Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 148 - Taxation of Financial Institutions
Section 148.680 - Hearing procedure on disputed amount — appeal.

Effective - 25 May 1982
148.680. Hearing procedure on disputed amount — appeal. — In the event the tax due by the taxpayer shall not fairly represent the extent of the taxpayer's business in this state, the taxpayer may petition for or the director of revenue may require, in respect to any part of the taxpayer's business activity, if reasonable, an equitable allocation or apportionment of the taxpayer's income. In the event the director shall determine that the correct amount of the tax is greater than that computed by the taxpayer, he shall, upon such determination, notify the taxpayer thereof by mail and shall fix a time and a place for a hearing relative thereto not earlier than thirty days after the date of such determination. Upon such hearing the director shall make such order as may be lawful, but such taxpayer shall have the right of appeal from such order as provided by law.
(L. 1982 H.B. 949 & 1350)
Effective 5-25-82

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title X - Taxation and Revenue

Chapter 148 - Taxation of Financial Institutions

Section 148.010 - Title of law.

Section 148.020 - Definitions.

Section 148.030 - Banks subject to tax based on income — rate — credits.

Section 148.031 - Substitute bank franchise tax.

Section 148.040 - Definitions and computation of net and gross income.

Section 148.045 - Computation of deduction, taxpayer files consolidated return.

Section 148.050 - Returns, when filed.

Section 148.060 - Overpayment, underpayment of tax — failure to file, estimation of tax by director of revenue — notice of deficiency.

Section 148.062 - Franchise tax, administered how.

Section 148.064 - Ordering and limit reductions for certain credits — consolidated return — transfers of credits — effect of repeal of corporation franchise tax — pass through of tax credits by S corporation bank.

Section 148.065 - Intangible tax fund created — maintenance and investment of fund — distribution of interest income to counties.

Section 148.068 - Tax assessed, when, supplemental assessment.

Section 148.070 - Notice of deficiency, time limitations.

Section 148.072 - Interest, additions to tax, penalties, due when.

Section 148.074 - Overpayment of tax, director may credit against other tax liability, when.

Section 148.076 - Claims for refund, filed when, how — amount, limitations.

Section 148.080 - Taxes returned to counties — two percent to state — director to allocate.

Section 148.085 - Recording and depositing of tax receipts, how.

Section 148.090 - New banks, when taxed — tax, when due.

Section 148.095 - Banks operating more than one branch or office, returns, how filed — allocation of taxes, how — business outside state, effect of.

Section 148.097 - Taxpayer in other state taxable, when — apportionment of income, manner — property factor, defined — payroll factor, defined — deposits factor, defined.

Section 148.100 - Director to prescribe and publish rules and regulations — access to records.

Section 148.110 - Tax in lieu of other taxes.

Section 148.112 - Distribution of franchise tax credit for bank S corporation shareholders.

Section 148.120 - Title of law.

Section 148.130 - Definition of terms.

Section 148.140 - Credit institutions subject to annual tax — rate — credits.

Section 148.150 - Net income and gross income defined — how computed.

Section 148.160 - Returns, when filed — extension of time — interest.

Section 148.170 - Taxpayer with more than one office, returns of.

Section 148.180 - Tax due, when — credit for overpayment — penalty for nonpayment.

Section 148.190 - Notice to taxpayer of increase of tax — review of director's determination.

Section 148.200 - Director to prescribe necessary rules and regulations — access to records.

Section 148.210 - Credit institution subject to tax for year in which franchise is received.

Section 148.230 - Tax in lieu of certain other taxes.

Section 148.310 - Real and tangible personal property to be assessed and taxed under general laws.

Section 148.320 - Tax on premiums of domestic stock companies — rate — credits.

Section 148.330 - Returns, assessment of tax, procedure — notice to company — taxes, how paid — suspension of delinquents, apportionment of money — county, defined.

Section 148.340 - Tax on premiums of foreign companies.

Section 148.350 - Returns, assessment of tax, procedure — notice to company — taxes, how paid — suspension of delinquents — disposition of money.

Section 148.360 - County foreign insurance tax money distributed to school districts.

Section 148.370 - Insurance companies, tax on premiums — rate — credit.

Section 148.375 - Delinquent taxes, interest, rate.

Section 148.376 - Extended Missouri mutual insurance companies, premiums — tax — rate — payable when — delinquencies, distribution.

Section 148.380 - Returns, assessment of tax, procedure — notice to company — taxes, how paid — suspension of delinquents — disposition of money.

Section 148.390 - Deductions allowed on premium receipts.

Section 148.400 - Deductions allowed insurance companies.

Section 148.410 - Director to assess tax where no return made.

Section 148.420 - Director of revenue to collect annual tax when company withdraws from Missouri or fails to pay tax.

Section 148.430 - Director of revenue may sue for taxes when company withdraws or is suspended.

Section 148.440 - Occupation tax in certain cities.

Section 148.450 - Notices, how given.

Section 148.460 - Penalties for violations by agents.

Section 148.461 - Quarterly installments to be paid as assessed by director, when — overpayment of taxes, credit.

Section 148.540 - Association and members, levy and collection — exclusiveness of tax.

Section 148.541 - Delinquent taxes, interest.

Section 148.610 - Definitions.

Section 148.620 - Annual tax on net income, rate — credits allowed, exceptions.

Section 148.630 - Net income and gross income defined — deductions authorized — net income computation — business activity taxable in another state, apportionment, manner — property factor defined — payroll factor defined — receivables factor defined...

Section 148.640 - Return filed when — extension of time granted when — interest due on late filing, rate.

Section 148.650 - Payment of tax due when — excess payment, credit allowed — delinquent, interest charged.

Section 148.655 - Tax credit allowed for S corporation shareholders of associations, amount.

Section 148.657 - Tax credit allowed for S corporation shareholders of credit institutions, amount.

Section 148.660 - Deposit of taxes, director of revenue's duties — funds established — investment of funds — distribution of interest to counties, computation.

Section 148.670 - Taxes returned to county where taxpayer has office — state collection fee — branch offices, distribution — offices outside state, exclusion.

Section 148.680 - Hearing procedure on disputed amount — appeal.

Section 148.690 - First taxable year, when, how computed.

Section 148.700 - Rules and regulations, authority to promulgate, procedure — taxpayer's reports subject to inspection, confidentiality requirement.

Section 148.710 - Violations, penalties.

Section 148.720 - Corporate income tax reduction, when.