Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 219 - Youth Services
Section 219.086 - Transfer of child to another state, when — expense of transfer, how paid.

Effective - 28 Aug 1975
219.086. Transfer of child to another state, when — expense of transfer, how paid. — Whenever it shall appear to the division that plans for the rehabilitation of any child committed to it have been made by an appropriate agency of another state, the division may with the written approval of the director of the department and the child's parents deliver the child to the appropriate agency of such other state and authorize the payment of expenses incurred in connection with sending the child to such state.
(L. 1975 S.B. 170 § 17)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XIII - Correctional and Penal Institutions

Chapter 219 - Youth Services

Section 219.011 - Definitions.

Section 219.016 - Responsibilities of division of youth services — rules, procedure.

Section 219.021 - Child may be committed to division, when — notice to court of release to aftercare supervision, contents, formal objections may be made, when — division to operate and maintain facilities and programs — day release authorized — paym...

Section 219.023 - Youth services products fund created for supplies of materials used in making products sold by youth in custody of division of youth services.

Section 219.026 - Release on aftercare supervision authorized — procedures authorized when child violates conditions of release — termination of supervision, when.

Section 219.031 - Director of division, how appointed, compensation and expenses.

Section 219.036 - Employment of division personnel — merit system — annual report — master plan — written policy required — director of division to be agent of state to deal with federal government.

Section 219.041 - Incentive subsidy program authorized — advisory committee, how appointed — juvenile judge to submit report, contents of — inspections by director — notice of noncompliance, how given — county to select services, costs, how paid.

Section 219.046 - Board — number, qualifications, terms, oaths, duties.

Section 219.048 - Board and commission members may contribute per diem or expenses for services to the youth services treatment fund — fund established — procedure to contribute.

Section 219.051 - Right of petition — duty of director on receipt of petition.

Section 219.056 - Health care standards to be established by department of health and senior services — educational standards to be established by department of elementary and secondary education.

Section 219.061 - Aiding runaway, penalty — peace officers, duty of — records confidential, exceptions, penalty for divulging — division may sue for damages.

Section 219.066 - Medical and dental treatment authorized, when.

Section 219.071 - Children to be segregated from criminals.

Section 219.076 - Children, how transported, transportation expenses, how paid.

Section 219.081 - Division may be relieved of custody, when, procedure.

Section 219.086 - Transfer of child to another state, when — expense of transfer, how paid.

Section 219.091 - Community work program — design and approval of work projects — custody, contract of offenders — eligibility — staff — rules, procedure — vocational training.

Section 219.095 - DYS trust fund created, purpose — DYS child benefits fund created, use of moneys.

Section 219.096 - Grant by department of social services of division of youth services facilities — notification to commissioner of administration — fee — terms of the lease.