Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 206 - Hospital District Law
Section 206.070 - Form of ballot.

Effective - 28 Aug 1984
206.070. Form of ballot. — The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:
Shall there be organized in the counties of ______, state of Missouri, a hospital district for the establishment and operation of a hospital to be located at* ______ in ______ County, Missouri, and having the power to impose a property tax not to exceed the annual rate of fifty cents on the hundred dollars assessed valuation without voter approval, and such additional tax as may be approved hereafter by vote thereon to be known as "______ Hospital District", as prayed for by petition filed with the county clerk of ______ County, Missouri, on the ______ day of ______, 20______?
(L. 1961 p. 524 § 8, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1984 S.B. 576)
*Word "at" does not appear in original rolls.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XII - Public Health and Welfare

Chapter 206 - Hospital District Law

Section 206.010 - District created, how — territory included — name — powers.

Section 206.020 - Petition of voters for district, where filed, contents.

Section 206.030 - Notice of hearing on petition — costs of notice.

Section 206.040 - Procedure where several petitions filed — amendments.

Section 206.050 - If petition sufficient county commission to order election.

Section 206.060 - Notice of election — tax levy, maximum tax rate — publication of board's plans required, when.

Section 206.070 - Form of ballot.

Section 206.080 - Results of election to be entered in county records.

Section 206.090 - Election districts — election of directors — terms, qualifications, vacancies, declaration of candidacy — no election, when — abolishing election districts, procedure — election of directors at large.

Section 206.100 - Powers of board of directors — first meeting — officers — bylaws — time for meetings.

Section 206.105 - Bylaws of board of trustees, contents — applications to practice, contents.

Section 206.110 - Powers of hospital district.

Section 206.120 - Indebtedness for hospital — election — form of ballot — defeat of proposal, effect — limits — annual tax.

Section 206.122 - Revenue bonds authorized, when.

Section 206.124 - Revenue bonds not an indebtedness of the issuing authority.

Section 206.126 - Revenue bonds, form of, interest rate — to be negotiable instruments.

Section 206.128 - Board of directors to prescribe form, make necessary covenants, restrictions — bondholders, remedies of — revenue bonds not to be exclusive method of financing.

Section 206.130 - Annexation of territory to district — election — form of ballot.

Section 206.140 - Records of district — officers and employees to give bond.

Section 206.150 - Board as trustee may accept and hold property donated — duties.

Section 206.157 - Excess property, sale of authorized — procedure — proceeds, how used.

Section 206.160 - Citation of law.