when — conditions.

Section 247.165 - Water service to annexed territory, agreement may be developed, procedure.

Section 247.170 - Detachment of part of district included in city — conditions — procedure — election.

Section 247.171 - Proportion of sum of all outstanding bonds and debts, calculation.

Section 247.172 - Written territorial agreements for sale and distribution of water — commission may designate boundaries — approval of commission, hearings — rights of suppliers not a party to agreement — complaints, hearings, authority of commissio...

Section 247.180 - Elections in district, when, procedure — not required, when — vacant post, how filled.

Section 247.200 - Rights of districts.

Section 247.210 - Condemnation of property — procedure.

Section 247.215 - District which purchases water may convey property to water company — procedure — election — liquidation of district.

Section 247.217 - Consolidation, procedure, petition, notice — subdistricts, how formed — election — directors, terms, eligibility — property, how handled.

Section 247.220 - Dissolution of district — procedure — election — disposition of property and debts.

Section 247.227 - Real estate subdivision with approved installation of water line, certain districts not to refuse water (Jackson County).

Section 247.228 - Public water supply districts and cities owning a waterworks to be notified of water service inquiries, when, contents.

Section 247.230 - Purpose of law.

Section 247.240 - Metropolitan water supply districts, limits.

Section 247.250 - Proceeding to incorporate, where filed — power of court.

Section 247.260 - Organization of district, procedure.

Section 247.270 - Contents of petition.

Section 247.280 - Deposit for costs.

Section 247.290 - Hearing, when — notice by publication.

Section 247.300 - Exclusive jurisdiction of court — property-owning judge not disqualified.

Section 247.310 - Petition — effect of defect — amendment — supplemental petition.

Section 247.320 - Protesting petition, where filed, contents.

Section 247.330 - Dismissal of petition, when — costs — no appeal — effect of dismissal.

Section 247.340 - Declaration of district organization.

Section 247.350 - Election to approve incorporation — procedure, form of ballot — rate of tax — directors.

Section 247.360 - Force of final order.

Section 247.370 - Records relating to incorporation, where and how filed — fees.

Section 247.380 - Members of board — oath — bond.

Section 247.390 - Organization of board — seal.

Section 247.400 - Treasurer — bond — financial statement — fiscal year.

Section 247.410 - Board — compensation — removal.

Section 247.420 - Meetings of board, quorum, vacancy — annual audit.

Section 247.430 - Election of directors.

Section 247.440 - Powers of board.

Section 247.445 - Sewage treatment facilities, construction and operation — procedure to establish, petition to circuit court, content — user fee authorized.

Section 247.450 - Levy taxes — collection.

Section 247.460 - Levy, how made — limitations on levy.

Section 247.470 - Certification of levy to county commission — election on increased rate.

Section 247.480 - Approval of rate at election — certification.

Section 247.490 - Rate to be sufficient to pay principal and interest on bonds.

Section 247.500 - Collection of taxes — interest and penalties — lien of taxes.

Section 247.510 - Collection of delinquent taxes.

Section 247.520 - Boundaries of district, how changed.

Section 247.530 - Owner may petition for exclusion of property from district — procedure.

Section 247.540 - Certain property subject to taxes.

Section 247.550 - District may borrow money — procedure.

Section 247.560 - General obligation bonds — tax levied before issue.

Section 247.570 - Special revenue obligation bonds — revenues pledged before issue.

Section 247.580 - Bonds, when payable — interest, execution — denomination.

Section 247.590 - Issuance of current revenue bonds, when — execution.

Section 247.600 - Elections in district.

Section 247.620 - Petition for dissolution of district, contents, where filed — submission of question.

Section 247.630 - Election on question of dissolution — effect — procedure if question approved.

Section 247.640 - Effect of dissolution — appointment of trustee.

Section 247.650 - Defective notice, when given.

Section 247.660 - Cases involving validity of organization, when heard.

Section 247.670 - Sale of water outside district prohibited.