Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 21 - General Assembly
Section 21.795 - Joint committee on transportation oversight, members, quorum — report, when, contents — meetings, examination of reports, records required to be submitted.

Effective - 28 Aug 2018, 3 histories
21.795. Joint committee on transportation oversight, members, quorum — report, when, contents — meetings, examination of reports, records required to be submitted. — 1. There is established a permanent joint committee of the general assembly to be known as the "Joint Committee on Transportation Oversight" to be composed of seven members of the standing transportation committees of both the senate and the house of representatives and three nonvoting ex officio members. Of the fourteen members to be appointed to the joint committee, the seven senate members of the joint committee shall be appointed by the president pro tem of the senate and minority leader of the senate and the seven house members shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and the minority floor leader of the house of representatives. The seven senate members shall be composed, as nearly as may be, of majority and minority party members in the same proportion as the number of majority and minority party members in the senate bears to the total membership of the senate. No major party shall be represented by more than four members from the house of representatives. The ex officio members shall be the state auditor, the director of the oversight division of the committee on legislative research, and the commissioner of the office of administration or the designee of such auditor, director or commissioner. The joint committee shall be chaired jointly by both chairs of the senate and house transportation committees. A majority of the committee shall constitute a quorum, but the concurrence of a majority of the members, other than the ex officio members, shall be required for the determination of any matter within the committee's duties.
2. The department of transportation shall submit a written report prior to December thirty-first of each year to the governor and the lieutenant governor. The report shall be posted to the department's internet website so that general assembly members may elect to access a copy of the report electronically. The written report shall contain the following:
(1) A comprehensive financial report of all funds for the preceding state fiscal year which shall include a report by independent certified public accountants, selected by the commissioner of the office of administration, attesting that the financial statements present fairly the financial position of the department in conformity with generally accepted government accounting principles;
(2) A copy of the department's most current and annual publication titled "Citizen's Guide to Transportation Funding in Missouri";
(3) A copy of the department's most current and annual publication titled "Financial Snapshot - An appendix to the Citizen's Guide to Transportation Funding in Missouri";
(4) A copy of the department's most current and annual publication titled "MoDOT Results: Accountability. Innovation. Efficiency.".
3. Prior to February fifteenth of each year, the committee shall hold an annual meeting and call before its members, officials or employees of the state highways and transportation commission or department of transportation, as determined by the committee, for the sole purpose of receiving and examining the report required pursuant to subsection 2 of this section. The committee shall not have the power to modify projects or priorities of the state highways and transportation commission or department of transportation. The committee may make recommendations to the state highways and transportation commission or the department of transportation. Disposition of those recommendations shall be reported by the commission or the department to the joint committee on transportation oversight.
4. In addition to the annual meeting required by subsection 3 of this section, the committee shall meet two times each year. The co-chairs of the committee shall establish an agenda for each meeting that may include, but not be limited to, the following items to be discussed with the committee members throughout the year during the scheduled meeting:
(1) Presentation of a prioritized plan for all modes of transportation;
(2) Discussion of department efficiencies and expenditure of cost-savings within the department;
(3) Presentation of a status report on department of transportation revenues and expenditures, including a detailed summary of projects funded by new state revenue as provided in paragraph (a)* of subdivision (1) of subsection 2 of this section; and
(4) Implementation of any actions as may be deemed necessary by the committee as authorized by law. The co-chairs of the committee may call special meetings of the committee with ten days' notice to the members of the committee, the director of the department of transportation, and the department of transportation.
5. The committee shall also review all applications for the development of specialty plates submitted to it by the department of revenue. The committee shall approve such application by a majority vote. The committee shall approve any application unless the committee receives:
(1) A signed petition from five house members or two senators that they are opposed to the approval of the proposed license plate and the reason for such opposition;
(2) Notification that the organization seeking authorization to establish a new specialty license plate has not met all the requirements of section 301.3150;
(3) A proposed new specialty license plate containing objectionable language or design;
(4) A proposed license plate not meeting the requirements of any reason promulgated by rule.
­­The committee shall notify the director of the department of revenue upon approval or denial of an application for the development of a specialty plate.
6. The committee shall submit records of its meetings to the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house of representatives in accordance with sections 610.020 and 610.023.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1681 & 1342 merged with S.B. 883, A.L. 2003 H.B. 668, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1233, et al., A.L. 2009 H.B. 683 merged with H.B. 752, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1402, A.L. 2018 S.B. 881)
*Paragraph (a) was repealed by S.B. 881, 2018.
(2009) Messages on specialty license plates communicate private, not government, speech; specialty plate program allows the State to engage in viewpoint discrimination and thus violates the First Amendment. Roach v. Stouffer, 560 F.3d 860 (8th Cir.).

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title III - Legislative Branch

Chapter 21 - General Assembly

Section 21.010 - Meeting of the general assembly.

Section 21.020 - Joint meeting of senate and house, where held.

Section 21.030 - What officer shall preside — contempt — rules.

Section 21.040 - Members of either house may be punished for contempt.

Section 21.050 - Presiding officer may order detention of person disturbing meeting.

