Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 230 - County Highway Commissions
Section 230.020 - County highway commission — appointment.

Effective - 28 Aug 1939
230.020. County highway commission — appointment. — Within sixty days after the taking effect of this chapter, it shall be the duty of the county commission in all counties of this state, except as otherwise in this chapter provided, to appoint four members of the county highway commission, one for a term of one year; one for a term of two years; one for a term of three years; and one for a term of four years. Upon expiration of the term of each of said county highway commissioners his successor shall be appointed for a term of four years, and every such county highway commissioner shall hold office for the term appointed and thereafter until his successor is appointed and qualified. Not more than two of said county highway commissioners shall be appointed from the same county commission district, and not more than two thereof shall be affiliated with the same political party. No person shall be eligible to appointment as a member of the county highway commission who shall not have attained the age of twenty-five years, and who at time of his appointment is not a bona fide resident of county wherein appointed, and possessed of a knowledge of the interest of said county, and a known supporter and advocate of a system of county highways, constructed and maintained with a view to affording the greatest convenience to the greatest number of inhabitants of the county in the matter of farm-to-market roads. Within ten days after their appointment the members of such county highway commission shall meet at the county seats and organize by the election of one of their number as president, and another as secretary, of said commission.
(RSMo 1939 § 8503)
Prior revision: 1929 § 7857

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XIV - Roads and Waterways

Chapter 230 - County Highway Commissions

Section 230.010 - County highway commission — members to receive expenses.

Section 230.020 - County highway commission — appointment.

Section 230.030 - Power and duties of the county highway commission.

Section 230.040 - Location of county highway to be submitted to state highways and transportation commission for approval.

Section 230.050 - Type of county highways.

Section 230.060 - County highways to be under control and supervision of county highway commission.

Section 230.070 - Commission to have absolute jurisdiction and control over county highway system roads.

Section 230.080 - Commission empowered to employ technical and other help.

Section 230.090 - County commission may contribute additional money.

Section 230.100 - Commission to make reports to county commission.

Section 230.110 - Commission to transfer county highway to state transportation department, when.

Section 230.200 - Alternative form authorized in certain counties.

Section 230.205 - Alternative form effective, when — abolished how.

Section 230.210 - Petition, where filed, contents — form of ballot.

Section 230.215 - Clerk to certify returns.

Section 230.220 - Commission membership, districts — members, election of — compensation and mileage, funds used for — vacancies, how filled.

Section 230.225 - Township and special road districts abolished, when — districts in more than one county, how handled.

Section 230.230 - Powers of commission.

Section 230.235 - Road plan, who shall prepare — approval by state highways and transportation commission required.

Section 230.240 - Highway engineer — qualifications, exception — appointment, powers — free service to municipalities — compensation from road and bridge fund (third class counties).

Section 230.245 - Priority of roads by usage.

Section 230.250 - County highway commission may designate certain roads as part of supplemental state highway system — state highways and transportation commission to approve.

Section 230.255 - Twenty-five percent refund of road and bridge tax to cities, towns and villages required.

Section 230.260 - Special named district in two or more counties, effect of.