Effective - 28 Aug 1939
229.210. Driving on recently constructed bridge or culvert prohibited — notice of closing. — It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle, an animal or animals or a load of any kind upon a highway bridge or culvert recently constructed or repaired wholly or partly of concrete or upon the surface of any improved highway of macadam, concrete, brick or bituminous material; and which has not been opened to traffic after the construction or repair, by order of the county highway engineer of the county in which such bridge or culvert or improved highway is situated, or by order of any other person having charge of the construction or repair of said bridge or culvert or improved highway; provided, due notice to the public has been given that the bridge or culvert or improved highway is closed to traffic, by placing barriers across the entrances to the bridge or culvert or improved highway and by written or printed handbills placed at either entrance to the bridge or culvert or improved highway stating that the bridge or culvert or improved highway is closed to traffic and mentioning the date on which same will be opened to traffic signed by the county highway engineer or by the person in charge of the construction or repair of the bridge or culvert or improved highway.
(RSMo 1939 § 8589)
Prior revision: 1929 § 7940
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XIV - Roads and Waterways
Chapter 229 - Provisions Relating to All Roads
Section 229.010 - Roads to be thirty feet wide.
Section 229.020 - Roads less than thirty feet in width, when.
Section 229.030 - Roads cleared of obstructions.
Section 229.040 - Road construction — contracts — plans — supervision.
Section 229.050 - Engineer's estimate of cost — advertisement for bids — contract.
Section 229.060 - Contractor to give bond.
Section 229.070 - Contractor to report, when — payments.
Section 229.080 - Donations, how appropriated.
Section 229.090 - Sales agents — certain persons barred.
Section 229.100 - Improvements along public roads — location — control.
Section 229.120 - Engineer and overseer to protect trees.
Section 229.130 - Fingerboards.
Section 229.160 - Protection of bridges — penalty for neglect.
Section 229.210 - Driving on recently constructed bridge or culvert prohibited — notice of closing.
Section 229.220 - Penalty for violation.
Section 229.230 - Permit to move building across road.
Section 229.240 - Application for permit.
Section 229.250 - Notice to cut or remove poles or wires.
Section 229.260 - Removal of lines or poles, when — costs assessed, how.
Section 229.270 - Fee for permit.
Section 229.280 - Violation defined.
Section 229.310 - Application for special use permit.
Section 229.320 - County engineers to prescribe rules and regulations — bond.
Section 229.330 - Restoration of premises used.
Section 229.340 - Fee may be required.
Section 229.350 - Necessary alterations — notice.
Section 229.380 - Overseer's complaint as to grade crossings.
Section 229.390 - Notice to be in writing — service.
Section 229.400 - County commission to act upon report of surveyor.
Section 229.410 - Railroad company failing to make change, circuit court to enforce orders.
Section 229.420 - Temporary abandonment of public road to permit mining.
Section 229.450 - Sections applicable to certain counties — conflicting laws repealed.
Section 229.479 - Sale of plants or plant parts collected from highways or roadways, penalty.