Effective - 28 Aug 1945
180.060. Librarian to care for miscellaneous books, maps and charts. — The librarian shall cause all books, maps and charts now owned by the state, and such as may be hereafter acquired, to be appropriately arranged and kept in the rooms which are set apart for that purpose on the second floor of the supreme court building. He shall have the sole and entire control of said rooms, keep the keys of the same, and provide for the safekeeping of the books.
(RSMo 1939 § 14715, A.L. 1945 p. 1129)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 13415; 1919 § 7158; 1909 § 8154
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 180 - Supreme Court Library
Section 180.030 - Term of office of librarian and assistant.
Section 180.040 - Duty of librarian — secretary of state to deliver certain books and reports.
Section 180.050 - Books to be replaced.
Section 180.060 - Librarian to care for miscellaneous books, maps and charts.
Section 180.070 - Librarian may procure books.
Section 180.080 - Librarian may purchase, sell and exchange law books and reports.
Section 180.090 - Necessary expenses allowed.
Section 180.100 - Commissioner of administration to certify accounts.
Section 180.110 - Who may take books from library.
Section 180.120 - Supreme court library to exchange publications with other states.
Section 180.130 - Fees for certain services — expenditures of fee revenues.