Section 21.060 - Majority necessary to a choice in elections.

Section 21.070 - Qualifications of senators.

Section 21.080 - Qualifications of representatives.

Section 21.090 - Vacancy, how filled.

Section 21.110 - Governor shall issue writs of election, when.

Section 21.120 - Writs of election, how directed.

Section 21.130 - Duty of election authority on receipt of writ.

Section 21.140 - Compensation of members — additional compensation of officers — mileage allowance.

Section 21.145 - Member's daily expense allowance — when paid.

Section 21.150 - Legislative employees — compensation, how set — rejection of rates by legislature, effect of.

Section 21.155 - Legislative employees, number, how determined.

Section 21.160 - Legislative furniture and equipment, how inventoried — employment of custodians authorized.

Section 21.170 - Expense of serving process — witnesses' fees.

Section 21.180 - No allowance, except per diem.

Section 21.183 - Freshman tour of state institutions by newly elected members — expenses.

Section 21.187 - Freshman tour, attendance of members at legislative conference for new members — expenses, how paid.

Section 21.200 - Expenses of visiting committees.

Section 21.210 - Allowance of accounts.

Section 21.220 - Expenses paid out of what fund.

Section 21.230 - Contingent expenses, how controlled.

Section 21.232 - Printing, other services for house of representatives — costs how paid — disposition of balance.

Section 21.235 - Printing, other services for the senate — costs how paid — disposition of balance.

Section 21.240 - Joint expenses, how controlled.

Section 21.250 - Statutes, how authenticated when passed over veto, effective, when.

Section 21.260 - Appropriations to be itemized.

Section 21.270 - Governor to return bills when general assembly recesses for more than fifteen and less than thirty days.

Section 21.280 - Local laws, how passed.

Section 21.290 - Notice.

Section 21.300 - By whom signed, where published.

Section 21.310 - Proof of publication.

Section 21.320 - Notice to be attached to bill.

Section 21.330 - Mechanical roll call for house authorized.

Section 21.340 - Requirements for mechanical roll call.

Section 21.350 - Visual record board required.

Section 21.360 - Voting for another member — penalty.

Section 21.370 - Oaths, by whom administered.

Section 21.380 - Depositions.

Section 21.390 - Presiding officer may issue commission to take depositions.

Section 21.400 - Subpoenas shall be issued — attested, how.

Section 21.410 - Writs and process may be issued.

Section 21.420 - Lobbyists not to go upon the floor of the house or senate — penalty.

Section 21.430 - Disturbance of committee, how punished.

Section 21.487 - Public institutions of higher education funding formula, joint committee to develop and implement.

Section 21.505 - Reimbursement of political subdivisions for loss of tax on certain goods, how computed — duties of director of revenue and of state tax commission.

Section 21.520 - Reports of receipts and expenditures required, when, to whom — restrictions on certain expenditures.

Section 21.525 - Institutions of higher education to report.

Section 21.527 - Contracts or leases of facilities by state agencies or state institutions of higher education to be first approved by general assembly.

Section 21.550 - Definition.

Section 21.553 - Joint committee on public retirement established — membership — terms.

Section 21.555 - Meeting of committee — quorum — officers, qualifications, expenses and per diem.

Section 21.557 - Personnel and actuarial assistance authorized — compensation, how paid.

Section 21.559 - Powers and duties of joint committee.

Section 21.561 - Retirement systems, state and local to cooperate.

Section 21.562 - Cost-of-living increases in pension benefits or other increases in payments beyond prior year, notice of to committee, when — evidence of actuarial soundness, when.

Section 21.563 - Report, contents — submitted when.

Section 21.600 - Definitions.

Section 21.605 - Senate bills, how filed — immediate printing — what rules apply.

Section 21.610 - House bills, how filed — immediate printing — what rules apply.

Section 21.615 - Automatic introduction of filed bills.

Section 21.620 - Expenses, how paid.

Section 21.750 - Firearms legislation preemption by general assembly, exceptions — limitation on civil recovery against firearms or ammunitions manufacturers, when, exception.

Section 21.771 - Joint committee established, members, duties, meetings — expiration date.

Section 21.782 - Joint committee on eating disorders established, members, duties, report.

Section 21.790 - Task force established, members — duties — report.

Section 21.795 - Joint committee on transportation oversight, members, quorum — report, when, contents — meetings, examination of reports, records required to be submitted.

Section 21.805 - Joint committee on the life sciences established, members, appointment, duties, meetings, report.

Section 21.810 - Joint committee on tax policy established, members, appointment, duties.

Section 21.820 - Joint committee on government accountability established, members, duties, meetings, staff, report.

Section 21.851 - Joint committee established, members, duties — report — expiration date.

Section 21.880 - Joint committee established, members, meetings, duties, report — permanent subcommittee on the Missouri criminal code — staff assistance — compensation.

Section 21.900 - Committee established, members, appointment, meetings — research, report — dissolution of committee, when.

Section 21.915 - Joint committee on rural economic development — members — duties — report.

Section 21.930 - Fund created, certain general revenue collections to be deposited, use of moneys — certain refunds to be paid in full, when.