Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 243 - Drainage Districts Organized in County Commission
Section 243.561 - County commission to appropriate money to pay principal and interest on bonds — money collected to be deposited in separate fund, purpose.

Effective - 28 Aug 1993
243.561. County commission to appropriate money to pay principal and interest on bonds — money collected to be deposited in separate fund, purpose. — A sufficient amount of the assessment levied under the provisions of sections 243.550 to 243.553 shall be appropriated by the county commissioners for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of the bonds and the same shall, when collected, be preserved in a separate fund for that purpose and no other. All bonds and coupons not paid at maturity shall bear interest at the rate of six percent per annum from maturity until paid, or until sufficient funds have been deposited at the place of payment, and the interest shall be appropriated by the county commission out of the penalties and interest collected on delinquent assessment or any other available funds of the district. Any expense incurred in paying the bonds and interest thereon, and a reasonable compensation to the bank or trust company for paying same, shall be paid out of other funds of the district collected for the purpose of meeting the expenses of administration.
(L. 1993 S.B. 56 § 243.560 subsec. 3)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XV - Lands, Levees, Drainage, Sewers and Public Water Supply

Chapter 243 - Drainage Districts Organized in County Commission

Section 243.010 - Definitions.

Section 243.020 - County commission authorized to organize drainage districts.

Section 243.030 - Petition to be filed — bond required.

Section 243.040 - County commission to appoint counsel.

Section 243.050 - County commission to appoint engineer and viewers — qualifications and duties.

Section 243.060 - Time of hearing to be published — form of notice.

Section 243.070 - Remonstrance may be filed — judgment, effect.

Section 243.075 - Dissolution of district, when, how.

Section 243.080 - Location of improvement — report to contain data as to cost.

Section 243.090 - Report to be filed, when — landowners may be heard — vacancies, how filled.

Section 243.100 - Limitations for assessment of benefits.

Section 243.110 - Notice of filing of report to be published — form.

Section 243.120 - Exceptions to report — appeal to circuit court — procedure — new notice to be published, form.

Section 243.130 - Condemnation of additional land.

Section 243.140 - Lands lying outside district may be annexed, when — proceedings.

Section 243.150 - Taxes to be levied against county-owned swamplands, how paid.

Section 243.160 - Authority to complete improvements in county commission — powers of procedure.

Section 243.170 - District engineer to be appointed — duties — bond required.

Section 243.180 - Engineer to let work — bidders to give bond — county commission to approve — contractor liable in default.

Section 243.190 - Engineer to issue certificate of acceptance, when — provisions for payment of claim.

Section 243.200 - Provisions for necessary construction or enlargement — when owned by corporation other than county — bridge to become part of highway, when.

Section 243.210 - Provisions of this chapter applicable to old channels or sloughs.

Section 243.220 - Repairs and improvements, how made — hearing when cost exceeds maintenance fund — form of notice.

Section 243.230 - County commission procedure after hearing.

Section 243.240 - County commissions to maintain efficiency and have management and control.

Section 243.250 - Lateral ditches — drains — may be connected — provisions — penalty for violation.

Section 243.260 - Districts may contract with other districts for outlets — costs determined, how.

Section 243.270 - Drainage district may contract to furnish drainage for cities and towns.

Section 243.280 - Equipment may be leased or rented — provisions.

Section 243.290 - County commission to levy tax to pay preliminary expense.

Section 243.300 - County commission to levy tax on benefits assessed — form of county clerk's schedule.

Section 243.310 - Permanent drainage tax record shall be kept — method — additional levies.

Section 243.320 - Public roads and railroads to pay benefits.

Section 243.330 - Maintenance tax, how apportioned — commission may purchase equipment — cost apportioned, how.

Section 243.340 - Privilege to pay drainage tax in full.

Section 243.350 - Apportionment of annual installments — drainage tax book, form — taxes due, when.

Section 243.360 - Drainage tax — collector to furnish bond.

Section 243.370 - Drainage taxes constitute a lien — court action when delinquent — proceedings — evidence.

Section 243.380 - Surplus funds, how used.

Section 243.390 - Drainage district bonds — provisions for issuance.

Section 243.400 - County commission authorized to pledge bonds — manner.

Section 243.410 - County treasurer to be custodian of district funds — duties.

Section 243.420 - Fees for services.

Section 243.430 - Claims for fees, how paid.

Section 243.440 - Drainage proceedings to be recorded — method.

Section 243.450 - All or portions of districts may reorganize and consolidate under sections 242.010 to 242.690.

Section 243.460 - Notice to be published — form — jurisdiction of circuit court.

Section 243.470 - Objections to petition for consolidation may be filed — proceedings.

Section 243.475 - Consolidation of district organized by circuit court and district organized by county commission, effect — laws governing.

Section 243.480 - Failure or refusal of official to perform duty — penalty.

Section 243.490 - County collector liable, when — penalty.

Section 243.500 - Validity of bonds issued unquestionable.

Section 243.510 - Suits to be brought in name of state.

Section 243.520 - Appeals — procedure.

Section 243.530 - Chapter declared remedial in character and purpose.

Section 243.540 - Penalty for violation of provisions of chapter.

Section 243.550 - Petition for reassessment of benefits, form — procedure for maintenance levy or for a new tax to pay costs of plan for reclamation.

Section 243.551 - County commission to appoint three viewers, qualifications, duties — report, procedure — readjustment of benefits limited to once a year — payment may be by installments.

Section 243.553 - Installments payable, when.

Section 243.560 - Bond issues authorized, amount — rate — payable when — county treasurer to sell — cost, not obligation of county.

Section 243.561 - County commission to appropriate money to pay principal and interest on bonds — money collected to be deposited in separate fund, purpose.

Section 243.563 - Proceeds of assessment insufficient to pay principal and interest on bonds, procedure — funds derived from bond sale, purpose.