Effective - 28 Aug 2019
127.010. Definitions. — For purposes of this chapter, the following terms and phrases shall mean:
(1) "Demographer" or "nonpartisan state demographer", the nonpartisan state demographer appointed pursuant to Article III, Section 3 of the Missouri Constitution;
(2) "Interested party", any lobbyist, lobbyist principal, paid political consultant, state representative, state senator, or a spouse, dependent child, employee, or staff member of any such person or any organization having the primary or incidental purpose of influencing the redistricting process;
(3) "Lobbyist", shall have the same meaning as in section 105.470;
(4) "Lobbyist principal", shall have the same meaning as in section 105.470;
(5) "Redistricting process", the process of preparing and drawing state legislative districts pursuant to Article III of the Missouri Constitution;
(6) "Redistricting public comment portal", the website established pursuant to section 127.030 for the purpose of allowing the nonpartisan state demographer to publicly receive comments, records, documents, maps, data files, communication, or information of any kind relating to the redistricting process;
(7) "Redistricting records", any comments, records, documents, maps, or information of any kind received by the demographer from a person or entity that is not the demographer and any comments, records, documents, maps, data files, communication, or information created by the demographer during the term of the demographer as part of the redistricting process.
(L. 2019 S.B. 213)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes