Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 172 - State University — University of Missouri
Section 172.020 - Corporate name — powers of curators — restrictions on dealings in real property, timber or minerals, rules — notice.

Effective - 28 Aug 2021, 2 histories
172.020. Corporate name — powers of curators — restrictions on dealings in real property, timber or minerals, rules — notice. — Pursuant to Sections 9(a) and 9(b) of Article IX of the Missouri Constitution, the state university is hereby incorporated and created as a body politic and shall be known by the name of "The Curators of the University of Missouri", and by that name shall have perpetual succession, power to sue and be sued, complain and defend in all courts; to make and use a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure; to take, purchase and to sell, convey and otherwise dispose of lands and chattels, except that the curators shall not have the power to subdivide, sell or convey title to any portion of any parcel of land containing in excess of twenty-five hundred contiguous acres unless such transaction is approved by the general assembly by passage of a concurrent resolution signed by the governor. The curators shall not sell, trade or otherwise convey or permit the severance of timber, minerals or other natural resources, unless the curators comply with bidding procedures established by rule that mandate notice of the transaction be provided in a manner reasonably calculated to apprise prospective purchasers. Such rule or rules must at a minimum require at least one notice of the transaction be published in a newspaper of general circulation where the resources are located. The curators may act as trustee in all cases in which there be a gift of property or property left by will to the university or for its benefit or for the benefit of students of the university; to condemn an appropriate real estate or other property, or any interest therein, for any public purpose within the scope of its organization, in the same manner and with like effect as is provided in chapter 523 relating to the appropriation and valuation of lands taken for telegraph, telephone, gravel and plank or railroad purposes; provided, that if the curators so elect, no assessment of damages or compensation under this law shall be payable and no execution shall issue before the expiration of sixty days after the adjournment of the next regular session of the legislature held after such assessment is made, but the same shall bear interest at the rate of six percent per annum from its date until paid; and provided further, that the curators may, at any time, elect to abandon the proposed appropriation of property by an instrument of writing to that effect, to be filed with the clerk of the court and entered on the minutes of the court, and as to so much as is thus abandoned, the assessment of damages or compensation shall be void.
(RSMo 1939 § 10783, A.L. 1977 S.B. 47, A.L. 1998 S.B. 897, A.L. 2005 S.B. 98, A.L. 2021 H.B. 297)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 9626; 1919 § 11523; 1909 § 11097

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XI - Education and Libraries

Chapter 172 - State University — University of Missouri

Section 172.010 - University established — how governed.

Section 172.020 - Corporate name — powers of curators — restrictions on dealings in real property, timber or minerals, rules — notice.

Section 172.030 - Curators, number of — how appointed.

Section 172.035 - Student representative to board of curators — appointment, powers, duties, limitations, qualifications, term, vacancy, removal from office — reimbursement of expenses — rotation of campuses.

Section 172.037 - Confidentiality — recusal — meeting closed to certain members, when.

Section 172.040 - Curators, term — compensation.

Section 172.050 - Vacancies, how filled.

Section 172.060 - Term of appointee to fill vacancy.

Section 172.070 - Attendance policy — vacancies by removal or other cause.

Section 172.080 - Oath of curators.

Section 172.090 - Officers of the board.

Section 172.100 - Board to prescribe own government.

Section 172.110 - Regular meetings of board.

Section 172.120 - Special meetings.

Section 172.130 - Adjourned meetings.

Section 172.140 - Quorum.

Section 172.150 - Who shall preside.

Section 172.160 - Duties of secretary.

Section 172.170 - Journal to be kept.

Section 172.180 - Records open to public.

Section 172.190 - Duty of treasurer — compensation.

Section 172.200 - Treasurer's bond.

Section 172.210 - Report to legislature.

Section 172.220 - Curators to report annually.

Section 172.230 - Executive board — executive committee of University of Missouri-Rolla — duties — compensation.

Section 172.250 - Curators to appropriate for annual expenses.

Section 172.260 - Curators to improve and protect property.

Section 172.270 - Property to be inventoried and appraised.

Section 172.273 - Research, development and office park projects established, when — procedure — curators' powers — real property exempt from zoning, ordinances and property tax — permits, licenses and certificates may be issued, when, application of...

Section 172.280 - Authority to confer degrees — only public research university and exclusive grantor of certain degrees.

Section 172.287 - Engineering colleges, program of grants established — purposes — amount insufficient for funding all grants reduced pro rata — expires, when.

Section 172.290 - Grants not to be diverted — reasonable portion may be used for administration.

Section 172.300 - Employment of faculty and employees — compensation, retirement, death and disability plans.

Section 172.310 - Relatives of curators not to be employed.

Section 172.320 - Bank depository selection by bid, policies and rules — conflict of interest, rules — employees interest in contracts with university, disclosure required — failure to disclose, effect — curators not to participate in board decisions...

Section 172.330 - Salaries to be paid monthly.

Section 172.340 - Salaries, when suspended.

Section 172.350 - University police officers — appointment — employment.

Section 172.355 - University police officers — oath — certificate — powers — training.

