Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 196 - Food, Drugs and Tobacco
Section 196.1023 - Certification, compliance with tobacco master settlement agreement required — directory listing.

Effective - 07 Jul 2010
196.1023. Certification, compliance with tobacco master settlement agreement required — directory listing. — 1. Every tobacco product manufacturer whose cigarettes are sold in this state, whether directly or through a distributor, retailer, or similar intermediary or intermediaries, shall execute and deliver on a form prescribed by the director a certification to the director no later than the thirtieth day of April each year certifying, under penalty of perjury, that as of the date of such certification such tobacco product manufacturer is a participating manufacturer or is in full compliance with section 196.1003.
(1) A participating manufacturer shall include in its certification a list of its brand families. The participating manufacturer shall update such list thirty calendar days prior to any addition to or modification of its brand families by executing and delivering a supplemental certification to the director.
(2) A nonparticipating manufacturer shall include in its certification:
(a) A list of all of its brand families and the number of units sold for each brand family that were sold in the state during the preceding calendar year;
(b) A list of all of its brand families that have been sold in the state at any time during the current calendar year, which shall indicate, by an asterisk, any brand family sold in the state during the preceding calendar year that is no longer being sold in the state as of the date of such certification; and
(c) The name and address of any other manufacturer of such brand families in the preceding or current calendar year.
­­The nonparticipating manufacturer shall update such list thirty calendar days prior to any addition to or modification of its brand families by executing and delivering a supplemental certification to the director.
(3) For a nonparticipating manufacturer, such certification shall further certify:
(a) That such nonparticipating manufacturer is registered to do business in the state or has appointed a resident agent for service of process and provided notice thereof as required in this subsection;
(b) That such nonparticipating manufacturer has established, and continues to maintain, a qualified escrow fund and has executed a qualified escrow agreement, governing the qualified escrow fund, which has been reviewed and approved by the director;
(c) That such nonparticipating manufacturer is in full compliance with sections 196.1003 and 196.1020 to 196.1035 and any rules promulgated thereunder;
(d) The name, address, and telephone number of the financial institution where the nonparticipating manufacturer has established such qualified escrow fund required under section 196.1003 and all rules promulgated thereunder;
(e) The account number of such qualified escrow fund and any subaccount number for the state;
(f) The amount such nonparticipating manufacturer placed in such fund for cigarettes sold in the state during the preceding calendar year;
(g) The date and amount of each such deposit, and such evidence or verification as may be deemed necessary by the director to confirm the foregoing; and
(h) The amount and date of any withdrawal or transfer of funds the nonparticipating manufacturer made, at any time, from such fund or from any other qualified escrow fund into which it ever made escrow payments under section 196.1003 and all rules promulgated thereunder.
(4) A tobacco product manufacturer shall not include a brand family in its certification unless:
(a) In the case of a participating manufacturer, such participating manufacturer affirms that the brand family is deemed to be its cigarettes for purposes of calculating its payments under the master settlement agreement for the relevant year, in the volume and shares determined under the master settlement agreement; and
(b) In the case of a nonparticipating manufacturer, such nonparticipating manufacturer affirms that the brand family is deemed to be its cigarettes for purposes of section 196.1003.
­­Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting, or otherwise affecting, the state's right to maintain that a brand family constitutes cigarettes of a different tobacco product manufacturer for purposes of calculating payments under the master settlement agreement or for purposes of section 196.1003.
(5) Tobacco product manufacturers shall maintain all invoices and documentation of sales and other such information relied upon for such certification for a period of five years, unless otherwise required by law to maintain them for a greater period of time.
2. On or after January 1, 2011, the director shall issue, maintain, update when necessary but only on the first calendar day of each month, make available for public inspection and publish on its website a directory listing of all tobacco product manufacturers that have provided current and accurate certifications in compliance with the requirements of subsection 1 of this section and all brand families listed in such certifications, except:
(1) The director shall not include, or retain, in such directory the name or brand families of any nonparticipating manufacturer that fails to provide the required certification, or whose certification the director determines is not in compliance with subdivisions (2) and (3) of subsection 1 of this section, unless the director has determined that such violation has been cured to the satisfaction of the director;
(2) Neither a tobacco product manufacturer nor brand family shall be included, or retained, in the directory if the director concludes, in the case of a nonparticipating manufacturer that:
(a) Any escrow payment required under section 196.1003 for any period, for any brand family, whether or not listed by such nonparticipating manufacturer has not been fully paid into a qualified escrow fund governed by a qualified escrow agreement approved by the director; or
(b) Any outstanding final judgment, including interest thereon, for violations of section 196.1003 has not been fully satisfied for such brand family and such manufacturer;
(3) Every stamping agent shall provide, and update as necessary, an electronic mail address to the director for the purpose of receiving any notifications that may be required by sections 196.1020 to 196.1035.
3. (1) The directory issued and updated in subsection 2 of this section shall become effective immediately but only as it applies to tobacco product manufacturers, and it shall be unlawful for any tobacco wholesaler or retailer to purchase from any tobacco product manufacturer any cigarette or brand family not listed in the directory.
(2) The directory issued in subsection 2 of this section shall become effective on the first day of the month following the month in which said directory is published or updated as it applies to tobacco wholesalers, and on the fifteenth day of the month following the month in which said directory is published or updated as it applies to tobacco retailers in order to allow wholesalers and retailers sufficient time to sell their inventory.
(3) Unless otherwise permitted herein, it shall be unlawful for any person to:
(a) Affix a stamp to a package or other container of cigarettes of a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family not included in the directory; or
(b) Sell, offer, or possess for sale in this state, or import for personal consumption in this state, cigarettes of a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family not included in the directory.
(L. 2010 S.B. 884)
Effective 7-07-10

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XII - Public Health and Welfare

Chapter 196 - Food, Drugs and Tobacco

Section 196.010 - Definitions.

Section 196.015 - Certain acts prohibited.

Section 196.020 - Injunction will lie to restrain violations of section 196.015.

Section 196.025 - Punishment for violations, exceptions.

Section 196.030 - Agent of department of health and senior services shall tag, detain and embargo adulterated, tainted, or misbranded articles.

Section 196.035 - Duty of prosecuting attorney.

Section 196.040 - Department of health and senior services not required to report minor violations, when.

Section 196.045 - Authority for enforcement vested in department of health and senior services — rulemaking, procedure.

Section 196.050 - Not to prescribe more stringent regulations than prescribed by federal act.

Section 196.055 - Access to places in which food, drugs, devices or cosmetics are manufactured.

Section 196.056 - Charitable fund-raising events, nonprofit organization may prepare food in private home — notification to consumer — exceptions.

Section 196.060 - Carriers in interstate commerce shall permit access to records of shipments.

Section 196.065 - Publication of reports of judgments, decrees and court orders.

Section 196.070 - Food, when deemed adulterated — industrial hemp content, effect of.

Section 196.075 - Food, when deemed misbranded.

Section 196.080 - Permits governing manufacture, processing or packing of certain foods — suspension and reinstatement.

Section 196.085 - Use of poisonous or deleterious substances.

Section 196.090 - Sections 196.010 to 196.120 not applicable to animal food or garbage.

Section 196.095 - When drug or device adulterated.

Section 196.100 - When drug or device misbranded.

Section 196.105 - Provisions governing selling or delivering new drug.

Section 196.110 - When a cosmetic deemed adulterated.

Section 196.115 - When a cosmetic deemed misbranded.

Section 196.120 - Advertisement, when deemed false.

Section 196.150 - Sale of horse and mule meat prohibited except when labeled as such meat.

Section 196.155 - Penalty.

Section 196.160 - Lawful to sell goat meat, when.

Section 196.165 - Falsely representing food to be kosher prohibited, penalty — kosher defined.

Section 196.170 - Mixed flour to be branded.

Section 196.175 - Penalty.

Section 196.190 - To what places law applies.

Section 196.195 - Contents of places and utensils used must be protected.

Section 196.210 - Toilet rooms provided.

Section 196.220 - Not used for sleeping purposes.

Section 196.225 - Employees with communicable disease prohibited, where.

Section 196.230 - Abatement of violations by director.

Section 196.235 - Penalty.

Section 196.240 - Authorization by director to close health menace.