Section 172.360 - Students admissible — tuition and fees.

Section 172.370 - Students' right to present petitions.

Section 172.380 - President of board to make deed.

Section 172.390 - Board may sell land — president of board to execute deed.

Section 172.400 - Certain moneys to be paid to university treasurer.

Section 172.410 - To be invested, how.

Section 172.420 - Income to be invested — loaned to students.

Section 172.430 - College of agriculture and school of mines established.

Section 172.440 - Objects of these colleges.

Section 172.450 - Faculty.

Section 172.460 - Right to confer degrees.

Section 172.470 - Rights of students — military training endowment.

Section 172.480 - Chair of dairy husbandry established.

Section 172.490 - Duties of professor of dairy husbandry.

Section 172.493 - Delta Research Center to be established, functions — acquisitions of land.

Section 172.495 - Southwest Missouri agricultural research center established — functions — acquisition of land.

Section 172.500 - Course of study, University of Missouri-Rolla campus.

Section 172.560 - Missouri state military school.

Section 172.570 - Corps of cadets, how constituted.

Section 172.580 - Organization of cadets.

Section 172.590 - Government — officers.

Section 172.600 - Cadets responsible for property — to constitute guard.

Section 172.610 - Seminary fund created.

Section 172.611 - Consolidation of existing certificates — new certificates — amount — interest rates.

Section 172.612 - Cancellation of old certificates.

Section 172.630 - Board of curators to invest funds in certain bonds.

Section 172.640 - Purchase of bonds — approval and payment — securities deposited with treasurer.

Section 172.650 - Certificates to remain unconvertible — renewal certificates issued, when.

Section 172.651 - Proceeds of matured bonds to be reinvested.

Section 172.660 - State treasurer to be custodian of fund — accounts — report to general assembly.

Section 172.661 - Curators to keep account with treasurer — suits to recover money due.

Section 172.680 - Treasurer to stamp bonds — collect interest — seminary moneys fund created.

Section 172.720 - Disposition of income.

Section 172.730 - Disposition of funds collected under provisions of Morrill bill.

Section 172.740 - Use or transfer by curators of certain lands acquired by state for use of agricultural and mechanical college.

Section 172.743 - General traffic laws to apply to roads on university property.

Section 172.745 - University of Missouri curators may control vehicle traffic on roads or university property.

Section 172.747 - Board of curators to publish and distribute traffic regulations — speed limit signs to be posted.

Section 172.749 - Violation of university regulations to have effect of municipal violation — assessment of points, effect of.

Section 172.750 - Application of sections 172.743 to 172.749 limited to moving violations.

Section 172.775 - School of optometry authorized, agreements, conditions, costs, how paid.

Section 172.780 - St. Louis school of optometry authorized — student fees, how set — operating costs, how paid.

Section 172.790 - Definitions.

Section 172.792 - Specified disease processes or injuries, research funds awarded by board of curators, when, procedure.

Section 172.794 - Selection of award recipients, requirements.

Section 172.796 - Advisory board, members, terms.

Section 172.798 - Rulemaking authority, board of curators.

Section 172.800 - Definitions.

Section 172.801 - Research project funds, duties of board of curators — research projects, priorities and selection by advisory board, procedure — open to public.

Section 172.803 - Award of funds, requirements.

Section 172.805 - Advisory board members, qualifications — terms — appointment, dismissal, procedure — expenses.

Section 172.807 - Administration, duty of board — authority to promulgate necessary rules.

Section 172.810 - State cancer center, may be transferred to University of Missouri, how.

Section 172.812 - Transfer of property, moneys — curators authorized to accept gifts for cancer center.

Section 172.815 - Employees of center to be university employees, when — benefits, election by employee.

Section 172.817 - Disciplinary procedures, employees, university employment practices to apply.

Section 172.820 - Appropriations by general assembly, purpose.

Section 172.825 - Cancer center fund, institutional gift trust fund, transfer to university, when.

Section 172.830 - Patient discrimination prohibited — payment for services — nonresident treatment.

Section 172.850 - Missouri rehabilitation center may be transferred to University of Missouri, duties — tuberculosis testing lab, department's duties.

Section 172.852 - Missouri rehabilitation center property may be transferred to University of Missouri curators, powers and duties — Missouri rehabilitation center appropriations may be transferred to University of Missouri curators, duties and excep...

Section 172.854 - Missouri rehabilitation center employees may become University of Missouri employees, transfer of benefits — University of Missouri may be reimbursed — amount, how calculated.

Section 172.856 - Missouri rehabilitation center employees, powers and duties upon transfer to University of Missouri, inclusion in benefits and disciplinary programs.

Section 172.858 - Missouri rehabilitation center, appropriations from general revenue to University of Missouri for payment of patient's bills and support and maintenance of center.

Section 172.859 - University of Missouri not to discriminate in providing rehabilitation center services.

Section 172.875 - Organ transplant program, University of Missouri — Missouri kidney program to establish guidelines — administrative costs.

Section 172.950 - Confidentiality of donor records.