Section 196.245 - Order to specify what — revocation — reopening.

Section 196.250 - Construction of the word close.

Section 196.265 - Penalty for violation.

Section 196.271 - Food manufacturers or distributors may register.

Section 196.276 - Food delivery platform — definitions — certification or registration — limitations — agreements, requirements — violation, penalties.

Section 196.291 - Food sold at religious events or charitable functions exempt from food inspection laws and regulations, when.

Section 196.298 - Definitions — operation not deemed food service establishment, when — no state or local regulation.

Section 196.311 - Definitions.

Section 196.313 - License to sell eggs required — exceptions.

Section 196.316 - License requirements — applications — kinds of licenses — fees — posting.

Section 196.318 - Licensees to keep records.

Section 196.321 - Standards and grades to be fixed.

Section 196.323 - Kinds of eggs which may be sold.

Section 196.326 - Egg containers to be marked or labeled.

Section 196.328 - Containers not required to be marked, when.

Section 196.331 - Sign required on sale from bulk lots.

Section 196.333 - Markings in case of eggs from different species of fowl.

Section 196.336 - Advertisements of price to give size and quality.

Section 196.338 - Dealer to furnish retailer with invoice showing size and quality.

Section 196.341 - Processing plants kept clean — standards — inspection — rulemaking, procedure.

Section 196.343 - Inspection of business premises and records.

Section 196.346 - Stop-sale orders, effect — appeals.

Section 196.348 - Court may order seizure of eggs, when — condemnation.

Section 196.351 - License suspended or revoked, when, procedure — appeal.

Section 196.352 - Civil penalty authorized, when.

Section 196.354 - Duties of director of agriculture — rules and regulations.

Section 196.357 - Violations may be enjoined.

Section 196.361 - Violation a misdemeanor.

Section 196.450 - Definitions.

Section 196.455 - Annual license required.

Section 196.465 - Semiannual inspection of plants.

Section 196.470 - Form and expiration of license.

Section 196.475 - Gas masks, alarm bell, and illumination required.

Section 196.480 - Requirements before issuance of license.

Section 196.485 - Temperature requirements and record.

Section 196.490 - Food to be quick frozen before placed in locker.

Section 196.495 - Record of name and address of user.

Section 196.500 - Accurate and complete report of weight of food.

Section 196.505 - Designation of food not for human consumption.

Section 196.510 - Operator to have lien on property for rentals — furnish content insurance.

Section 196.515 - Revocation of license — enforcement.

Section 196.520 - Short title.

Section 196.525 - Definitions.

Section 196.527 - Purposes.

Section 196.530 - Standards to be maintained.

Section 196.540 - Administration by state milk board — rules, promulgation — exempt products.

Section 196.542 - Fees for licenses.

Section 196.545 - Unlawful sale of dairy products.

Section 196.550 - Grading of products — right to protest accuracy, procedure.

Section 196.555 - The state milk board's right of access.

Section 196.560 - Records of purchases and sales.

Section 196.565 - The state milk board may take samples.

Section 196.570 - Condemnation of illegal dairy products.

Section 196.575 - Unidentified products subject to seizure.

Section 196.580 - Confiscated products released to owner, when.

Section 196.585 - Inspection, interference prohibited.

Section 196.590 - Suspension or revocation of licenses.

Section 196.595 - Substandard products, sale or production prohibited.

Section 196.610 - Penalty for violation.

Section 196.612 - Contract with the United States Department of Agriculture to inspect plants and grade products.

Section 196.614 - State contracted manufacturing dairy plant inspection and grading fee fund — purpose — interest — unexpended balance, transfer to general revenue prohibited.

Section 196.695 - Filled milk defined.

Section 196.700 - Emulsified cream defined.

Section 196.705 - Fat or oil other than milk fat prohibited.

Section 196.710 - Emulsified cream and filled milk prohibited.

Section 196.715 - Penalty for violation.

Section 196.735 - Labeling of cheese.

Section 196.740 - Labeling for shipments of skimmed milk.

Section 196.815 - Receptacles defined.

Section 196.820 - Receptacles kept clean.

Section 196.825 - Return of shipping containers.

Section 196.830 - Receptacle cleaned and returned to distributor.

Section 196.835 - Penalty.

Section 196.840 - Examination and tuberculin test of cattle, when.

Section 196.845 - Violation a misdemeanor.

Section 196.851 - Applicability — purpose of law.

Section 196.856 - Definitions of products subject to law.

Section 196.872 - Rules and regulations for minimum sanitation to be established, procedure.

Section 196.881 - Samples for analysis to be furnished the department of health and senior services, when.

Section 196.886 - Sale regulations — labeling.

Section 196.895 - Violation of law a misdemeanor.

Section 196.931 - Definitions.

Section 196.933 - Certain products exempted.

Section 196.935 - State milk inspection required on all graded fluid milk or milk products — pasteurization required, exception.

Section 196.937 - Penalty — violation by employee is violation by employer.

Section 196.939 - Rules and regulations — inspection by political subdivisions prohibited, exceptions — hearings, notice — rules, procedure.

Section 196.941 - State milk board, membership, qualifications, appointment.

Section 196.943 - Appointments, when made — authority to act, when — failure of senate to consent, effect of.

Section 196.945 - Inspection fee, payable when — hearing and notice before fee established.

Section 196.947 - State milk inspection fee fund created — funds, how expended, not to revert to general revenue.

Section 196.949 - State inspection of milk or milk products not required, when.

Section 196.951 - State milk board official rating agency — survey made, when, how.

Section 196.953 - Injunctive relief authorized.

Section 196.955 - Valid grade A milk permit holder may continue to sell grade A milk.

Section 196.957 - Only one inspection required.

Section 196.959 - Appeal from order or regulation of board, how taken.

Section 196.970 - Citation of law.

Section 196.973 - Definitions.

Section 196.976 - Prescription drug repository program established, criteria.

Section 196.979 - Donation of prescription drugs to the program, procedure — distribution to out-of-state charitable repositories, when.

Section 196.981 - Immunity from civil or criminal liability, when.

Section 196.984 - Administrative rules, authority to promulgate.

Section 196.990 - Epinephrine auto-injectors, authorized entities may stock supply — definitions — procedure — immunity from liability — applicability.

Section 196.1000 - Definitions.

Section 196.1003 - Requirements.

Section 196.1020 - Definitions.

Section 196.1023 - Certification, compliance with tobacco master settlement agreement required — directory listing.

Section 196.1026 - Nonresident or foreign nonparticipating manufacturers, requirements.

Section 196.1029 - Quarterly reports required, contents — disclosure to attorney general, when — escrow fund required, when — additional information may be required, when.

Section 196.1032 - Remedies for violations — distribution of cigarettes prohibited, when — violations, penalty.

Section 196.1035 - Judicial review of director's decision not to list — compliance agreement required — rulemaking authority — funds created.

Section 196.1050 - Opioid addiction treatment, any opioid-related settlement moneys to be used for — fund established.

Section 196.1100 - Trust fund established, purpose — reversion to general revenue prohibited.

Section 196.1103 - Board established — appointment, terms, qualifications, expenses, appointment to life sciences committee not to disqualify for membership on board.

Section 196.1106 - Centers to be established — definition — areas in which centers to be established — approval by board — screening committee appointed for each area — rules, powers and duties.

Section 196.1109 - Moneys appropriated from trust fund, purposes.

Section 196.1109 - Moneys appropriated from trust fund, purposes.

Section 196.1112 - Projects for centers to be determined by board, subject to peer review — distribution of funds, amounts authorized.

Section 196.1115 - Board's powers, duties and limitation on expenditures.

Section 196.1115 - Board's powers, duties and limitation on expenditures.

Section 196.1118 - Annual audit by state auditor or private accounting firm — audit available to public — every three years comprehensive report for governor and general assembly, content — audit and report not administrative expense.

Section 196.1121 - Reimbursement of costs allowed if four-part test met — institutions or organizations receiving grants or awards to retain title to all inventions, data and discoveries — rulemaking authority.

Section 196.1124 - Board members not to be employed by public or private entity receiving financial support from trust fund — conflict of interest guidelines to be developed.

Section 196.1127 - Appropriation to board subject to certain requirements.

Section 196.1130 - Rules to become effective, when.